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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jlewis229

  1. Jlewis229

    H Pylori

    I had my blood tests done today & this was one of them and I swear I will be so bummed if it comes back positive and it pushes my surgery back! I still have almost a month to go until surgery and I just don't wanna push it anymore! I am so ready for this life changing event! Hopefully they will have my results back tomorrow and I'll know for sure! Crossing Fingers! Johnathan
  2. I am so sorry for what you went through but I truly know how you feel! I am pre sleeve(July 25th is my date) but I take narcotic pain killers for Chronic Pain which slows down your bowels and I have been on these since i was 18, about 9 years! Anyhow, of course once i started getting to the stronger ones the worse it got. I sometimes go a week without going to the bathroom when it gets really bad and it hurts so badly and you just feel so blah and miserable. This is the ONLY thing I am really worried about with the sleeve is that my constipation will be worse(is that possible?)!!! I have tried so many different things from laxatives, enemas, suppositories, Fiber, Water water water, you name it i've tried it and nothing seems to really work for me because it's just the fact that my meds slow down my colon. I really hope that once i shed 100lbs i can pretty much reduce my pain meds by over half which would be a great help i'm sure. Anyhow, I'm glad your better and I hope you don't have anymore problems! Johnathan
  3. Now that is Interesting! I will try that lol
  4. LOL I love how excited you are! I have that same excitement! I can't wait to wear NO SHIRT whenever i damn well please and not be embarrassed about it, or just take off my clothes in front of someone and not want to crawl under the sheets and turn out the lights LOL Our lives are going to change so much and it's just so damn exciting! I've seen a lot of talk about the 2 oz cups and lids...what for exactly? And yes we will be BIG LOSERS! Talk to you soon & Congrats! Johnathan
  5. I wish mine was a day before me lol..I wish it was tomorrow! I would go in anytime lol I am READY for this NOW NOW NOW! I really have no reservation about doing this surgery. It is going to be so life changing. I of course am a little nervous about surgery in general but nothing that isn't normal by any means. Good luck on your surgery...keep me updated, especially after surgery if you feel like it & the day after before I go in for mine...we can heal together! I am curious to find out how your surgery went and how you feel the day after. Johnathan
  6. I can't wait either! It is SO EXCITING! I am so ready for this new life, I have wanted this for so long, to be healthy, to have a nice body that I'm not embarassed to show! My self image will be will get a big boost, I just hope I don't get a big head lol...I doubt it though, I'm a pretty humble person but I will be proud! Anyway good luck & CONGRATULATIONS! Let's all keep in touch on here. Johnathan
  7. Actually I didn't end up getting it done until today(well yesterday 6/28) because they didn't have my Dr. in their computer b/c he is out of state and had to verify his credentials, etc. So I finally got it done tonight, bloodwork was a cinch b/c i'm an easy poke thankfully, and EKG and X-Rays took all of 5 mins each! No EGD or upper GI so my testing is fairly simple! So excited for all of us!!!! I really just can't wait! Johnathan
  8. Jlewis229

    Any other gay sleevers out there?

    Congratulations!!!! I am so excited too! Can't wait for a year from now! Gonna have a bangin body lol (well after tummy tuck anyway haha)
  9. It is illegal to REQUIRE people to have health insurance but their is nothing illegal about imposing a tax upon people that do not have health insurance. And for the rumor that says you will go to jail for not paying a fine if you refuse to get health insurance- this is a LIE! You can not Go to jail, have A lien on your home or your taxes be levied! People quit believing everything you read on the Internet! The ruling was completely LEGAL, just not what some wanted and of course that would be...

  10. On my way to Blue Ridge with Nana and Papa and Sally and Larry. Antiquing and then off to Blairsville to go to Pappy's Restaurant on the River. FUN day! Dahlonega tomorrow!

  11. Jlewis229

    Celebrity Wls

    This just gripes my ass! Although some are criticizing Manzo for taking the "LAZY" route to dropping pounds, lap band surgery is becoming a lot more common these days, especially for overweight people who are not considered obese enough for the much more invasive gastric bypass. LAZY HELL! Their is nothing lazy about this! We have dieted all our lives and struggled and this isn't a cure all! This don't just fix us. We have to make better choices, exercise, etc. Sorry but I had to comment and it just really pisses me off. Johnathan
  12. July 25th won't be here soon enough!

