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Posts posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. It is pretty cool that social events have now actually become about the socializing, and not the food.

    The other thing is that we don't have to worry about getting stuck if we do dare to eat at social events. Nothing like excusing yourself to go slime and puke. :001_tt2:/

  2. Thanks Wasa, your input is really helpful! Unless I gain another 30 pounds Fed BCBS isn't going to budge on fixing this. I got their appeal acceptance and they totally threw down the gauntlet to make sure I knew that the 35 BMI was non-negotiable. I'm guessing I will eventually win having them take the band out but that won't help much since my doctor here does explant and vsg as two separate surgeries six weeks apart. And I can't seem to find anyone except for Dr. Cirangle who'd do it all at once and just charge me for the additional procedure cost. But I understand that he has an $8k post-op program which would put me back up higher than just scheduling with Dr. Aceves in the first place. I need to check on that but Dr. Cirangle's business office never returned my calls or emails after I had a consult with him and my first conversation with the coordinator.

    I completely trust Dr. Aceves and would be happy to go to him. But I would worry about some future complication that the insurance company would refuse to cover. Ah, why does it have to be so hard.

    What I meant by the VSG can't be undone is that if a few years from now some complication occurs my stomach can't be restored. I don't know what problem could come up, it's just that I'm a little more cautious this time around.

    Thanks again!


    If your insurance will pay for a future complication if a US doctor did your surgery they would pay for it if a non US doctor did your surgery. "Where" you have surgery is not the issue, it is "what" your insurance covers.

    I think everyone worries about a surgery type that is not reversible. I fretted over that as well. It's a lot easier to come to terms with it after it's done. ;o) After it is done you kind of sit back and wonder why you fretted over it. Also, when you are having band problems and it goes on for months and months, when you switch to a surgery type that you still lose weight without battling your stomach on a daily basis, it's a huge relief.

    Have you talked to Vicki the insurance guru? She's a wealth of information. I'd push insurance and appeal everything you possibly can before considering self pay anywhere.

  3. I wasn't calling anybody names or singling out a particular surgeon. The article I posted was not preselected. It was from the latest edition of the Obesity Surgery Journal.

    I agree that Dr. Cirangle is excellent; he taught me bariatric surgery. Even his leak rate is not zero.

    One needs to be careful about making judgments about small series; your statement that under 1% is OK and above 1% is not makes no sense, as it would be the same as saying that 2 leaks in 210 patients is acceptable, but 3 is not. The fact is that there is no statistically significant difference between 2 and 3 leaks in a series this size.

    And then, there are other issues to consider. At the recent VSG Summit Conference it was shown that leak rates are higher when narrow bougies are used, as the pressure in the sleeve is higher (though weight loss is better). I use a very narrow bougie (32 Fr), so one would predict that my leak rate would be higher than if I used a large bougie. You also need to consider how many revisional procedures are being done, as well as the risk factors and comorbidities of the patients. You have to make sure you are comparing apples to apples.

    Finally, I didn't start this fight. I was responding to the inappropriate comment by Wasabubblebut that I am "kinda cheap for a reason," as well as the downright false statement that my patients are only allowed one night in the hospital. In addition, your administrators are claiming that one needs to have done 250 VSGs before they can be trusted. Please supply data to support this claim. I'm not here to "push myself on anyone in this forum; only to defend myself against false and misleading accusations.


    Mark Pleatman MD

    Mark Pleatman MD Weight Loss Surgery Website

    Dr. Pleatman:

    This is getting old in a hurry.

    Nobody said a doctor must have 250 sleeves, it's not quite as you suggest. I think you need to remember that this is a board for sleeve patients to communicate with other sleeve patients. As explained earlier we exchange tips and tricks for everything from procedure types to researching surgeons, to diet and exercise and everything else. We have every right to post our opinions on all these topics. It most certainly is my opinion that it is better to go to an experienced surgeon vs. an inexperienced surgeon. I have the right to express my opinions as well as other WLS patients have a right to express their opinions.

    When I wrote the post on how to research a sleeve surgeon I sent that to three experienced sleeve surgeons for their opinions. I removed anything they did not agree with except for one thing, two of three doctors did not feel a UA was necessary as a pre op lab. I added items at their suggestion. Everything was a combination of efforts from these experienced sleeve surgeons and me. I'm sorry you do not agree with it but it still remains to be my opinion.

