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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by xo739

  1. I will be having my surgery in a few weeks, and I was curious to know if anyone had the same problem I do.

    I eat a lot of the time because I get headaches if I don't...

    Is it going to be very bad after I get used to my band?

    I mean, I don't want to sentence myself to a life of chronic headaches.

    Then again, the good outweighs the bad.

    Eh, I'm rambling.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.



  2. Hi all. I am new to this lap band thing, I still have three months before I can have the actual operation because of my insurance. I am twenty years old and weigh 307. I am having a hard time deciding whether or not to have this surgery. I've tried to lose weight in the past and failed miserably. However, my ex keeps putting me down for having this done. I feel like everyone will think that I took the easy way out - but they don't understand how hard I have tried. Granted, I am only 20 years old but I've been heavy my entire life and tried to lose weight my entire life - just to gain it back.

    I'm not sure where I am going with this, but feedback would be appreciated.


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