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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by vctlong

  1. For the past week or so I've been having uncomfortable yet bearable feelings in my throat and chest. At times in my throat I get the feeling like I've swallowed a whole piece of hard candy but I haven't eaten anything. And when I lay down and sometimes even when just sitting it feels like something "sizzling" and I'm not sure if that's the word I should use but something is going on in my chest moving up towards my throat. I have a lot of belching too. What's going on? Sleeved on 12/29 next surgeon appt Appt 4/20
  2. vctlong

    Unknown symptoms...

    How do I go in and update my profile info? It won't let me do it from my iPhone unless I am doing it wrong. Let me try a desktop. What is a PPI?
  3. vctlong

    Unknown symptoms...

    I was sleeved on 12/29. What is PPI?
  4. vctlong

    Post op pain

    Thank you. I don't think my surgeon used one. I will ask him Friday. Thanks again
  5. vctlong

    Vomited, now in pain!

    I would check with dr right away. I read in big book on gastric sleeve that a sharp piecing pain can be sign of leakage. I don't mean to scare you but better safe than sorry
  6. vctlong

    Post op pain

    What is the drain? I didn't have a drain... ????
  7. vctlong


  8. vctlong


    From the album: vctlong

  9. vctlong


    From the album: vctlong

  10. I'm surprised you even brought this question to the site. I don't think I would be at all concerned that my surgery is scheduled in 4 days as I am concerned that there is no way this surgeon would perform my surgery. I must have read this wrong. Let me go back and reread it.
  11. vctlong

    My Fitness Pal

    Hello EVERYONE! Please add me on MFP I'm vctlong@aol.com. And let me know if its okay to add you. Thanks.... Happy Holidays!
  12. I just joined Lapband Talk.... Congratulations! I know how you feel, been there- I got banded 11/22/10 and yes I agree with the frozen pops... Good luck to a better a healthier you!

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