    I agree that revisions need to be considered. Someone with 500-1000 sleeves under their belt is more likely to have done quite a few revisions, all the more reason to go to a very experienced surgeon especially for a revision. At the rate people are losing their bands and switching to sleeves, bypass, and DS - many surgeons are becoming increasingly more experienced with revisions.

    Bougie size... I think most surgeons use narrow bougies, the only place I know of that uses large bougies on a routine basis are doctors in Chile, they use a 60F. Most of the more popular surgeons use a 32-38F.

    When you come in here and suggest that anyone who has 600 sleeves and no leaks is a God or a liar, you are indeed resorting to name calling. It's just not professional for a surgeon to say that about another surgeon and especially when you cannot support your claims.

    As a patient, who would you rather go to? Someone less experienced with a higher complication stat or someone more experienced with a lower complication stat?

  4. I have a id that allows you to keep medical information current online so that first responders have access to your info. I got it cuz I am diabetic and cuz I ride motorcycles. This little gem has come in handy because I don't have to fill out numerous questionnaires about medical history when I see new doctors--it's all accessible by my giving the person the website and my code and password. It is called RoadId.com if anyone is interested.

    This is interesting. If you were in a bike accident how would anyone know where to look for your info? Is the info on a medical alert Bracelet or something?

    How much info can you put on there?

    What is the cost?


  5. Awesome WASa... DF said to me last night that I needed to help this person and I said I don't have the experience ... I a newbie ... I said WASa will post something to help her ... and you didn't disappoint. Thing is, it helped me to read all that - even though I know it - it helps to see it in black and white -- I, too, am going to post it and put it on my fridge where it will provide me with motivation when needed.

    It's great - I hope it helps CMT too.

    I just tweaked it for sleeve folks by getting rid of all the banding references for my blog but I can't get the stupid blog to cooperate. Time for another email to Alex so he can fix my messes. :thumbup:/

    I heart Alex. ;o)

  6. Oh WASa -- that is bad, really bad ... and it makes me hungry for garlic/cheese bread now too ...thanks alot! :thumbup:

    It was the worst I have done since being banded originally.

    You don't need garlic cheese bread, I ate enough today for both of us. ;o)

    I'm cool, tomorrow is back to no white carbs. :blush:/

  7. WASa,

    A round of applause for saying what every one of us needs to hear from time to time. In fact, it is comical that my personal trainer from 4 years ago who got me down 127 lbs of which 70 is back, called me today on why he has not seen me at the gym for the past month. (Could be that I am playing head games with myself and purposely hitting the snooze 4 times till it turns itself off every morning.) LOL Anyway, I had just read your post and so told Tom, "I'll see you at 5am". His response was "Are you just blowing smoke up my ass or are you really coming?". I told him that you had written out the motivator speech for him to use next time and that I will give him a copy of it tomorrow.

    So, thank you, I have been blowing smoke at myself and your heart to ass kick landed square on my Fat Posterior! See you in the gym!

    When I was losing a friend of mine gave me a version of a "kick your butt" speech and I realized that I could take it coming from her, she battled pounds too. I couldn't have accepted those words from a naturally thin person but I could from a fellow fattie.

    I received an email from a young lady that was actually eating a donut as she was reading this. She threw the donut away while reading the "donut" part (amazing ... coincidences in life) and really started putting forth effort starting that minute. I've always wondered how she is doing now.

    Just remember, white carbs got us all fat. Not eating them goes a long way to getting thin. I'm not talking all carbs, just the white ones.

  8. So I have a band that worked great for 18 months. Then I stopped losing weight and found out this winter that I had a dilated pouch and probably a small slip. I'm fighting the insurance company who doesn't want to take it out or revise to a VSG. I suspect I'm going to end up being self-pay after months of angst but that's another story.

    I was in la-la land with the band for the first two years. It was working so I just ignored how unpleasant it was. Sliming and vomiting. Heartburn. The contant feeling of swelling. Even on a fairly good week eating solid foods isn't that pleasant. I can always feel the food sit waiting to make it through the stoma. I'm never sure if it's going to get through or not. I can't lay down after eating. Mostly if I'm eating healthy food I'm thinking about trying to avoid discomfort.

    If I dare to mention those symptoms on the band board I'm blasted from the banded newbies for being a band hater. I guess I am a band hater, I experienced everything you are referring to above. There isn't a single part of your life that isn't affected by a band. Going out to eat with friends is nothing short of embarrassing. I hated it. Trying to eat lunch at work turns into a puke fest, going out to dinner with your spouse is a waster of time and money.

