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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tina1960

  1. good morning! I was banded on 1.8 and so far 35lbs - Dr Simpson said I did not yet need a fill - I go back on 3/22 hopefully I will get one then cause I am starting to feel hungry more often:)
  2. tina1960

    1st fill

    I believe your doctor will not fill you yet if things are going well mine did not and I have to return at the 3 month mark vs 6 weeks - he said it would defeat the purpose good luck
  3. tina1960

    Newly banded

    been banded 7 weeks - 35lbs - the first week was hell and I had the same pain at incision sites and in the shoulder - I promise it will pass- just keep moving it will make it go away quicker keep us posted on your progress!
  4. tina1960

    Wife & I looking into Lap-Band

    if you listen to your physician you will probably be fine like many of us - it was scary at first but for the first time I am in control and it is a powerful feeling:) good luck!!! Tina

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