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LAP-BAND Patients
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About stacy23

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  1. I hate those powders too! How about eggs? Yogurt? Cottage cheese?
  2. stacy23

    Crystal light

    I try not to use artificial sweetner, maybe try adding a slice of lemon or lime if you need a little flavor in your water.
  3. stacy23

    Hair loss

    Loosing my hair was a huge fear of mine and it happened. About 4 months out, it started falling out- and kept falling out for a couple of months. It sounds kinda sick, but I saved it for a weeka nd it was enough to fill a baggie. Luckily I had thick hair to begin with. I am now a year out and it is finally coming back. It is in an ackward stage- lots of short new hair and it is coming in curly- so doing my hair has been a challange ... but I couldn't be happier. I do drink plenty of water, I take biotin and get in plenty of protein 60-80 per day.
  4. stacy23

    Vsg In Minneapolis Area?

    Dr Rupp from St Paul Surgeons did mine one year ago. It was the best decision I ever made. I lost weight very rapidly at first and now it has been very slow. I'm about half way to my goal. I haven't had any major problems. I had a hard time when I started loosing my hair, but it is starting to come back. I'm lucky I had really thick hair because I lost about half of my hair. It got really thin. I don't think it was very noticable to most people, but it was to me. The other thing I am still learning everyday- is that I may have a new body- smaller and stronger- but my brain is still the same. I still crave the same things- I usually can talk myself out of them, but sometimes I give in. So glad that now, a couple bites satisfies the craving and I can get back on track. I don't go to the support meetings, maybe I should. I think it would help to have the support .
  5. stacy23

    4 Months Out And Stuck.

    I also had mine done in May 2012 and often feel frustration with the weight coming off so slowly. I just keep telling myself that while it is going slow, I am still seeing results. This was still the best thing I ever did for myself. I feel so much better, sleep better, have a ton of energy, I am down 70 and half way to my goal. I guess my advice to you is to get back on track, do the things you are supposed to do to be healthy and take care of yourself, and it will happen. The weight will come off. Slow and steady wins the race, right?
  6. Luckily I had thick hair too, because I lost about half of mine too. I'm 6 mo out from surgery and I think the hair loss is done and it is starting to grow back. Yay! I was kinda freaked out about the amount of hair that was falling out daily.
  7. stacy23

    NSV shout outs

    My son needed to borrow my car, so I had him drop me off at the gym. He said he would come back for me when I called. I worked out and was feeling so good, I decided to walk home. ( About a mile) He drove by and asked if I wanted a ride and I said, Nope, I'm good. and I smiled all the way home. He was pretty impressed with his mom. For the first time, I weigh less than my 17 year old son. I'm about half way to my goal, and I know I will get there!
  8. I've been trying not to get frustrated with stalls and being a slow loser. I'm 5 months out and down 60 pounds. So I'm about half way to my goal. Some weeks I don't lose at all, but my clothes are getting too big, so I know changes are happening. I lost about 30 pounds in the first two months, and then much more slowly. I just need to accept this journey will not be fast, and that's ok. I will get there!
  9. stacy23

    To Tell Or Not To Tell Your Significant Other

    I'm about 5 months out, and I'm down 60 pounds. I haven't kept my surgery a secret, but I don't just tell everyone I meet either, and people are starting to notice that I'm thinner. I'm happy to talk about it when asked questions. And a lot of people do have questions. Everyone has been very supporting and positive. I think it may have helped a couple of other people make steps to look into surgery for themselves. I recently started dating a guy and haven't told him yet. But I think it may come up soon.... and I'm honestly ok about it. I'm proud of the decision I made to have the surgery and all of the hard work I'm doing. I've never worked this hard on anything in my life. I'm half way to my goal and feeling great! : )
  10. I'm twelve weeks out and down 46 pounds. I feel great! Most of my clothes are too big, so I see some shopping in my future! :-)
  11. stacy23

    Being Sleeved Has Created A Monster!

    I have found I'm craving spicy food. I've been trying all kinds of recipes. I love pinterest!! Maybe because I can only eat a few bites of a meal, I want it to be the most flavorful and yummy that it can be! My boyfriend and son are very supportive and are totally loving the kitchen experiments!
  12. stacy23

    50 Lbs Down!

    You should celebrate and be proud of what you've accomplished! I think it's awesome!
  13. I had my surgery on May 8th. So now I'm 6 weeks out, back to work, down 31 pounds and feeling great. My biggest problem is how easily I get tired. But that is getting better every day. I really notice it on days I eat less protein. So I'm working on it. I still get hungry, but it is just amazing that after only a few bites I'm full.
  14. stacy23

    Where Is Everyone?!?!?!

    I'm excited to have some new friends to talk to who can relate to all of the changes and challenges. I'm Stacy. I had my surgery on May 8th. Just started back to work this week. I was exhausted after the first day, but it feels good to get back to a "normal" routine. I'm down 31 pounds and I feel great!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
