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Posts posted by Spaness2012

  1. I thought I would write down some goals for this week. Just an accountability thing. 1.) Will log my food this week (I sort of got away from that. 2.) Continue exercising (been real good about that) 3.) STAY OFF THE scale (me and my scale need a break from each other...I have weighed myself everyday since surgery...everyday....this is no longer serving me...we need a break). My new rule is to get on the scale once a week on a Fri morning! Have a good week everyone!!

  2. I thought I would write down some goals for this week. Just an accountability thing. 1.) Will log my food this week (I sort of got away from that. 2.) Continue exercising (been real good about that) 3.) STAY OFF THE scale (me and my scale need a break from each other...I have weighed myself everyday since surgery...everyday....this is no longer serving me...we need a break). My new rule is to get on the scale once a week on a Fri morning! Have a good week everyone!!

  3. I thought I would write down some goals for this week. Just an accountability thing. 1.) Will log my food this week (I sort of got away from that. 2.) Continue exercising (been real good about that) 3.) STAY OFF THE scale (me and my scale need a break from each other...I have weighed myself everyday since surgery...everyday....this is no longer serving me...we need a break). My new rule is to get on the scale once a week on a Fri morning! Have a good week everyone!!

  4. Yes Bandster Hell is real. Some of us need several fills before really noticing a difference. This is the time to be diligent in our efforts, learn the process, and make the changes we need to make for long term success. It is not always easy...but necessary to get us to where we want to go.

  5. Reading the struggles and complications others are having just energizes me to follow the rules. It fuels my Quest for success. I learn from others what is working and what isn't. It also forces me to be grateful for my process, proud of my achievements, and less harsh with myself. Being 251 was a ticking time bomb. I don't look at my band installation as a slew of potential problems. I view it as the tool that avoided potential problems. It's all in our perception.

  6. Guilt made me fat. Stop feeling guilty and continue the journey. Although I agree that 2 1/2 weeks out is dangerous to your healing process....I also think we have choices every single day. Make better choices. Bandster Hell is very real.....this is the time to be as diligent as possible. Try no to test the limits. We are all learning our process. Good luck to you.

  7. There aren't a lot of things I CANNOT eat. Quite frankly, I am always surprised of what I still CAN eat and in bigger quantity than I anticipated. With that said, I don't test the limits and stay on track, make better choices, etc. Don't get all hung up on the negative. There are some of us that are living well with the band, losing weight, keeping it off, and still enjoying our meals (albeit in smaller quantities). Good luck to you!

  8. I had a port replaced as well (due to a kinked tube which he decided to just replace the entire port). It was really no big deal. Recovery is not at all like the first surgery. I was sore for a few days and that was it. No gas pains...no body aches. It was fine. I know it's a complication no one wants to endure but it is an easy fix. No worries and good luck!

  9. Many of us have posted similar frustrations....including me. The wise bandster's that went before me really helped me understand that PATIENCE is key. Keep bringing the effort, staying within your calories allotted, play by the rules and you will get results. One thing the bandster's before me pointed out was that I had to get the thought of losing weight quickly out of my head. It's not that kind of surgery and things would progress slowly...but progress nonetheless. Your clothes are loose......progress/success! Congrats!

  10. I can relate to this. I never loved or hated to shop. But I knew I could go and find the size I needed and call it a day. Now I obsess with trying things on.....does it fit, does it not....will it be too big in a few weeks.....is it too small to wear now? It's a constant battle. But the upside is that the clothes are smaller and cheaper!! Congrats on your amazing success!

  11. ...finally made it to "Onederland"?? This girl! I have been working to get down under 200 for weeks!! I really thought it would never happen. But with this last fill and kicked up exercise.....I finally made it! And it feels GOOD! When stuck at a certain weight....keep plugging along......keep working it......it will eventually start moving. Never give up!

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