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LAP-BAND Patients
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About squeaky72

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  1. squeaky72

    Up & Down With Pounds!

    Yes it can be discouraging with the scales going up and down. In my case the drs office scales were off. Sometimes people do retain fluid. I thought maybe I should explain better.
  2. squeaky72

    3 Years - Issues

    Hello it has been almost 2yrs for me with the band. Im very tight in the morning and I cant eat in food until around noon. Then dinner around 8p. I only eat when Im hungry. Also I have acid reflux at night if I eat to late. Tums have been working lately.Im finally in the green zone I believe. Ive lost 80lbs. Im trying to reach 100lbs. Congrats to you!
  3. squeaky72

    Up & Down With Pounds!

    Yes it can be but maybe the scales are off or it could be some fluid. Ok

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