    Most everyone loves their band for the first 6 months. Then at about 1 year the problems are getting bad but the scale is moving and at this point we are living proof that we will do bloody anything to lose weight. We puke, slime, vomit in ways we did not know were possible until we became banded.

    You know what is the most bizarre of all of this? It becomes a way of life. You don't realize how bad is bad until you don't have bad anymore. The transition from normal to banded life is so slow you don't fully realize the impact it has on your life until you don't have the problems anymore. As you get your life back you realize just what you gave up for a band.

    I don't think I really feel full like I expected. I should have clued in when the surgeon warned me that I'd have to learn the new signs for being full with the band. I thought I'd feel satisfied after eating. Sometimes I do, sometimes I can eat more and don't. Sometimes I'm in pain and vomiting not knowing when whatever is stuck in there will make it down.

    Feeling full with a band IS different than with a normal stomach or a sleeve. Full usually means... one more bite and I'll hurl. Having a sleeve full goes back to full, the way it is supposed to be.

    The sleeve is a serious choice. It can't be undone and if I'm self-pay I'm taking a big financial risk.

    Why would you want to reverse your surgery type? You won't have the same kinds of problems you do with a band.

    I thought I did my research on the band but I didn't pay too much attention to the side effects. Like everyone I assumed it would never happen to me. The idea of having to be uncomfortable when eating for the rest of my life - I'm not sure if that's something I can live with, even if I get to a good and healthy weight that I can maintain.

    I know that foamies, pain with overeating, and other things can happen with the sleeve. But what does it feel like on a day to day basis? How much of the standard discomfort I feel with the band will I feel with a sleeve? Will I feel food sitting around? Or food kind of up in my throat? How about the feeling of pressure or the near-constant feeling of swelling or inflammation? I just want to know what I can realistically expect my life to be like if I woman-up and go for it :-).



    It feels just like it did before I ever had WLS but I get full faster. Life with a band vs. sleeve is like night vs. day.

  9. I don't start my pre-op until July 29 (surgery is Aug 13) but the surgeon gave me a list. It allows sf popsicles, sf Jello, low carb yoguart or cottage cheese every two hours with sf, decaffinated drinks in between. Then clear liquids only two days before surgery. It also said the popsicles and Jello could not be red or purple. I guess that leaves lime jello. Hmm....:thumbup:

    How's it going today? It's hard to imagine "eating" like this for two weeks. Sure it will be worth it though. Best of luck to you!!!

    Green Jell-O. Gahhh

    What about orange? Grape? Tangerine? Can you have small amounts of fruit? Canned manderine (sp?) oranges in orange jello is pretty good.

    Also, if you want raspberry, grape, or cherry popsicles they have sugar free, coloring free (looks like water) kool aid now. Couldn't you freeze that for more flavor variety?

  10. Absolutely awesome, WASa. I don't go to OH so I would never of seen this. I am going to print it off so I can refer to it when I need a push. I am so glad you re-posted this. This is such a good motivator. I know I need the "kick in the butt" every once in awhile and I'm sure others do too. Thank you. I'm going to forward to dtr. :thumbup:

    CMT, I hope reflecting on what WASa has said will give you the motivation you need to get back in the swing of WL. Good luck to you and come back here for support and a gentle push. carol

    Thanks, Carol. I need to tweak it for sleeves and put it on my blog.

  11. ParrotheadCathy: Hello and thank you for the reply :thumbup: I appreciate your comments on the cream based Soups, but None of the 4 Soups that I eat contain any cream. The broccoli is simply broccoli, pureed broccoli, seasonings and chicken broth, the butternet squash is pureed squash, Water and seasonings and both the pea and lentil soups are comprised of Beans (peas/lentils), which are good carbs and full of Protein. In fact, most doctors recommend these two soups in particular based on the amount of Protein that they provide. Add a little unflavored Protein powder and they're even better for you :0) By the way, my split pea Soup does not contain carrots or potatoes, simply peas and sometimes diced turkey ham. I do not use cream in ANY of my cooking. In fact, I would LOVE to be able to have a cream based Soup. I used to love new egland clam chowder, but it's a no-no for me. I can't even imagine the chewy litle clams nowadays. Oh yeah, I do eat a broth based Maryland Crab soup as well as Egg Drop soup as well. I'm not a big milk person to begin with and the only real "milk" that I buy for myself if is my light soymilk, which has more protein, Fiber, etc... and less calories than fat free skim milk. I also do not eat ANY white potatoes, Pasta, or basically anything made with white flour.

