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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by vinnyfan

  1. Congratulations Emily on your great success and taking this step early in your life instead of waiting so long like I did! You have lost a lot of weight and must feel great. You are an inspiration. I love coming across success stories like these.
  2. vinnyfan

    Need Some Advice...

    Hi. I had my surgery July 11th and am still off work. I go back to work on Thursday, which will make it 2 weeks that I was off total for the surgery. I didn't have any problems from the surgery -- no pain, no nausea, etc. And I still feel these 2 weeks are necessary to recover. This is major surgery. Your body needs time to recover. You need lots of rest and sleep. You will be very tired and will not feel like traveling and being around a lot of people, IMO. I hope this helps your case.
  3. vinnyfan

    Just Ranting!

    I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this on top of trying to heal from surgery. I can certainly understand why you'd want to call that doctor's office up and yell at them. They should have someone on call to handle emergencies. They should have asked about your health when they called you instead of chewing you out for calling after hours. I hope you're able to find out what's going on with not being able to eat when you finally get hold of that doctor!
  4. vinnyfan

    This Is Me Almost 100 Pds Later...

    Congratulations. You are looking fantastic.
  5. vinnyfan

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I'm doing great. I've had no pain and no nausea. I'm just trying to learn my body's hunger signals.
  6. vinnyfan

    Any Ohio Sleevers?

    I live in Cincinnati and was sleeved on July 11, 2012.
  7. Thanks for all the responses. You've all been very helpful. This forum is the greatest!
  8. vinnyfan

    I Am In Such A Happy Place Right Now

    Congratulations to you and thank you for posting this. This is a great source of inspiration for those of us who are just beginning our journey.
  9. vinnyfan

    Up And About

    That seems strange that you would be restricted from using your CPAP. I was required to bring mine to the hospital. It was used on me in recovery and I used it at night while sleeping after surgery. My doctor was very adamant about using the CPAP when I returned home, especially if taking pain meds.
  10. vinnyfan


    Is popcorn on your list of approved foods for 2 weeks post-op? I would stick to your doctor's list.
  11. vinnyfan

    Ohhhhh We're Halfway There!

    Congratulations! That is fantastic!
  12. vinnyfan

    Awake During Endoscopy?

    I had an endoscopy and a colonoscopy at the same time once and was awake and aware the whole time. I kept waiting to fall asleep or something but no such luck. I remember every moment of the whole thing! Not pleasant! But don't worry, you will not be awake for surgery. They use a whole different set of drugs.
  13. vinnyfan

    Is 50 Pounds In 6 Months Super Slow?

    I like your attitude! I'm just starting out and I'm going to try to remember this sentiment when I hit a stall or don't drop the weight as fast as I think I should.
  14. I'm 5 days post-op and I think I'm getting heartburn. I'm getting a pain right in the middle of my chest. Is it okay to chew Tums or Rolaids? My discharge papers told me to stop taking my Nexium until my first check-up with my surgeon. That's another week from now. I don't know why they told me to stop taking this medicine when it seems like it's so common for us to have indigestion problems.
  15. vinnyfan


    Thanks for the replies. I'll call my doctor tomorrow. For tonight, I'll try Tums.
  16. I'm 5 days post-surgery, too, and that's about all I'm able to do, too. With having to take such small sips, it's impossible to get a whole lot of liquids inside. I sip all day long and still only end up emptying one glass full of water.
  17. I'm only 5 days out from surgery, so your food list looks YUMMY to me. Hang in there...before you know it, your list will be expanding.
  18. vinnyfan

    90 Days Starts Again

    That really sucks. You'd think the doctor's office would have the routine down better than that!
  19. vinnyfan

    Ghrelin Hormone

    I haven't been hungry at all since surgery. I'm 5 days out now and I eat because I need to get nutrients in. I hope this feeling stays with me. It's wonderful to not feel hungry every minute of the day.
  20. vinnyfan

    Medical Alert Bracelets?

    I'm not under any restriction, either, in regards to taking NSAIDS.
  21. Your husband is right...the difference is quite noticeable. You're doing a fantastic job.
  22. vinnyfan

    Have To Brag!

    Congratulations. That's fantastic! I haven't even glanced at a regular rack of clothes in years. Keep up the great work.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
