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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sylviau

  1. sylviau

    Pain Meds? And...

    They gave me oxicodone to take, but I didn't take any. I took Tylenol a few times but that's it.
  2. Have you been walking? Like a lot? You should try walking every 30 min or so. And gas x strips. All that helps
  3. Be grateful for what you CAN have!! I was 2 weeks liquid diet PRE op and 2 weeks liquid POST op ( I'm on week 1 of the post op) and my liquids have been and are only shakes, SF jello/pocicles, broth, water!! I've been doing it for 3 weeks now and have one more week... So I know it's hard...but you have to concentrate on what you can have and think that it's temporary! Besides...how many people can say they survived a month of liquids?! I CAN! It feels good to accomplish soemthig that seemed so impossible at the beginning! So look at what u have done and be proud of yourself!
  4. sylviau

    Naval Incision

    I have 5... Four little ones around the middle of my belly and the large one is across the top of my belly button...like almost inside.
  5. i got banded july 2, so i'm just a few days beyond you. the first few days were not fun and with pain, but you have to just truck on through it. take the meds your dr gave you... and walk walk walk! walking with help with the majority of the pain, as those pains are mostly the gasses in you trying to get out! take gas x strips, they have helped a lot too. emotionally has been the hardest part honestly, maybe even more than the pain, so i understand that you might have regrets. its completely normal! i think just about everyone that has been banded has felt that way! my 2nd day after banding (which is the day you are on) was the worst for me... i cried all day for no reason and for any little thing and i wondered what the heck i'd done! but... try to distract yourself... read through the success stories... all that will help. by the next day, i was ok. the pain does get better... just try to keep the end in mind... remember why you did this and think about what it will be like a month, a year from now! you'll look back and know this was worth it! will be praying for you! message me if you need encouragement! sylvia
  6. I'm in morning of day 6 of post op (banded this past monday 7/2) and I just woke up with a different type of pain near where band would be. It's like a sharp pain, like almost pulling pain when i turn. It's mostly on one side. It hurts a little now just laying, propped up a bit. It's not the gas pains I've been having. Is this normal? Anyone else have this? I had two sips of Water and it seems to have gone down. And also last night was first night I didn't sleep propped up, but just flat on back. I have this fear that the band slipped or something :-/
  7. I got up and it hurts when I stretch around the area. It's like to the left of my band area. It's probably just healing going on. :-/ it's not a nice pain. But I did have some shake already and everything has gone through ok. I did weigh myself and have lost 8 pounds, even with the swelling instill have lol had to add that
  8. Thanks guys! I have been following the diet exactly as dr says for fear of messing anything up. I'm a worry wort lol I also get bad hunger pains when I get up. It's just this was different pain and scared me a little. It's probably just healing. I'll see how the day goes. I fell back asleep and going to get up soon and see how it feels. Glad it's probably not the band slipping! I'm a worry wort, told you. Lol Thanks guys
  9. I found that being faithful to the Pre and post op liquid diet has really shown me how addicted to food I am! It was hard and I have gone through times of anxiety and crying because I can't eat something and I'm hungry! I have forced myself to be strong because I don't want complications with my band so I'm trying to follow everything my dr says. I think with the band, we stil have to tackle the issues of why we eat and still work on that! The band won't stop you from eating impulsively or emotionally or because you're addicted to food! You still have to be strong not to cheat. I know it's harder done than said. I struggle daily, but knowing and realizing my addiction has made it easier to say stop to myself and know that the impulse to eat something will go away eventually. It might be a few hours, but after those few hours, that food that seemed so important at the time, doesn't even matter anymore! Hang in there!!!
  10. sylviau


    I totally understand you in having always been heavy! Me too! I'm 32 now so it's been a little longer! I have tried so many diets and I lose some, just to gain it back and more usually! My highest weight was 297 (occasionally hitting over 300 when I ate a lot). I had surgery this past Monday, July 2 so I can't give you too much on success story yet. But you can find many of those here on these boards!! Theres a whole section of that! I had to do a strict Pre operation diet to prepare for the band and I lost 23 pounds during that time. It wasn't easy because I have an addiction to food that I was able to see during that time. But it's nice to see that it's possible! I've lost 2 more after surgery, though I'm sure it's more because I'm still swollen from surgery! Definately talk to your doctor about it, research some bariatric doctors near you and find one you like and go to an informational session...there u can learn all about the banding! Best of luck! Keep us updated! If you want, feel free to add me as a friend and send me a message!
  11. Sounds like ur doing great! Keep it up and u will lose those pounds in no time!
  12. sylviau