    I was told at one point that I am possibly not eating enough calories in a day, but I haven't been logging them in online recently. I'm thinking I should add in another Protein shake between lunch and dinner or after dinner, but I haven't made that change as of yet.

    As far as my recent tightness - I have only pb's in the past for the same reasons as you - mainly operator error (LOL). Oh yes, and of course when I was too tight and had to be totally unfilled. However, I'm thinking the problems that I was having recently were due to me having my period, because since it's been finished I've not had any additional problems. So, maybe if it comes again, I'll try to focus on softer foods if I run into any issues in that area. I'm also going to mention something to my doctor at my appt. on Wednesday.

    Anyhow, thank you so much for your input. I truly appreciate your time :)

    Your soups sounds wonderful! One suggestion, pea soup is not really loaded with good carbs like lentil soup is. It's starchy more than anything like corn. Lentils are uber fantastic for protein and Fiber but more important it is a complete protein chain unlike peas or Beans.< /p>

    I do think your quantities are a bit high but it doesn't sound like you have great restriction. I could have never eaten an entire apple when I was banded let alone with Peanut Butter. I'd keep shooting for fills until you get decent restriction.

    I'd also dump the soups and opt for more satisfying solid foods?

    Also, between 40-60 pounds people typically plateau, it's a normal part of weight loss. You are at the 40# point so really, you are supposed to plateau.

    Sorry, wish I had the magic answer for you.

  12. Oh my poor Guy!!! That is just terrible!!

    But no I didnt mean for people to choose their Drs based on the fact that they have medical mal practice issues or not.....

    I just said my story and my experience and....

    I Know not all Cities in Mexico are bad, that is why I also said, That I dont know Mexicali..... it wouldnt be fair to compare it to Nuevo Laredo, or Monterrey if I have never seen it or been there.

    It was just a an my Opinion and my experience.:blush:

    But I am sure You living in or near Tucson,

    (My husband was born and raised in Tucson area)

    Nogales is actualy in the same crime rate or even worse than Nuevo Laredo.

    Isnt it sad though???? How it just got so bad??

    Being able to cross the Border "whenever" we wanted was AWSOME.

    Anyways I am sorry once again for my post, and I repeat I didnt mean anything wrong or I didnt mean to compare all mexican cities to just 2 bad ones. :thumbup: I am just paranoid now.....

    You haven't written anything wrong and truly, there is no need to apologize. I just wanted to clarify the medical malpractice issue. I see people going to US surgeons based only on medical malpractice and it isn't a wise move to make. Life with medicine and Ins Co's has changed. I agreed with the changes in the beginning because people were just taking advantage of free money, whether or not the doctor actually did anything wrong was another story. So changes were good but now it's gone to the opposite extreme.

    The local guy with a horrible infection posts on LBT, his ID is TJWood.

    I love being able to cross the border without much distance but the closest border to me is Nogalas... it's a horrible little city! It used to be a lot of fun, I mean... I never went there at night but during the day it was fun for shopping, lunches, and such. Now I just have friends pick up stuff for me when they go to Mexicali. :yo:(

  13. Well Hello!:yo:

    I am a TEXAS GAL, and I am here to get all the info you guys are willing to share.

    I want the Good, The bad, And the UGLY! (please)

    After doing LOTS, and LOTS of research, I have decided to get the sleeve instead of the Band.:thumbup:

    I recently found out that My insurance will cover the sleeve

    (BCBS FEP) needless to say that was a plus.

    I am curently in the process of meeting with my Dietician, and getting a Psyc evaluation. I have a long way to go before surgery but I gave my first step in getting healthy!

    I wish everyone the best, and thank you for having a place like this!:blush:

    I agree with OregonDaisy, I love to read people write, "I changed my mind I was getting a band and now I've decided on a sleeve." I love reading that, it is as though time spent on the boards was totally worth it.

    I especially cringe for self pay folks getting a band. They only read the newbie banded folks posts, they don't realize the problems with the band long term. Or people that have a $10K cap in WLS for a lifetime. What will they do when they need a revision?

    Anyway, congrats to you! You made a wise decision!

  14. First of all, I am so sorry if I posted this in the wrong forum,

    Second, I cant seem to find an answer to all of my questions about life with the sleeve....