  13. I like that "Not If I Succeed but WHEN I Succeed"! Great motto! I'm so excited! Good luck to all of us!
  14. Actually I'm going later this evening to the hospital (since my DR. is out of state) to do my lab work, EKG, and Chest X-Ray. I live in Ga but am having my surgery done in Louisiana. My best friend lives there and is going to help me during recovery. I'm so excited!!!! You have nothing to worry about with the pre admit testing! Idk exactly what tests you have to get done but the only other thing I can think of would be an EGD(upper endoscopy). That's nothing major really either. Let me know how your testinng goes and when you go! Good luck and stay excited and positive! Johnathan
  15. How dare someone steal a magnet off of my car! Just sad! Some people are just worthless!

  16. Jlewis229

    Any other gay sleevers out there?

    I'm here and way late to this but I haven't been on here too long. Getting sleeved July 25th!!
  17. I have NO CLUE why i am still awake! Got up early yesterday @ 7am and did a lot yesterday! This stinks b/c I gotta get back up about 7 in the morning again.

  18. Congrats!!! So happy!!! Lets stay in touch!
  19. Jlewis229

    When's The Big Day? How Are You Feeling?

    Thank you Melissa! I am beyond excited and ready for this! I know how ya feel about pictures! I am def. going to take a few before my surgery just so I can have visuals after i start losing weight so that I can look back if I ever feel down about not losing fast enough, etc. Most pictures i've taken in the past few years are all "Face Pics" lol...I can't stand to see my entire body in a picture the way it is now! But i tell ya I sure can't wait much longer to see it look good in a picture lol Absolutely I would love to keep in touch and see how we progress. Too excited! I am on cloud 9 lol Johnathan
  20. I just have to say I'm so happy to have my to get my Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy July 25th! OMG I can't wait! If you are tired of hearing about this sorry, get used to it lol

  21. That's AWESOME!!!! Let's stay in touch! I'd love to chat and see how we do after our surgeries! Aren't you just over the moon about this??? I know I am! Add me as a friend? Johnathan
  22. I just joined this board as I thought it would be nice to be able to chat with others my age that may face some of the same obstacles! I got my surgery date today, I am getting my sleeve on July 25th!!!!! Let me start out first by telling you all a little about me. I am Johnathan, I turned 27 on June 22nd. I have been overweight almost all my life. At age 10 I changed from lean and skinny active boy to the fat kid and life has been hell ever since! I am looking so forward to having this surgery! This is my 2nd surgery in my adult life, first was gallbladder which was also laproscopic, so I am not all that worried about this surgery because the risks are low and other than High Cholesterol & Triglycerides (and being fat lol) I am fairly healthy. I am on cloud 9 right now just dreaming of the day this surgery gets here! I have 28 days to go! I can't wait for the new healthy me with no more high cholesterol or triglycerides. And I really can't wait to be able to fit into regular size clothes! A size 32 will be amazing! I really hope my skin cooperates and bounces back for the most part but I will definitely have a Tummy Tuck if not. I want to be able to walk around without a shirt on lol. I have never felt comfortable in my own skin and I am ready for my new life! I just can't wait! And I absolutely can't wait to have a love life again(i pretty much stopped when I didn't even want to see myself naked). I would love to hear from you about your successes and experiences through this journey. Good luck to you all! Johnathan
  23. Jlewis229

    Saggy Skin

    OK! I can't wait to just be able to fit into average sized clothes and not have to worry about seeing if i can find a size 42 pair of shorts at American Eagle and not have to go home to order them online because nobody carries them in my size in store! I really think we have our age on our side! I plan on drinking good amounts of water, I like lotion anyway because I can't stand to feel DRY, and I am definitely going to be working out! I have 105lb to lose to be at a good healthy weight where I don't think i'll look too skinny and thankfully most of my excess weight is my stomach and i have man boobs lol...my thighs & upper arms can just use some exercise and they will be good to go thankfully! And my butt, well it's gonna get lots of exercise b/c it's gonna be a big bubble once i'm finished working out! lol Good luck everyone!
  24. Jlewis229

    When's The Big Day? How Are You Feeling?

    I'm Johnathan and my surgery is JULY 25th!!!! I am looking forward to becoming healthy and to have the body that I AM SUPPOSED TO HAVE! My life is going to change so dramatically and I just can't wait! I would have surgery tonight at midnight if they called me for it lol. I have not let myself date since my last relationship because I told myself nobody wants me the way I am, and I don't even want to take my clothes off in front of another person much less sleep with anyone no matter how much I may know they care for me. So I really can't wait to get this weight off and start looking great and get back to dating and hopefully find someone to spend the reset of my life with! OH and 1 more thing- I LOVE TO SHOP and can't wait to buy an entire new wardrobe! I haven't been able to shop at The Buckle in about 2 years and they have the best jeans ever! Tight in the butt and thigh! WOO HOO can't wait to put on a pair again lol Let's all keep in touch throughout this! Johnathan

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