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Michele Clower

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Michele Clower

  1. Michele Clower

    Anyone banded in phoenix area?

    I had lost 65lbs, but removed my fill for about 3 months and gained 25lbs back. I had been too tight and every meal was so painful. I started at 320 and now I am at 277. Depressed, needing to exercise and eat the right food and I know that I still need a small fill to be just right. How about you? How has your journey been. Michele in Mesa
  2. Michele Clower

    Anyone banded in phoenix area?

    Hi! I was banded April 2007 and I live in Mesa. I need a Mentor/Buddy. Michele 320/277/150
  3. Michele Clower

    Can I lose 116 lbs??

    Hi, Brandy! How did you lose so quickly? Your advice, please. Michele Banded 4-6-07 320/277/150
  4. Michele Clower

    April 2007 Banders - Plateaus

    HELP! I have a question. I was banded April 6, 2007 and I have lost 65lbs, BUT I really only lose when the band is so tight that I cannot eat and it hurts to drink, and I throw-up a lot. I got a slight unfill 0.5cc and now I have not lost for weeks. I can drink okay now, I can eat Cereal and milk with no problem, but it hurts to eat HEALTHY, i.e. chicken, eggs, lettuce, oatmeal, even Soup with carrots and beef. Do I need another unfill? or to be slapped for eating cereal for every meal??? HELP!
  5. Michele Clower

    Fleuro Fills in Arizona, anyone know where?

    Hi, Shauna! What is your secret to losing 73lbs already???? I was banded in Mexico on April 6th, 2007 and I am only down 40lbs. HELP!! Do your doctors take non-patients for fills?? Michele 320/273/160
  6. Michele Clower


    Hi! I was banded April 6, 2007 in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz. It was a great experience. I have had 2 fills and have lost 36lbs. I have a VG band and from what I have been reading I may need another fill to get over 6cc and find the "sweet spot". 320 (start) /283 (now) /150 (goal) I look forward to learning from others. ~Michele in Arizona:)

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