    I am going to post a whole bunch of questions and you dont have to answer all of them, only the one you know the answer to (just to make it easier)

    I Live in theTexas Border and I am currently going to

    DR. MICHAEL C. MORRIS, M.D. (Lone Star Surgical)

    General, Laparoscopic & Bariatric Surgeon

    He is a fairly young Dr. But He's the Trauma Director, Sub-director of ICU and Medical Director of Bariatrics at the Laredo Medical Center. (One of the Only 2 hospitals we have here)

    So I thought it was one of my best choices.....

    (Any Comments on Dr Morris?? Has anybody here been sleeved by him??)

    Anyhow.... as for my questions...

    I am Hispanic, so our foods are TRADITIONAL, We dont eat them often but when we do I would love to at least have a taste...

    1-Compared to the lapband how difficult is it to eat "whatever"? Am I going to feel like I am going to die if I have a bite of something not considered Diet food??

    2-Does the sleeve control your life as much as the band?

    3-Has anybody gotten pregnant with the sleeve? If so how did it affect you?

    4-Can you vomit with out any consequences? Unlike the band that puking is a BIG NO NO! (I mean 10 months after my surgery, if I get the Flu, will I be ok to let it take its course with all the puking?)

    5-Do you get MALNURISHED with the sleeve?

    6-Once you have reached your weight goal....can you STOP loosing weight? ( I dont want to be 5'7 and be 98lbs you know?)

    7-Will I have to visit my DR every 2-3 weeks like with the band for the rest of my life??



    (dumb question I know)

    10-Is weight loss really alot faster with the sleeve than with the band??

    11-Worst part about the sleeve Diet?

    Ok I think that is all for now:blushing:

    Knowing me I will probably have more later.....

    Thank You :thumbup:!!!

    I won't respond to everything since others have addressed these issues but I will tell you that NO! The sleeve does not control your life the way a band does. A band gone bad affects every single aspect of your life. Social, personal, employment, health, everything. It affects every aspect of your life. A sleeve is like a band that works without all the risks and complications. It's just a difference of night and day.

    I totally relate to having to see your band surgeon every 2-3 weeks, I did that too. I got to the point it would have been cheaper to rent an apt in Mexicali and just live there!

    Nutrition is easier with a sleeve, you don't have to knock out vegetables or other fibrous foods. You get to poop with a sleeve! ;o) Check out the band boards, most are chronically constipated.

    A sleeve is great. You won't believe it until you experience it but it really is, it is 10,000x better than banding. You have your surgery and wave bye bye to your surgeon for good because you won't be coming back every 2-3 weeks for problems.

    I told my surgeon byeeeeee byeeeeeeee, so long, ta taaaa, nice knowing you, time for me to go now, I won't be seeing you again so maybe I'll see you in my next life! I spent so much time there while I was banded it feels great to tell him bye bye for good! ;o)))) He's a kind hearted and wonderful man but I don't want to *have* to go see him anymore.

  15. I just cant seem to stay on track. I want to, I want it more than anything. I did great in the begining, but now I get discouraged so easlity and havent lost any weight in months. I seem to have NO will power at all. Im just disgusted with ME and my lack of self control.

    I'm going to cheat here and copy something I have on my OH profile. ;o) Now, I don't know if this will apply to you but if it does, great. If not, let us know and we'll approach it from a different angle.

    Please note, this was originally a post I wrote to a person who specifically asked for a butt kicking. ;o) She was banded but the same info applies.

    I'm going to get hammered for writing this but that has never stopped me before. ;o) You know these people that eat pizza and tacos a few days after surgery and they come to the boards asking if they just messed up? You know those people that pat them on the head, tell them it's okay, and to "try" to do better tomorrow? Yeah, I'm not one of those people. I tell them to knock it off, they are risking their band and why? For a lousy taco?? Are they serious? I don't suggest they TRY to do better the next day, I tell them to DO better right now.

    I think we often times don't give ourselves enough credit. We think we are weak willed and powerless over the world. That simply isn't true. We have been living a life of fat for many years. You tell me the weak willed and powerless can do that, I won't believe you. Being fat in today's society is no easy task. It's really damned hard. Yet we survive it and if we can survive that, we can survive passing up a donut. Let's face it, it is much easier to pass up a donut than it is to have to buy two airlines seats because our butts are too big for one seat. It's much easier to pass up a single donut than it is to face ourselves in the mirror of Lane Giant after realizing we are yet... a bigger size than the last time we were there. We face humiliation and embarrassment every single day just due to our size. I think sometimes we tend to get used to it and forget that humiliation and embarrassment are NOT normal and a part of life. We also pretend it does not hurt as much as it does.

