I started out at 320lbs I'm 5'11 I really had no issues getting my band or health issues with the band installed it was progressive really I would loss 5-15lbs in between fills then get a fill when I would hit a slowing point once I got down to 236lbs I enrolled in a excercise program a friend told me about called Hardcore Fitness Bootcamp ,if anybody is located in Santa clarita ca look them up.Since starting my 6 month tour I have drop down to 207lbs however I no longer keep my eye on how much weight I lose however how much body fat I drop, when I started I was at 36% I am currently at 18.4% I also went from 12cc in my band to 5cc 1month ago.i have taken control of my health and weight and mentally I can not be stopped.Anybody who is scared or doubting the band let me motivate you use it as the first step to change your life do not take it as a miracle.My name is Benjamin Ohanian I am a success story of the Lapband