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Posts posted by Dons2.0

  1. Congrats! I'm one week post op today and I remember in my drug induced state asking the surgeon if my liver was good during surgery haha I stuck to my pre op diet like a mad man lol and she told me it was in excellent condition and didn't have any problems - I was super pleased with myself lol keep it up! I'm 10.9kg down already! Woo!

  2. Hi Everyone!

    A little update on my progress so far! So I was finally sleeved a week ago today! 7 long months on a waiting list and my day came :)

    This week has gone by so fast - thankfully as well because the first couple of days weren't pleasant at all lol

    But today being one week out and three weeks since starting the pre op diet and I've lost 10.9kg! I knew because I was heavier I would have a big number in the first few weeks but never did I think it would be that high! I'm so pleased and yes I am missing actually chewing/eating good but hell I can get over that if my results are so good lol

    Loving my sleeve already lol

    I only a few months ago moved from the Gold Coast to Rockhampton - such a bummer as I would have loved to meet u all at the meet coming up! Hugs and hope u have a wonderful time!


  3. Thank you all so much for your well wishes! I had a rough night last night to be honest but was just needing to get the pain and nausea under control and all was well. Though I had to fight to not use a pan to pee in! I couldn't do it lol so I just nagged at the male nurses (lucky me lol) to let me go to the bathroom and one finally caved!

    So today I have been up and about and sipping Water and broth - slowly but surely.

    Again thank you for all the support its so great to know people are thinking of you! Xo


  4. Yay! Well done. It's the small things that u need to Celebrate. Pre op I used to get puffed walking up my stairs (I have 15 to get to my front door) and now at 6 weeks post op I can run up them! Get ready...there will b many if these small victories in ur future!

    I can't wait to not get so puffed all the time! I'm looking forward to increasing my fitness as the weight comes off! Stairs won't be my enemy anymore lol

  5. You are so brave! The pre-op was the most difficult faze for me but I was determined to continue doing things I would normally do - can you believe I even went out for dinner with girlfriends! I had only green salad and no dressing but like you I had my eye on the BIG prize!! Now 43kg lighter and a size 12-14 on top and 8-10 on the bottom I am so darn happy!!! All the best for the next few weeks - those Snacks will mean nothing to you the next time you are at the movies post-op :-)!

    Thank you! It's been tough at times - like today we went bowling for my hubby's bday and we ordered a platter of deep fried Snacks for our group of friends - I just didn't look in that direction lol I didn't want anyone else to miss out just because I'm not eating so I just drank Water and had brought celery sticks along in case I felt left out but I didn't. I can't wait to see the big changes this will bring! Ps u have done an amazing job! I prob need to lose 60kg but small steps in the right direction is what it's all about!

  6. Hi All,

    So I held strong today! Lol I am now on day 5 of Pre op diet and went to the movies with hubby. He loves movie popcorn and he was going to pass for my sake but I convinced him I was fine for him to have it (he has been incredibly good about the diet and eating healthy with me - I'm so lucky!) anyway, while waiting to go up to the cinema I was looking at all the movie treats and my mind wondered to all the things I would normally get when at the movies - m&m's, choc top and a coke. Of course this makes u kinda want it lol anyway I held off and as we walked up the flight of stairs, then to our seats, I was totally puffed and out of breathe in that moment I knew I was making the right choice getting the sleeve! I don't want to be puffing up stairs any longer! I sipped on my Water and felt good about it! Xo

  7. Hi All,

    I'm still counting down the days til surgery! Lol I'm now on my pre op diet - day two and things are fine so far - thankfully not struggling like I have heard many say the first days are hardest.

