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Posts posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. Man I agree with you, I am amazed at how this has turned out.

    Wasa for your edification the info I quoted was not from the insurance companies, it was from the Surgical Review Corporation. The guidlines I referred to are set in place for and by the Bariatric Centers for Excellence, who gather all the data on these procedures from member surgeons and board certified bariatric surgeons. They then make recommedations as to who candidates should be for the procedures, and evaluate the risks vs benefits, longterm outlook and analyze the complication rates.

    They have compiled a very comprehensive list of recommendations in this regard.

    AGAIN, please see post #86. Just because the US does something does not make it right. There is much effort being put into changing things so that ins will cover WLS for BMIs 30 and above.

    As I told Alice, her initial post sounded like she was looking for the easy button and I had real concerns for her and saw that was the case for several other posters, they voiced their opinions in concern, however, in subsequent posts Alice filled in a lot of info... and I told her to go for it!
    No, that is NOT all you wrote. Here is more:
    The whole premise of lapband is for someone who is mordbidly obese (at least 100lbs overweight) and the weight loss is meant to be slow, no more than 1-2 lbs a week.

    I addressed this and you failed to respond.

    US doctors will not do surgery on someone of your size because the surgical risks outweight the benefits.

    I asked you for proof and you did not respond. Medical professionals do not agree with you so I would like to see your proof.

    Had I only had 40 - 50 lbs to lose I never would have had this surgery as good old fashioned dieting and discipline would have accomplished that.

    I asked you why you did not just D/E at your 50# point and you did not respond.

    All the guidelines I have ever read, and I researched and read everything I could find on the subject would NOT recommend this procedure for you.

    Who asked you? And who are you to suggest she go against her doctor's advice?

    You seem to have a real talent for picking out pieces of a thread and then ripping it and the person to shreads, most out of context to the conversation that was happening at the time.

    What is out of context? I posted it word for word. *I* did not paraphrase. I asked you to defend your statements and you refused. You had no problem handing out medical advice, handing out incorrect information, but if someone dares to call you on it then I am ripping you to shreds. All I did was ask you to defend your comments because you are mistaken in several areas.

    There is nastiness, but most seems to be from you, others are just giving their opinions, some misguided, but all valid points of view for different reasons.
    *I* am not the one belittling someone for wanting to better her health. Want another example? Here you go (this is my personal favorite):
    This poster is not 50-55 lbs overweight, we are talking 30-40 if she wants to be anorexic. I am all for weight control and would have loved to stop my weight before I was 50lbs overweight, but I cant ever remember being just 50lbs overweight. There is a bigger issue here and this poster sounds like she is looking for a quick fix, this surgery is NOt a quick fix or easy way to reduce weight, it takes work, each and every day and I would hate to see someone go through surgery and fail because they did not understand that it is not a quick fix AND it requires 100% dedication to this for the long term.

    Let's look at some numbers here, shall we?

    Today she is 5' 1" 166# and a BMI of 31.4. That is considered obese, btw.

    She wants to lose 50-55#. But YOU claim she will be anorexic with a weight loss of 30-40# and with a weight loss of 40# she will have a BMI of 23.8. Keeping in mind that 18.5-24.9 is a HEALTHY weight range, how do you figure that is anorexic? That is a healthy weight range. The OP actually wants to lose 50-55#. Let's say she loses 55#, that puts her BMI at 21. I am a smaller BMI than her goal, I am at 20. That IS a healthy weight range. That is what we should be aiming for, a healthy BMI.

    What in the world is wrong with that? Where the heck do you get anorexic from that? It's a healthy weight. You guys have belittled her, given her wrong information, assumed she has emotional problems for wanting to be healthy, suggested she do what we couldn't do (D/E) and be happy with that.

    You dodge questions, refuse to defend your outlandish claims, and then try to redirect this to me being the mean one. Bah! Start giving support instead of anger for someone wanting control before she is the size that we were.

  2. I am sorry to say Wasa but you are being a bitch about it. Wait no I am not sorry. Why did you convert to the sleeve after getting the band?? Was the band not keeping you at your goal weight? I know alot of people who will convert to either a sleeve or RNY because the band did not work for them. There has to be some reason. I guess if any of us has a different opinion then you we better watch out cause you will have something to say about that!!!! If it makes you feel better to have the last word please feel free to respond with some type of Jerky ass comment! I have better things to do then to sit on the computer all day!!!!!

