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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WLJourneyJ

  1. I'm considering a sleeve to mini bypass revision (pouch has stretched and may do this over resleeve) Trying to decide. What "negative" side affects are you experiencing? I dont have any gasto issues, reflux etc...
  2. it comes and goes but is super annoying. I'm 3 weeks post op from a mini bypass and seem to be tolerating food fine. But I get super tired after eating ( like could sleep at the table). And then have weird upper abdomen/ center rib cage pain. It's tender when I push it or take a deep breath and seems to happen at night ( wakes me up) Will it get better. Is this normal ?
  3. Well. Yesterday I ate some pot roast and after like four hires just felt icky. Stopped. Took a bath. Felt better. Went to bed at 9. Woke up at 3 am with the weird tenderness and it's better now but still there.
  4. WLJourneyJ

    MORE forums for MGB?

    I would love to join the FB group.. could you PM me the link?
  5. I had mine in 2012 too.. and they used the largest bougie at the time. I do carefully watch what I eat.. lots of Protein, no rice, Pasta etc.. (okay.. i ate three raviolis a few weeks ago and felt like crap... never again) but i can easily eat an 8 oz steak... plus veggies etc.. so I know "something" is different.. i dont feel as much restriction. I am seeing my dr. at the end of August and he will decide which is best-- resleeve or sleeve to MGB ... but the original post was just finding out what negative side effects people are having...
  6. please do @@nigel are you experienceing any side effects? (gas, bathroom issues, bloating, bad breath, "dumping syndrome"?)
  7. ugh.. i can't decide what to do... re-sleeve of MGB.
  8. thanks @@Elode and @@Band07 Have you had the umm.. "gas" problem some have? Or bad breath? I heard those are side effects... what foods do you find you need to avoid for the dumping etc?
  9. Hey Nigel-- i'm curious to hear too.. i'm considering a sleeve to MGB
  10. i was sleeved in 2012 and lost 110 lbs within 10 lbs of goal weight. Did plastics and was loving life. About 6-8 mo back though I noticed less and less reStriction ( I could easily eat a whole sub sandwich Before it was maybe equivalent if ¼. I rarely if ever eat breads Etc. sometimes if Out I'll have a little piece of baguette but anyway). I'm hungry and I could eat way way more. I've now gained back enough to where my bmi is getting up there again ( 20 ish lbs) and am considering revision. Resleeve? Other option? Has anyone done this? I'm active several times per week and with the exception of an occasional night out with friends am a salad and Protein girl. My work schedule will allow time off for a redo in August if needed. But I'm not sure what to do. Master all this hard work and all the plastics too I don't want to go backwards. I feel a little failure even though i do feel my diet is pretty solid
  11. Sorry.. i was posting on my ipad late last night which was harder than on my computer. I should have been more clear. I do dilligently log my food and stay around 1200 calories a day. I eat Protein first and then veggies etc.. I do on rare occassions go out with friends (maybe 1x week) and have a little more carbs than normal, but my normal meal is: Breakfast shake or eggs Lunch: Salad with chicken or other meat Dinner: Grilled meat (steak, salmon etc..) veggies, salad etc.. I do drink socailly maybe 3x month. I belong to a health club and go at least 3x a week for an hour, either with a class or cardio. I SHOULD up my weight training... My concern is that I could eat a lot. i could easily eat a large steak and still want more.. be hungry. that doesnt seem normal right? I'd never have surgery to fix 20 lbs... but I also dont want to start down a slippery slope if i SHOULD fix it now to avoid bigger issues in the future... Has anyone done a resleeve or other revision?
  12. WLJourneyJ

    US vs Mexico sleeve size ?

    That is me. I'm three years out and was pretty solid until last year where I've now gained and feel very little Restriction. I'm considering a revision
  13. i'm day 8.. and just read of a poor girl who had a leak at day 5... i saw my swallow test and all was good.. no symptoms etc.. but what can cause a leak after you are all "ok" by the swallow test.. the plan i'm on is allowing some minor soft foods (yogurt, thin oatmeal.. runny things) and purees starting next week ... but now i'm getting nervous... what causes them/
  14. I couldn't be happier with my decision to have a sleeve. Dr Kelly was great and I was a 2xl size 20 gulp going in. Just before Christmas I was shopping and Went into express. I grabbed size large ( I was happy to not be an Xl ) and went in dressing room. They were too big. Had to send husband to get size medium! My hair has to be cut but is falling out less now. And sometime is hard at parties because I love a good martini and there is not room for both martini and food. But It's a small price to pay. Anyone thinking about the surgery or on the fence it's great. No regrets
  15. Yes. I get stalls that last a week or two. Then bam lose 3 lb. be patient. I also had a stall for threeweeksbut lost a size during that time
  16. Thanks all. The first month was rough and I had moments of wtf did I do to my body The scale was dropping fast but i didn't see it in my clothes that much. Then someone pointed out that from a size 20 to size 18 it's like 3inch difference where from a size 12 to size 10 Is like 1" it's totally true too. But when I did my 1 mo photos ( see attached) I could seeeeee a difference Already So I took before and after photos each month. ( see a few) The other thing is I went ferocious on my closet. Everything that didn't fit ( too big or unflattering) for dumped. Seriously huge piles of clothes. 4-5 rubber made bins at a time to goodwill. I have far less clothes now and it's fine. I'll need more but am still losing fast but it keeps me motivated. And I'm starting to enjoy working out. It's way easier now that I'm Not carrying around the equivalent of a giant bag if dog food strapped to my body
  17. Awesome. Before 283 Day of 275 Current 203.2 Goal for spring 183 ( 100 lbs lost)
  18. You look fantastic !!! So much younger than 58 too.
  19. I'm 5'9" and 219 right now. Size 14 /lg I want to be out of double digits. At 145 I was a size 4. 15 years ago. Goal is 155-160
  20. Size 6. Big honestly an 8 would be fab too
  21. drinks. costco ones were decent. I like the chocolate advocare with coffichinno but its not rtd What are the yummiest? I'm finding so many have weird after taste
  22. I used dr Kelly and he was great. The experience was very positive I loved that I didn't have coordinator fees built in. Omar was there and so helpful. There was another girl there who used an coordinator because her sister was having plastics at same time. And there stuff was messed up. Omar helped them fix it but that was supposed to be the coordinators job. The care was excellent. Their complication rate is way lower than my local dr. I'll not hesitate to go to Mexico for plastics
  23. WLJourneyJ

    6 Month Post Op Pics

    You look great!
  24. I love that I did this for " me". I'm 3 months and a week post op. about 2 lbs a week losing which is great. The only side effect is my hair. But it's not horrible. Thankfully I have lots of hair. It still looks fine . Otherwise i couldn't be happier At my heaviest I was a 20. This week I went into a fancy boutique and tried on lots of things. That fit! I grabbed Xl ( before I'd pray they'd fit. Usually didn't). This time I got all large. Xl was too big. It's so strange. I'm a 14 now pretty consistently. It's crazy. I rewarded myself witn a membership to a super fancy gym ( I was working out In our complex gym at work and it is great but small. Now I get steam room whirlpool etc. rewards for workouts). And I'm going to start yoga and Pilates This is the best thing I've done truly for me ever. Znd my family is benefitting too happier mom

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