    I am having Optislim shakes for B'fast & lunch and a small piece of meat and a cup of low carb vegies as per my surgeons instructions and I'm not struggling with managing hunger but the shakes are YUCK! I know everyone's tastes are different but I find them far to sweet and I add more Water to combat that but then I just have more unpleasantness to drink lol I can stand it for two weeks but my dietician is talking about drinking the shakes after surgery for at least a month. I'm willing to do anything to lose the weight but if there is another option I'm taking it lol

    I am on a low income so I already have to drink these shakes I have bought but can anyone tell me if Optifast is any better or very similar? Are the bars / Soups powdery like they seem on the packaging? Any tips on making life easier would be greatly appreciated! Xo


  8. Hi all! 19 days til my op! So exciting! But got a little disheartened when I visited my new dietician on Tuesday (I moved so had to find a new one) and was told that my goal to get to 80kg was a bit optimistic :( I'm currently around 145kg and 174cm tall. She said that from data taken from patients shows that I'm likely to get to 95kg.

    Anyone out there lost big numbers? I totally want to prove her wrong but am secretly now worried I can't make 80kg

    Please make me feel better lol

    Donna xo

    PS love reading about everyone's journey on this thread!

  9. I didn't even have to see a psych because I had been in a diet program before within the same hospital system. No blood tests or GI tests. No waiting list. I think the medical establishment is much more proactive about obesity here. Also most of the US hoops are so the insurance companies can find a reason to deny you.

    That having been said' date=' I don't know anyone here who used the public system for this kind of surgery. And private hospitals snd doctors almost always have less stringent requirements.

    Good luck today, Aussie!

    As for me, I have an appointment today with my GP to get back a bunch of test results for two different issues. One, I'm still having bad diarrhea several times a day. Two, apparently my estrogen is way too low (I'm post-hysterectomy and on HRT). They are also checking my Iron, folate, Calcium, and B12, and maybe other things that I forgot. I've been feeling pretty tired and "off" but just marked it up to the gastro.[/quote']

    Yes I guess the insurance companies would rather not fork out for surgery.

    My situation I guess is different from most with being a private patient in a public hospital - my surgeons private and I pay to stay in the hospital just nothing near private hospital costs.

    I hope you find out what's going on with you! It sounds hard to deal with - fingers crossed its something easily fixed! Xo

  10. I didn't have any tests done. Just saw dietitian and psych. It is very weird hearing about all the hoops USA people have to jump thru. Makes me so happy to b Aussie :)

    I agree it's much easier here! I did see a psych and dietician as well. Also, found a new dietician now that I've moved and can see her going forward and after surgery.

  11. I'm in Sydney so a different doctor - I think I had some blood tests but that was all. I think it depends on your overall health and info passed to your surgeon by your GP in the referral letter.

    US practices seem quite different to ours; v pedantic in some ways and then chucking patients out of hospital far earlier than I've ever heard happening here. Just between us Aussies' date=' I'm glad I'm here![/quote']

    Thank you for your reply! I feel much better about it now :) I did see a psych and dietician (but then decided on a different surgeon and weight loss centre to go through).

    Also, I found a great dietician here to continue to go to after surgery to make sure I'm heading in the right direction.

    Thanks again


  12. Hi All,

    I'm still counting down the days (much to my husbands annoyance haha) til my surgery on Sept 17th but in all my reading a thought occurred to me about tests before surgery?

    I have read a lot of the USA peeps talk about all the hoops and tests they must jump through before being given the ok for surgery - I know some of these are their insurance requirement but have any of you had tests before surgery? Nothing at all was mentioned to me at my consult . I know there are others here who went with Dr Justin Greenslade in Brisbane - anything to reassure me would be fantastic lol

    Thanks in advance


  13. Well tomorrow is my 12 month sleeve anniversary. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I started at 107kg and am now 74kg. BMI was 41 and now is 27. Was size 18-20' date=' but now 12-14. No longer have sleep apnea or need to sleep with a CPAP machine and far less likely to develop diabetes. Still have a few kilos to go to get to my personal goal of 68kg, but feeling positive and looking forward to working on maintenance plan. For anyone contemplating the sleeve as a surgery option I only have positive things to say about it and hope it becomes more widely used in future.[/quote']

    Happy 1 year! I can't wait to be a size 12-14! Lol well done! Xo

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