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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by vinnyfan

  1. I'm 10 days out from surgery and up to this point, I've been drinking 1/2 servings of my Protein drinks because I take small sips and take my time between sips to make sure I don't drink too fast. I feel like I could drink a whole serving now, but I don't want to force it. Is it too early to be drinking that much? And if not, any idea about how long it should take to drink 8 oz of Protein shake? I do not want to risk stretching out my sleeve!
  2. vinnyfan

    Curious? Any One In Cincinnati?

    I had a very easy time. I had no pain and no nausea. Extreme tiredness is the only thing I've had with this surgery and I guess that's to be expected. I've taken it very slowly on my progression from liquids to pureed foods to soft foods and it must have paid off because I haven't had any problems so far. Is your surgery scheduled yet?
  3. vinnyfan

    Curious? Any One In Cincinnati?

    Hi there! Yes, I'm one. I was beginning to think I was the only one.
  4. vinnyfan

    Time To Get Real Here

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm just starting out...have a long way to go to goal, but I've already started worrying about the day when I lose control and start eating the wrong things again. I'm going to save your post and use it for inspiration. Good luck to you in losing your 2 lbs.
  5. vinnyfan

    Just Curious

    I'm 4 weeks out today and I've had no issues whatsoever. I didn't even need pain medication in the hospital. Other than fatigue, I'd barely know I've had surgery at all.
  6. vinnyfan

    Almost 4 Weeks Out

    It's been almost four weeks since my surgery, and I've noticed my weight loss has been pretty steady at a pound every other day. That's four pounds a week! Oh, how I wish it could stay that way until I reach my goal! I bought an exercise bike last week and I've been riding it just about every day. It's from the Livestrong line of exercise equipment, and it is really sweet. It keeps track of everything, has lots of different workout programs, lets you upload your workout to livestrong.com, and the ride is very smooth. I'm sure it will become a chore at some point, but for now I'm enjoying it. It's a nice feeling to be able to exercise without feeling like I'm going to die right on the spot. If this small amount of weight loss is already making such a difference in my activity level, I can't wait to see what I'm like when I reach goal! The next big step for me is in a couple of days when I get to start adding slightly more solid foods to my diet. I love Italian food, so the first thing I'm going to have is a meatball with a bit of marinara sauce. Well, maybe HALF a meatball. I probably can't eat a whole one yet in one sitting.
  7. vinnyfan

    I Knew It Was To Good To Be True!

    Sorry you're having problems. Hopefully it will be taken care of quickly and you'll be back home before you know it. Hang in there!
  8. I've just recently noticed that the text "0 warning points" is displayed underneath my profile picture. I don't know where this came from, why it is there, and I can't find where I can get rid of it. I don't see anything like this on anyone else's picture. Can someone tell me what this is? Thanks!
  9. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. It is so nice to know that in one year from now my life will be completely different. Congratulations on your success!
  10. vinnyfan

    Life After Sleeve

    I was very nervous about throwing up after surgery. I have had general anesthesia several times before and I've gotten sick every time. I expressed my concern to my surgeon and he told me to make sure I talked with the anesthesiologist. I did and this time I had no problem whatsoever. In my case, I had a very strong feeling what made me sick was the gas they give you once you're under to keep you sedated. I asked if he could do without the gas and he said YES. They also gave me one of those patches to put behind my ear for motion sickness, on top of all the other anti-nausea medication they give before, during and after surgery. I didn't have even a second of nausea this time. I was so happy!
  11. I noticed it didn't show up this time. Now I'm really confused. I posted something earlier today and it was there. (Or maybe I'm just going crazy!) I'll have to go back over my posts and see what I said that got asterisked out.
  12. vinnyfan

