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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LoZZa84

  1. Hi guys I'm day 2 post op (banded on 25/6) and just wondering if u have any ideas of what to drink as I'm absolutely starving. Was fine yesterday with water & a small amount of apple juice, but feel like I need a bit more today. Help plz....
  2. LoZZa84

    My Intro

    Hi jemama I was banded on the 25/6 as well but in Australia. I have been having quite a bit of pain as well but mostly in my shoulder. I'm finding that my heat pack is helping a great deal with this and have had it on almost constantly. With my abdo pain I was discharged with panadeine forte (don't know if you call it the same over there) which has been helping alot. Can't take too much thought as it can cause constipation which is not the best scenario. Hopefully you will feel better soon and good luck...
  3. Hi all I was just banded 12hrs ago! So I'm wide awake at 2:40am (australian time) and thought this would be a welcome distraction. Am experiencing quite alot of pain in my left shoulder and only slight discomfort in my abdo area when I move. Have been experiencing severe heartburn and nausea which gets better with medication. So as I stated before, extremely new to this, still in hospital and just wondering if some of you could share some of your early experiences. Thanks.
  4. LoZZa84

    New To This

    Thanx lassie, just had my barium swallow & waiting for my doctor to give me the all clear to go home!!! The pain in my shoulder is a little better today but still very much there!!! I hope it goes away soon as you stated. Hopefully things will start to improve from here on but I still have no regrets (yet lol). Anyway good luck with your first fill & I will be looking forward to mine in a few weeks.

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