    I'm not trying to be a skank about this but you know, WLS is our last shot at WL. This is a big deal, we have choices and too many times we are all making the wrong ones. I don't eat a lot of junk because I don't need it. Neither do you. I disagree with those that say ANYTHING in moderation is okay. The reason I disagree is because ALL of us did not get fat because we can do moderation well. With a band or any WLS our caloric intake is cut drastically and we need every calorie for food we actually need and use. The only thing cake, Pasta, or crap food will do for your body is make it more plump.

    This is a lifestyle change and a lifestyle change does not mean eating the same load of crap but just less of it, that means overhauling your diet and eating food that your body needs and does something positive for it. What "value" does chocolate cake have for your body?

    So does this mean that you can never have a piece of birthday cake again? Of course not. It means that eating junk on a regular basis serves no value. We don't know what moderation is so we have to go searching for it. Moderation does not mean limiting ourselves to crap food just one time daily or one time weekly, it means more along the lines of on birthdays, special occasions. When we "plan" on eating junk weekly, what does that make our thinking? That means we are *still* planning our lives around food and poor choices. Thin people don't set out to plan on when they will eat a load of crap, they don't even think about it until the birthday party or social meeting is there staring them in the face. Yet we fatties actually plan a date and time to eat bad food. See the difference in thinking between a fat person and a normal size person?

    The lifestyle change is not planning on WHEN we will have loads of crap food, lifestyle change means actually going out there and living what we claim we want. Life as a normal size person.

    If you can face the humiliation of being obese in society, can you honestly sit there and tell yourself that passing up junk food is harder than being the fat girl walking into a room where being MO is socially unacceptable? I mean, I think there comes a time when we have to put things in their proper perspective and this is one of those times. Next time you want junk food get real and get honest with yourself. Get a photo of that food item and a photo of a person that is the size you want to be. Which do you want more, do you want the cake more than you want to be thin and healthy? Be verrry honest with yourself. If you prefer the cake over thin then just go for it and have the darn band removed. But I'll bet you'd rather have thin over a piece of cake when you really get honest with yourself. It's all about perspective and self awareness of what you want out of this life. We have a choice, and it IS a choice. We can be fat or we can be thin. With a band thin IS within grasp.

    The thing about us fat folks is that traditional diet and exercise is too hard, we just can't do it. We cannot lose and maintain at a normal size weight. Call it a lack of self control, call it anything you want. I'll cop to it, I'll be one to stand right up there and admit that I can't do it. But with a band it is still hard but it is the kind of hard WE can do, OUR population. Losing weight with a band is the kind of hard we can do but without a band, nope... we can't do it.

    Sometimes, maybe often times, maybe 20x a day when we are justifying more grazing behaviors and opening the frig to see what unnecessary food is in there, there comes a time when you just have to tell yourself no. We tell our children "no" daily. No, you can't play with razor blades in the middle of a busy street. No, you can't eat rat poison. No, you can't fail to look both ways when crossing a street. No, you can't do drugs. No, you can't go out with that drug abuser who just got out of juvvy. Sometimes we have to tell ourselves no as well.

    If you are like me, not sure you are, but if you are like me I can't stop at one Frito, or one bite of this or that. For me it is all or none. If I eat white carbs I can't quit. I lose self control. If I stay away from them completely I have no problem. The more I eat the more I crave. I am a person that wanted bread so bad about 3 months after banding I actually broke into the bread crumbs I use for cooking and ate the whole can. Then I started in on dry stuffing mix. It wasn't even something that tasted good (pretty rank, actually) but I couldn't stand the carb cravings anymore. That was my moment when I realized when and how I lose self control. So I avoid those situations.

    You can come over to my house right now and look through my house. You won't find any flour, Pasta, bread, Fritos, or other foods that are my triggers. There are no bread crumbs, stuffing mix, cake mixes, cookie mixes... none of it. I don't even keep it in the house. There is not a person that has ever once been in my home that even needs those foods. My husband doesn't need them and he doesn't get them if he is here. Why would your family NEED cakes, Cookies, etc? We are not punishing our family members by denying them food habits WE have, it really is okay if you don't load your cupboards full of crap your kids do not need. I think that is another mindset we have to change. I've seen people post on these very boards that they can't pass up the Cookies in the cupboard but they can't punish their children by not having cookies in the house. Since when it is a punishment to decline to feed a growing child cookies to the point you can't have a day without them in your home?

