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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sophiesmommy

  1. sophiesmommy

    I'll get here again

    From the album: My Journey

    I took this picture about 8 months after my surgery when I had lost about 75lbs. I have since gotten married and had a baby and the weight is back. BUT NOT FOR LONG!
  2. I have just joined this site and I actually feel like a lap band veteran. I had my band in 2008 and am getting back on track starting now. I had a fill this past Wednesday and those once uncomfortable feelings actually feel comforting...if that makes any sense. The PBs, the soup and mushy foods, the occasional craving of a cheeseburger makes me feel like I'm actually making progress again. After my banding I lost 100lbs. Then I had to go fall in love, get married and have a baby. Don't get me wrong...I love my husband and my girls, but wow...I'm not loving myself right now. I've let myself go for 14 months without supporting my original decision of getting the band in the first place. Now I'm getting back on track and was hoping that there were some other folks in the same position. Got the band, had a baby, gained weight back and are now getting back in the groove. Anyone?
  3. sophiesmommy

    Back On Track After Baby

    Absolutely! I'm excited to have someone to keep in touch with. Congratulations on your new baby. Is this your first? I have had only one adjustment since Sophie was born...and then I just got lazy and comfortable eating whatever I wanted. I'm hoping that I can drop the weight at about the same speed I did the first time. Crossing my fingers...
  4. sophiesmommy

    There's A 1St Time For Everything...

    Hello World of blogging... There's a 1st time for everything right? Even a woman with a demanding job, 2 girls ages 17 and 1 yr., a step-daughter (which also means an ex-wife) and a high maintenance husband can find time to sit down in front of a computer and put her thoughts in order. It seems like a simple way to motivate myself to be real honest. Journaling is one of the best methods for stress release, so I figure it couldn't hurt in this situation either. The question is do I care if only I benefit from my rambling or if anyone else is even interested in what I have to say. I guess we'll see... I have been heavy most of my adult life. The reason is genetics! Yeah right! Yes, all of the women on my mother's side of the family are heavy. A slow metabolism does run in the family, however, I have learned over the years, we all control our own destiny. People do what is important to them...bottom line. In May of 2008 I lost my first husband. 1 event, 1 moment in time managed to alter my life forever. I thought my life was also ending. At the time I had a 12 year old daughter to continue to care for. I was no longer living for me, my complete focus...my every breath...every bit of my energy was put toward my daughter. In the process, I ballooned. I ate everything. Those people who get stressed and lose weight...I hate them. j/k (but am jealous) I stress and I gain weight just looking at food. It really isn't fair. As I got bigger and my daughter got stronger, I began to do a lot of self examination. If I don't take care of myself...my daughter may not have a Mommy either. That is scary! I decided to take the plunge and have lap-band. I'll admit...it seemed like the easy way. I know my limitations. I have NO will-power! My career involves me driving, driving and driving some more. So I sit and I get bored so I snack and drink soda to have the sugar and caffeine. I wanted help and the lap band gave it to me. It MADE me have smaller portions. It MADE me focus on proteins and vitamins. I never regret having this done. I would do it again in a heartbeat...oh wait, I don't have to. I just have to get a fill. More of my story at a later time...now its time for bed. More self motivation tomorrow
  5. sophiesmommy

    My Journey

  6. sophiesmommy

    Either This Or That...i Hate Not Knowing......

    Shelly I joined this forum 2 minutes ago and you are the first blog I read. I immediately felt your hurt when reading...I was there, I'm back there again. I had this surgery in October of 2008. I lost 100 lbs and felt AMAZING! I fell in love, got married and had a baby....The weight is back and it makes me so mad at myself. Baby is now 14 months + 9 months of pregnancy = YOUR 7 reasons to get back on track. I say KEEP YOUR APPT! This was one of the best things I ever did for myself. I have been heavy most of my adult life. I'm 38 now and SO wish I would have had the surgery available when I was your age. Don't wait for anyone...GO FOR IT! You will be so happy you did.

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