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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bornagain0619

  1. bornagain0619

    Anxiety After Surgery?

    You should make broths and sip on those. My mom added boneless chicken , onions, garlic, squash and salt then she blended and strained it for me. Deelish and full of protein and flavor. I was banded on the 19th of June. It was my very first time even getting an IV so go figure. On the first night I was home I could not even sit up and found such pleasure to slowly watch the progress. But like our other fellow banders mentioned....... There's light at the end of the tunnel. I know that while I'm still feeling some discomfort because of a hiatal hernia discovered and repaired on this same day, each day I feel better and losing 40lbs since the pre op (9lbs lost) and after my surgery makes it totally worth it. Hang un there love.

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