    Exercise... you know, we have physical and emotional reasons for overeating. Those issues we have to overcome and find ways to deal with them. But exercise? Nahhh, we have no excuse. That is just plain lazy behavior. You don't like exercise? Neither do I. But it's like cleaning the toilet. Who DOES like to do it? We do it because we have to. It's just a responsibility. We are all great at justifying eating too much and not exercising but the reality comes down to sheer lazy behaviors. If you can't run then power walk. If you can't power walk then walk. If you can't walk then do chair exercises. We have the energy to get up and run to the frig 20 times a day yet we can't find the time nor the motivation to do the SAME walking outside and away from food. How does that work? ;o)

    There are people who LOVE exercise, zog bless their little hearts! It's like a transfer addiction. They go from eating to exercising. They love it. Personally, I think they are sick and twisted human beings. I exercise but I hate it. Never have enjoyed it, not even a little. The person who invented weight resistance cannot possibly be anything but a lover of S&M. They should be shot. But you know what? It really really works. The motivation for me was not busting my butt on a treadmill when I would have much preferred doing my nails. The motivation was that the more I exercised the more weight I lost. THAT was my addiction, losing weight and getting thin. The more you lose the more motivation you get.

    What if you do this, just for ONE week... one week only. Cut out ALL white carbs. Yep, you'll be climbing the walls, you'll be dealing with head hunger full force. Every single TV commercial for food will be calling your name. You'll cus and swear at me and everyone else that is around you in real time or the boards. Start exercising. Even ten minutes of brisk walking. Work up a sweat, bust your butt. Just 10 minutes. That's nothing, that is the same as a couple of TV commercials. That is about the same amount of time to read a single thread on OH. Just take 10 simple minutes and go out for a hard walk. Then you are done exercising for the day. Honestly, 10 minutes is NOTHING. We have 144 10 minute blocks in a day, it really is nothing.

    Then tomorrow do 11 minutes. And yes, time it from the time your walk is a brisk one, not when you start thinking it's time to go outside for your walk. When your pace is up to brisk then start timing. Daily add a single minute to it. Push yourself to do better each day, just a single minute added.

    So for a week eat what you want, don't count calories, don't count fat grams. Don't worry about calories in the least. Eat what you want but do limit WHITE carbs to 20 a day. I'm just talking for a week. Do the 10 minutes of exercise while adding one minute daily. See what that does for you. You want 20 chicken breasts? Eat them. You want zucchini, yellow squash, any other carbs except fruit? Eat them. Lots of them. Don't even count carbs from veggies. Just count white carbs and limit those drastically to 20gms daily. The idea here is not to get you into ketosis, the idea is to get you eating the right carbs. Have unlimited VEGGIE carbs. You'll poop like a champ too. ;o)

    I'll bet you that you lose weight.

    Then as the motivation kicks in and the stomach hunger dies down you will be able to cut those 20 chicken breasts down to 10. Then 5, then 1 daily. Understand what is head hunger and what is true stomach hunger. Just focus on white carbs and minimal exercise. I'll bet you it works.

    If you can live the life and frustration as a fat person, you can do this. Being fat is MUCH harder than better food choices. Again, it's all perspective.

    There, that's yer' butt kicking. ;o) Just remember, you CAN do this, you have survived much much harder as a fat person and you have survived a life that is no walk in the park. If you can survive fat life you can easily survive the above plan for the next week.

    And BTW, this means start the whole plan tomorrow, not on Sunday at the beginning of the week. If you have already eaten a load of carbs today you will be hungry for the rest of the day. It's a blood sugar thing. So start tomorrow and keep remembering, you can do this.

    Good luck to you!

  16. I would like to know if it is common to remove a band and get the sleeve in just one operation. If you have a band that hasn't been working (no restriction) and you want the sleeve will they do that all at the same time?


    Ditto to what the others wrote. I have my band removed and a revision done a year ago and I'm telling you, the band sucks and the sleeve rocks! The difference is night and day.

    If you do not have a slip, erosion, inflammation, etc., there is little reason not to do it in one procedure. Matter of fact the Standard of Care in the US is to do it in one procedure, less OR risk.

    What's up with your band?

