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Posts posted by reignoftara

  1. It is tough, I was sleeved 8/7/12 and it is a new lifestyle that's for sure. It's a better one though, It takes some adjusting but I have dropped 20pnds and it helps me know that all this hard work will pay off. I think there is some food grieving going on but that's normal. I would do it again in a heartbeat!!!! Good luck It will be o.k.

  2. Wow, tis site has helped me with the support I have need throughout this process, My surgery is next tuesday in Mexico ( self-pay) it's a very hard road but I think it will be so worth it. My sister just had hers done through insurance and she has lost a whopping 64 pounds. I love this site my husband is not very supportive with my choice and the people here have made me feel reassurance that I'm making the right choice for me. Good luck and stay positive.

  3. DR.Garcia recommended that I have the RNY to prevent the reversal of my nissan. He said that as I loose weight my gerd symptoms will most likely go away. My surgery is 8/7/12 and I am going with the sleeve, I am completely against RNY as my sister had it done and had a few complications, plus dumping syndrome NO THANK YOU! He is only charging me an extra 500 to reverse it. I think the risk of not having the sleeve is worse then gerd symptoms that can be treated with some meds. Good luck.

  4. I picked my Doctor in Mexico, after lots of research I'm going with Dr. GARCIA in Tijuana. My surgery isn't until August but I feel more hopeful about my life and what's yet to come then I have in a very long time. I'm excited to start living. I used to be so active and can't wait to be able to move with ease again. I'm sure I'll get nervous as the day draws nearer. My husband does not agree with my decision to have this surgery which makes it hard because he is not excited at all and it's all I want to talk about. He says it's the easy way out (comming from a skinny man) I love him but he has never had to work a day in his life to be thin so I just chalk it up to ignorance on his part. So now I wait 3 long months.

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