    You wrote that I came to this thread to write about my band problems. Surely you can go back to those posts you refer to and see for yourself? I've asked you twice to defend your own comments and all you do is attack me instead.

  3. I like this multi-posting thing, very cool!

    As for those who are putting Agnes down for doing her thing, who pissed in your Protein Shake? Simmer down with all that mess and help a Sister out! If you don't like it then don't respond!

    Heh... I like you.

    Ugh! :blushing: I would like to know since when 50 pounds overweight is "only 50 pounds overweight Since when did 50 become a low number This is why this country is the fattest country in the world!

    Excellent, excellent words!

    Today in the US 1/3 of the population is normal weight, 1/3 is over weight, 1/3 is obese. This is a serious problem in our country today and we are not the only fat country around. Something has to be done. Those of us who decided to do something about it... great! Those that can't or won't, it's their choice. But there is no value in gaining to the point of morbid obesity before someone can self pay for WLS without being chastised for it.

  4. My own medicine??? Um I don't know what you mean.... I never handed out medicine.....

    It's called a metaphor.

    ...I may have been rude ONCE(about her being vain) but if you read my posts I was trying to be informative. Lets give it a rest.....:blushing:

    You were kinda rude more than once.

    Surgeons willing to do the surgery on you are doing it for the money.

    So any surgeon that follows the Standard of Care for their own country is just in it for the money? They are all hacks?

    I also think it was quit silly to have your "husband" (if it was really him, probably wasn't) ask about fills and how much work you will have to miss.

    Now that isn't very nice.

    I just really hope you are not doing this because of being vain. Do you have any co-morbities, Besides you feeling fat or crying because you can't wear regular close?

    This one was extra not-nice.

    So what if she wants to wear normal "clothes"? If she is wanting to lose 50-55# that will put her at a 20-20.8 BMI. That is NORMAL and HEALTHY.

    I'm still waiting for you to defend that claim that I am writing about my band problems on this thread. Or, did you forget?

  5. If you get online under the lapband.com website it says you need to be 100 lbs overweight inorder to get the surgery. I think that is why alot of people don't agree with Agnes getting the surgery. Besides its not like she isn't going to do it just because we think she doesn't need it!!!! LOL LOL


    It is the US Standard of Care that was set by Insurance Companies regarding what they will pay and what they will not pay. Since when are insurance companies the little Gods you are making them out to be?

    Inamed bands were approved in Mexico BEFORE the US. Mexico Standard of Care is the same as MOST countries, a BMI of 30 with or without comorbidities is all that is needed for WLS.

    They are doing studies in the US to prove that everyone ELSE is doing things right, it is us who are stupid when it comes to WLS.

    AGAIN.... Get out there and read about the disease we have. Those with a BMI of 30 or more have a 3-5% shot at losing weight with D/E alone and maintaining that for 5 years. What in the world is the value in waiting for her to die of heart disease before she is "entitled" to self pay for her surgery? Seriously, answer that. Where is the value?

    Here, here is a site with some great obesity research going on, it would benefit you to read up a bit on obesity issues:

    Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News From Medical News Today

    Get mad all you want but don't think you can talk to me the way you did with out a response.

    I don't think you enjoyed partaking in a taste of your own medicine very much, eh?

  6. Don't you freak'n tell me I am jealous. Do you think I chose to be in a car accident and have to be on bed rest for 7 months???? It was out of my control gaining the weight I did. On top of it after I got pregnant I got gestational diabetes and gained 109 lbs... DID you even read her first post. She made it seem as if she new nothing about the surgery before already planning to do it. Besides I never insulted her. Just by saying I don't think she needs it doesn't mean I am insulting her. If she wants to get the surgery, then she should do it. Just because I don't think she should doesn't mean a damn thing. If you want me to be insulting I will, but not with the OP, but with you. If you actually read all of my post instead of singling out peices, I was trying to inform her of certain things. The only reason you where baited to coming to this post was to tell everyone about your problems with the band, not to be a jerk for everyones opinions. You don't know everything!!!!!!

    I wrote it and I meant it. Every word.

    THIS is not supportive:

    I just really hope you are not doing this because of being vain. Do you have any co-morbities, Besides you feeling fat or crying because you can't wear regular close?

    But it is rude.