  17. Hello, I was just wondering if anyone has had a revision surgery from Band to Sleeve with Dr. Sasse? I think he is a great surgeon but I am awaiting for the office to build a case for me and then if it is approved he wants me to do the Sleeve. Once that is determined I am going to talk to him about how many he has done and what his leak rate is. But for now I am just curious if anyone on here has had an experience with him, I am very anxious and stressed about this surgery. I am wondering if I should just have my band removed and not have a revision. It seems like on this forum the only GOOD doctor is in Mexico and that is just not an option for me financially. Any thoughts or experiences would be much appreciated!

    I do not know anything about your doctor but if you check out my sig it will give you suggestions on how to research Dr. Sasse. It will give you ideas for researching any sleeve surgeon.

    Your chances for maintaining without WLS are not great, stats show that very few people can maintain weight loss after losing their band. If you can get insurance to pay for a revision I say go for it.

  18. Just thought I'd take a second and introduce myself. I've been lurking here for a little while. I have a consultation set up for July 20th with a doctor in Louisiana.

    I will find out that day when they can schedule me to be sleeved.

    I'm excited, nervous, and scared!

    I'm so ready to have a date set, but I have a ton of questions that I will be posting soon. I just need time to think of all of them so that I make sense when I do post.

    If anyone has any good advice on what I should do to prepare my home and my family for the post op and living after surgery, I'd appreciate it.

    I'm sure someone else has already asked everything I can think of to ask, but I'll probably ask it again!!!!

    I am looking forward to getting to know all of you lovely peeps as the days move closer and closer for me.

    Penny :biggrin0:

    Congrats on your surgery and welcome to the forum! I think we have a pretty fantastic group here!

    You're being silly (your words, not mine) -- they will be able to do your sleeve. Don't even think negative, let alone put it out into the universe -- negative out, negative back ... think and speak only POSITIVE ... when I have my sleeve, when I lose my weight ... POSITIVE only allowed!!!!

    I agree, be positive. Put out positive and get positive back!

  19. If your surgeon says he has done 600 VSGs and never had a leak, he is either a god or a liar. You decide.
    My surgeon's published leak stats in their pre-op materials are 0.7% over a six year period. However, they have haven't had a leak in over a year so those stats are old and the new stats are lower. (They've been doing the sleeve for about eight years now.)

    In this abstract of their published results for the first two years, they had 216 patients and 3 had leaks for a rate of 1.38%.

    Vertical gastrectomy for morbid obesity in 216 pat...[surg Endosc. 2007] - PubMed Result

    This presentation of 5 year results includes their leak stats for the first 5 years:


    It's under 1%.

    These results will be published in a peer reviewed journal soon, probably in the Fall.

    Thanks, Mac.

    Dr. Pleatman? I don't believe a surgeon needs to be a God or a liar, some surgeons are just plain better than others and there is little value in getting pissy about it and begin calling people names.

    My doc told me that leak stats under 1% are acceptable, more than that is not acceptable.

  20. I am going to order the kit. Will let you all know if I test low. Anything I can find to help with the sweets cravings and with body aches-shoulders, back and knees-I am willing to try.

    WASa, got any ideas about carb cravings? I am a sucker for hot buttered fresh baked bread or chips and salsa at a mexican place.:biggrin0:[/color]

    For me it is all or none, if I eat one slice of bread the carb cravings are back in full force. If I don't go near it then I quit craving it. When I do indulge and I want to get back on track I do the 5DPT and that gets me off carbs and I feel better, too.

    When I was a noob I couldn't do it, I just plain couldn't. All I'd have to do is look at a loaf of bread and I was history with carbs. I actually ordered groceries on line so I didn't have to walk the aisles of the grocery store. Or, I'd take just enough money for things I had to have, no check book, no credit/debit cards, nothing. One time I needed a can of tuna and I took $0.90 with me. That's how bad it used to be for me. Enough for tuna but not enough for a loaf of bread.

    I blew it in every possible way this weekend. I had a horrible weekend at work, two pediatric patients - very sad things that happened to them. But I totally blew it in every possible way. I have to fess up... I was actually eating pie while running on my treadmill... I mean at the same time! :cool0:/ Right now I'm eating a salad with hot buttery garlic/cheese bread.

    Needless to say, tomorrow it's back to the 5DPT for me. I have learned that I let things get out of hand and I don't let it get out of hand anymore. So for me it is all or none. I think that is true for most of us.

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