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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jbridge220

  1. jbridge220

    So what do you eat

    What are tuna (Sensations?)
  2. jbridge220


    My insurance is covering my procedure. I am scheduled to be banded March 28. I didn't have to have a pych. evaluation either. At my initial visit, my doctor, Barry Greene (Washington, DC area) had me fill out a questionaire. I believe that is how he determines whether you get the psych. evaluation. Maybe that is what happened to you.
  3. I am very excited about my upcoming surgery. My doctor has his patients begin protein shakes 4 weeks out. For 2 weeks I am allowed only 1 meal a day and 2 protein shakes. Then at 2 weeks prior to the date, the all liquid diet begins. I am really hungry, but the excitement outweighs (no pun intended!) the hunger pains. Any words of wisdom would be much appreciated.
  4. jbridge220

    Surgery scheduled for March 28

    Thanks, Kat. Your comments were so uplifting and positive. I am really looking forward to the procedure. I don't even mind the hunger so much. I am sure I am losing more weight now then I will after the procedure!

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