    1 Year Ago....

    You guys look amazing! Congrats!!
  13. Banded July 2... Feeling pretty good. Still have gas pains and this morning a new kind of pain near band area (made a new thread about that). Emotionally it was hard around day 3....I was a mess but it's been a lot better!
  14. I'm so angry! My brother told me today that my surgery was nothing serious and just in and out and no reason for him to have had to call to see how I was. And when I told him that I had gone through so much leading upto it and in this last week ( I'm 5 days post op) (for me especially emotionally), he said, well It was something you chose to do and knew what it would include! I feel so insulted that he said that! It has been such an emotional roller coaster for me and with so many horrible moments and painful, that it was just so hurtful to me he said that. My stomach has literally been hurting since! I have tons of other support from my parents and husband and other family members, but this just was really hurtful to me. Sorry, had to share... :-/
  15. sylviau

    Hi Marylanders!

    hey fellow marylanders... just wanted to say hi! i'm having my surgery on july 2... are you guys already in post op? where did you have it done and who was your doctor?? sylvia
  16. I'm 4 days post op and gas has gotten better after I started using gas x strips...try those. And lost of walking!!
  17. sylviau


    I got banded same day as you! And yesterday I was a mess!! Crying for no reason! My hubby and parents took me out for a ride in the car and tried distracting me. Today I woke up better and am Trying to keep distracted! So I totally know how you feel! So let's get through this! I hear it gets better in a few days! Just try leto stay distracted!
  18. sylviau

    Can I Cry Now....

    Gosh I thought I'd be ok today but while everyone is sitting eating burgers (something I've been craving for like 2 months!!) and other yummy food...I came to the livingroom. I can't stand it I know everyone is right, I have to think about a year from now and where I will be. And think how worth it will be. Sigh
  19. sylviau

    14 Hours Post-Op

    I'm 3 days post op and the gas pains have made me cry today! I felt better yesterday! Today I've felt a littl depressed...I think because of the pains. I'm trying to walk walk walk...hear that's the cure for the gasses. And gasx. Does anyone know if we can have more gasx than is recommended on box? It says no more than 4 in 24 hrs. I feel like taking more :-/ heating pad helps? I haven't have much pain elsewhere. Just at banding and shoulder because of gasses
  20. My starting weight was 297 and was down to 274 before surgery ( 3 days ago!). I'm 3 days post op now. I'm 5'5 and trying to get to 150 so I have over 100 to lose. I would actually be happy with 100 I think. I'm a huge emotional eater and addicted to food. I realized this during my Preop liquid diet for 2 weeks. I was faithful to it but I could tell when I most wanted to eat was only emotional and then I would go thru periods that I had anxiety because I couldn't eat something I was craving. It was horrible and hard at the time but I think it really helped me realize the extent of my disfuctional relationship with food! That's the first step toward knowing how to deal with it!
  21. sylviau

    Can I Cry Now....

    Yea I had several times especially during Pre op liquid that I felt the same way... But, it's just one day and there will always be more holidays and stuff! Just know that this Louis diet is temporary but also necessary for your operation and mentally! It will help for post op!! I am on day three post op and already used to the liquid diet so it's helped so much!
  22. I'm 20 hours out! Im home and feeling pretty good considering I just had surgery! Everything went smoothly and now just walking lots to get rid of these gas pains. Really the only pains I have occasionally. Those of you already banded, did you find first day was worst? I keep being afraid I feel too good and it will later get bad! Lol Any tips for this first day? Have been trying to walk walk walk!
  23. Could barely sleep! Please say a prayer for me! And all other July 2 banders today!! Will be keeping iPhone nearby to check in! Sylvia

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