    25 Gone!

    It's been a little over three weeks since my weight loss surgery and I'm finally starting to feel like I've lost some weight. I've lost 13 pounds since surgery, which isn't fantastic, but it's pretty good. The two weeks prior to surgery, being on nothing but a mostly liquid protein diet, I lost 12 pounds. So in just a little over a month, I'm down 25 pounds. Not a bad start! It's so hard to keep a positive outlook, though, when one has so MUCH weight to lose. I find myself starting to feel great about what I've accomplished so far, then I inadvertently see my silhouette in a store window, and see just how fat I still am! There's a tendency to think "What's the use? I'll never be able to do it." But this is different from a diet, I tell myself. I have help this time. So I try to put blinders on and forge ahead. I'm finally at the stage where I'm able to start adding more foods to my diet, as long as they are soft and not chunky. I've been tracking my calories almost since the day I got out of the hospital. Since I'm adding foods with a little more substance to them now, my daily caloric intake is increasing and for the first time since surgery, I hit 600 calories. I freaked at first! "Oh no! I'm eating too much!" I had to have a little reality check about not going overboard (like I have a tendency to do). I just hope the fairly rapid weight loss doesn't stop as I continue to increase my calories to a reasonable amount. One thing I'm really hoping is that as I get used to my smaller stomach and my new diet, my mind will turn to something other than food and weight loss. These topics seem to take up about all of my waking thoughts and it gets tiring. This is what I've found with diets in the past, too. I'm hoping since this is a forced lifestyle change, more so than a diet, that eventually eating the right things, in the right amounts, will become second nature, and I will quit thinking about it. Well, that's enough rambling for now. I've got so many thoughts and feelings running through my head right now, I thought I'd start a blog.
  13. vinnyfan

    25 Gone!

    Thank you Tiffany and good luck to you with your surgery and your journey!
  14. vinnyfan

    When's The Big Day? How Are You Feeling?

    Hi. My surgery was July 11th. I'm not losing weight as fast as some are, but I'm losing, so I'm happy! I've lost 12 lbs. since surgery. I'm still on pureed foods until next week. My doctor is very conservative about progressing to the next stage. I'm looking forward to my first bite of "real food", but this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. At least it doesn't take very much to fill me up now. It amazes me how one scrambled egg totally fills me up. This is going to be a long journey and I'm so glad for this web site and support group to help keep me going.
  15. It's probably nothing, but they want to make sure. Most likely it's heartburn. Good luck!
  16. vinnyfan

    This Is Going To Be Legend....

  17. vinnyfan

    Home From Surgery!

    Congratulations and I hope you continue to do well. I'm 3 weeks out tomorrow and I never had any pain, nausea or other complications either. I feel extremely blessed!
  18. vinnyfan


    Congratulations! I just recently got back into the 200's and I'm thrilled about that. I can't wait until I see the 100's again. Keep up the good work!
  19. vinnyfan

    Need Advice...

    I have BCBS and they approved my surgery the day after my surgeon's office submitted the paperwork. If your BMI is over a certain point, you don't have to go through a lot of the other pre-requisites for surgery.
  20. vinnyfan

    Safe Spaghetti

    That sounds like a good idea. I'm not to that stage yet, but when I get there, I will definitely give it a try. My favorite meal is spaghetti and I can't stand spaghetti squash! Thanks!
  21. This is the first I've heard of having to wait 5 hours in between eating. Especially this early after surgery. You're still healing and can't take in very much at one time. I was told that for while being on the liquid and pureed diets not to worry about how often I ate ... as long as I was eating only when I was hungry. I'm 16 days out and normally I have 3 meals and 3-4 snacks throughout the day, along with water, water, water.
  22. Amazing! Congratulations on your success so far. Keep up the good work.
  23. Welcome and good luck in your journey.
  24. vinnyfan

    1 Week Since Surgery

    Glad to hear you're doing so well. I'm 2 weeks out tomorrow. I've only lost 8 lbs so far. (: But I'm feeling great and have had no problems so far with either pain or nausea. I know what you mean about the soup. When I first had tomato soup, it was like heaven! Made all the difference in the world.
  25. vinnyfan


    I just got a FitBit and I love it. It is tiny and easy to wear all the time and it keeps track of everything! It does the same thing for me that it does for Lissa...keeps me motivated to do more. I think it is well worth the $100.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
