Hi everyone,
I am at the "very" first stage of lap band... thinking about it and doing some preliminary research, although the sites I have visited do offer me some great answers to my questions, I figure I would post the questions out there to all of you who have had the surgery as I am looking for some HONEST feedback.
I live in Canada where the surgery is not covered therefore it will be an investment of $16,000.00 therefore I want to make sure it’s money well spent. I have read a ton in regards to post and pre op (liquid diet, surgury side effects) however I was wondering if there are any physical side effects down the road… what I am questioning is the following:
· Since you are eating so little is there enough nutrition going through your body to ensure you are relatively healthy? (are vitamins required, I have heard of hair loss?)
· If you drink water does that fill you up similar to food or does it pass through you?
· Anyone have excess skin or have they found with continued exercise that this is not that big of a problem?
· Can you feel the band does it interfere with another aspect of your lives?
· Does the gas subside or is it a constant side effect?
Anyways, I am sure I will have more questions to ask as I struggle with my decision but any feedback would be great GOOD AND BAD!
Talk soon