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About sexytee

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    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 03/08/1970

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  1. I will be 3 weeks post op tomorrow. In the beginning I had alot of energy it felt like and Now I find myself really really tired and my stomach is still sore.....It feels like it balls up in a knot and stays there sometimes it releases and than its back again....I was going back to work today but decided to take another week of and rest. I did drive a day or two and thats when I really started to feel tired and in pain.... Is this normal... Also I feel hungry alot but when I eat its not a full feeling its more like my chest is tight or full if that makes sense.... Just worried am I healing correctly and what Im experiencing is it normal or not.....Please share your thoughts or experiences with me!!!!! thanks in advance :-) BTW I have lost 19 pounds since post op(yayyyy) that makes me feel good when sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing or not
  2. Thanks for those ideas that sounds doable ? what is canned chicken?
  3. I am 2 weeks post op today and its time to start pureed foods...I just cant imagine eating food mashed up in a blender..the though of it makes me sick... I have been doing ok on liquid but am so tired of i..... i have lost 15 pounds but today when i weighed in the scale went up three pounds....Very discouraging... I want to know whats a good thing i can eat that doesnt require puree in a blender.... did anyone go from liquid to solids eating slowly and chewing it up til its mushy??? or can i just stick to the liquids and protein shakes for 2 more weeks until its time for solids?? I need help and as much options as i can get....Me and pureed isnt going to work plus im scared to increase to pureed cuz the scale may start to go in the wrong direction...up
  4. I will be sleeved tomorrow at 7:30 a,m. I have been so excited up until this point and now I scared. Wondering if I am going to be sick, will I really be depressed from the seperation of food. will I have alot of saggy skin, is it going to be painful.... I have told everyone I know and they say you dont need it. But I know in my heart and my misery I do.... I have shared with my boss from day one and she has been against it up until this morning saying I think you are making a big mistatke and you can do this on your own... They keep saying what if you dont lose etc.... I am reaching out friends for support and encouragement from you guys that I am doing the right thing and I am going to love it. and everything is going to be fine and Im going to look great (smile) Fear move out of my way :-)... I also which I could eat my favorite meal before tomorrow which is pizza....Hmmmmm did any one do that? Truth be told Im afraid of the new life Im about to enter wonder will I be able to adjust, handle it and love.... My family thnk not becaue they say my whole world is about eating and drinking with family and friends... my defense and outlook is well thats not a good thing and Im tired of it thats why I look and feel the way I do NOW!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hello everyone... I am currently 4 days away before becoming sleeved....i just found out that I had to pay a $250 hospital stay... It took my last lil money but I dont care because Im not letting nothing stop me....I thank God I had it to pay at the last minute... Anyway my dietician said to get unflavored protein shakes because my tastebuds are going to change... Is that true...Currently Im drinking one I like thats strawberry and kiwi flavored and I have quite a bit left... If my tastebuds arent going to go haywire than I can just have that and not worry about purchasing any more until my next payday :-) if it is than what flavor do you recommend?? Unflavored, chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, etc and what brand
  6. Thank you Nicole I wish ALL THE BEST too..... Also thanks for being my partner in being disobedient to the liquid diet :-) I have been doing lean meats and vegetables twice a day and have lost 10 pounds so hopefully everything will be in place to make everything successful.... I will keep you posted with my progress and I hope you do the same thing... Cheers to our new body and lives :-) Take care.... Oh yeah Im in a dilema as far as what shake to get for my 2 week pre op... Did your dietician recommend unflavored or what ever your drinking now to keep drinking?
  7. Thank you.... I will definitely keep you posted with my progress... Praying it all is successful...
  8. Thank you LOL....Yes Finally!!!!!!
  9. Hello just found out I had to pay $250 for my hospital stay... Our day is approaching quickly Im getting more and more excited...Im having a problem with deciding on a Protein shake... My dieticain recommend i get unflavored because my tate buds will be hyper sensitive... I dont have much money after paying the $250 today which mean I cant buy different things to add to it so Im confused...What are you planning on doing as far as protein for post op..... Good luck to our new lives :-)
  10. Thank you Alex :-)

  11. My Name is Tara and I will be getting my sleeve on Janaury 18, 2011. My surgeon is Dr. Singh and the surgery will be done @ St. Agnes Hospital..I have been wanting the WLS for years. I tried 5 years ago went thru everything and than was turned down becasue it was a clause in my insurance stating that members who worked for a small company 50 or less was not covered. Needless to say I was devistated... I contineud on with weight loss and was successful but as usual gained it back. I would lose 90 gain 100. loose 100 gain 120 a never ending vicious cycle... I thought qbout this surgery again in June after reaching my highest weight of 305.. I am literally miserable and unhappy with this weight not to mention knees and back stay in pain and Im always tired.... I started out getting the band...but as I was researching I saw alot of people said they had a revision and got the sleeve so I researched the sleeve and decided this is the surgery for me.... It was a stipulation on my ins. again stating I needed a 50 BMI or higher for it to cover.... I prayed and prayed and I was approved by BCBS for the sleeve with a 47 BMI and all I have to pay is my $30 copay...Yeayyy... I received the auth on 1/4/11 and now my surgery date is approaching fast.... Now that everything has been approved I have ran into people that say the Rouex en y is better. I dont know if I should change or not and I have to thursday to change... Im excited and nervous I want the surgery thats going to have the most lasting affects... Another thing Im worried about is the loose skin and having to get other plastic surgeries... None the less Im going with the surgery regardless because Im ready to change my life and everyone who post I have read on here say there are no regrets and matter of fact thats for whichever surgery..... is there any advice any one would like to give me I would really appreciatie it.... Also this liquid diet is killing me my dietician said I can have lean meat and non starchy vegetables twice a day along with 2 protein shakes if thats easier. I have lost 6.5 pounds since thursday so I hope thats a sign that my liver and stomach is shrinking... i dont want any complications....I look forward to making many new connections and friends on this sight....
  12. Welcome to VST forums sexytee :)

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