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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Dizzy182

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/13/1983

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  1. Happy 29th Birthday Dizzy182!

  2. Dizzy182

    Big Fat Loser!!!

    yeah that is how it works, but it is how much each team loses.
  3. Dizzy182

    Dr. Zoe Deol

    Dr. Deol is the best. I really do not think I could have found a more supportive system. I have been away at school and she calls to check on me all the time. One cannoy really expect that much from such a busy doctor.
  4. Dizzy182

    OK all you lap band Detroiters!

    Hey Michelle! You are in my prayers and best of luck with tomorrow.
  5. Dizzy182

    Really Gross!!

    ha...my mom eats sardines with mayo or miracle whip. sorta of life how you would prepare tuna fish salad.
  6. Dizzy182

    Really Gross!!

    I miss tuna and salmon...they tend to be dry for me.
  7. I am so sorry to hear of your struggle. Keep your head up and have faith in everything that you ae doing for your health.
  8. Dizzy182

    Erosion & loss of restriction

    Yeah, I know what you are saying..I am 5'10. I have faith in you, you made this big move towards surgery and I know you will not lose track. Especially with such a supportive board behind you. At one point I thought I was eating just so much and was going to start gaining weight, but I had to put it into perspective. I was not eating as much as I used to...it was a bit more than what I ate when I first had the band done...but I was still on track. I say you try some healthy Snacks for those times. Air or stove popped popcorn (use olive oil), fruit, yogurt, animal crackers...just watch your portions
  9. Dizzy182

    Updated pics -80 lbs

    YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!!!! Congratz and good luck with your final goal...you are almost there
  10. Dizzy182


    GET IT GIRL!!!!
  11. Dizzy182

    Hi guys, insight again?

    I am sorry to hear that Tellie, but I know alot of us have had minor set backs. I am happy you are well and never ever ever be afraid to call your doctor when you have any concern. Good Luck:D
  12. Dizzy182

    Erosion & loss of restriction

    Just stay focused, once we get pass that fear stage when have a tendency to test the waters. A little extra eating every once in a while is not the end, but try not to do it often. Just always remember why you did it and what your goals are. Stay strong mama!
  13. Dizzy182

    More like a Re-Intro

    Thanx for the love you all. Debra, Just be relaxes she is a great surgent and I had no pain when it was over. I was a little sore, but that was about it. As far as after care, if you just listen to her you will be just fine. The most important thing for me was getting up and walking after surgery because my family has a history of blood clots. As far as fills, when i was getting hungry sooner I called Rebecca and she told me to try eating unfrosted shredded wheat after meals. Then she told me to watch my weight and if I had stopped losing she would call me in for an adjustment. No, I am working with Sharon for nutrition. She has taught me so much. My family followed my diet as well and have lost weight. She is a God send
  14. I joined awhile back, but school and everything else left with very little time to be active on the board. A bit about me... Location - East Lansing/Michigan State University Age - 20 ....don't really know what else, but feel free to ask me anything
  15. Dizzy182

    Need advice on exercise

    I would recommend making an appointment to see a trainer at least twice. The first time they will assess you and then you will discuss what you see as your problem areas and concerns. The next time they will teach you how to properly perform the exercises and this may help you alot.

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