    We ALL have our journey and you are not the only one that has it rough. You guys beat up on her before you even knew her whole story. Instead of asking her for more information you jumped on her like jealous little teenagers.

    It was without excuse.

    Who are you to tell her you do not think she needs surgery? When did you get your MD license? When did you examine her and read her medical history?

    Now, back up your claims. Where did I post of my band problems in this thread? Show me? You wouldn't be out to redirect the topic from your rude behaviors to posts I did not write, true?

  7. WASA

    Well said. Its good for someone with experience to come in and stand up for Agnes as the whole thing was getting ridiculous.


    Thanks for writing this.

    It makes me angry when someone comes here for support and the attitude is that they haven't suffered enough with obesity yet so they aren't entitled to surgery. What a freak'en crock!

    Threads do not usually make me angry but this one does. We should be thrilled someone is smart enough and capable of getting surgery BEFORE they are in our shoes. Instead I have seen more jealousy and misinformation on this thread than any other in a very long time.

  8. Your experience will be unique to you, but your surgeon is one of the best, I have heard (he is on my list of top surgeons in Mexico if I decide to convert to a sleeve after I am as close to goal as I can get with the band).

    Dr. Ortiz does not do sleeves. He ONLY does banding. He won't even do a band on a higher BMI person. They have to lose weight to a 55 BMI and then he'll do it. Research is key in finding a surgeon. Dr. Ortiz does not do any of the more complicated procedures, he only does the easy banding.

    I'm probably going to regret saying this, but I think that getting a lap bad at 166 pounds, barely 40 overweight, is a little extreme.

    I think you seriously need some head work.

    I'm 5'1" so I know that 166 is not Weight Loss Surgery ready.

    I can appreciate your frustration and your disappointment at not being a SIZE 4 anymore, but you are not at an unhealthy weight yet, and can very much control and decrease your BMI without a lap band.

    You will need to exercise and work hard once you get the band in to begin with, so all that effort can be done without the added stress of lap band surgery on your body.

    But. It's your choice.

    WTH? What is wrong with you? Why are you so angry at the OP? You have done nothing but belittle her and insult her throughout this entire thread.

    Why is it the higher BMI folks are so angry when lower BMI folks get surgery? I swear, some people make it seem like you have to pay your fat dues before you can have surgery. Have you ever MET the OP in real time? Have you SEEN her? Her cardiologist has and he gave her a set point for weight loss. Who the heck are you to suggest that you know more than her MD specialists?

    I'm 5/5 and weigh 120, is that bad too? Go ahead, bring it on. Why not start throwing insults my way, you've met your match this time. Leave the OP alone. Support is a good thing, honest it is. Insulting her because she was smart enough to have surgery before she was as big as you or I is fruitless.

    The whole premise of lapband is for someone who is mordbidly obese (at least 100lbs overweight)...

    Not quite. In the US the Ins Co's set the Standard of Care and THEY say a BMI of 40 or greater, normal people don't say that. Every country other than the US does WLS for a BMI of 30 or greater. We are the ones that make people be morbidly obese before we will pay for their surgery.

    ... and the weight loss is meant to be slow, no more than 1-2 lbs a week.

    True and not true. In the beginning people usually lose very fast, the closer you get to goal the more it slows down. When I was banded I lost 33# in 33 days. Closer to goal I was losing a pound every week or two. The 1-2 pounds is the average people lose throughout their weight loss journey.

    US doctors will not do surgery on someone of your size because the surgical risks outweight the benefits.
    Had I only had 40 - 50 lbs to lose I never would have had this surgery as good old fashioned dieting and discipline would have accomplished that.
    So why didn't you?

    If you chose to be bigger before having surgery, kewl Beans. That is your choice. Not everyone agrees with you.

    All the guidelines I have ever read, and I researched and read everything I could find on the subject would NOT recommend this procedure for you.
    I'd suggest getting out there and reading more.

    Studies and common sense show it is far healthier to never be overweight and the more overweight you are the higher your surgical risks. It is safer to operate on someone before their BMI is way out of hand.

    I am not trying to be a downer,
    Well, you are.
    but this is serious surgery for serious problems with weight and luckily you are not there.
    How do you know? The girl had a freak'en heart attack at age 26. do tell. What more does she need before she is to be honored with a life saving surgery? Or are you another of those that she needs to pay her fat dues before she is entitled?

    At BEST she is 30+.

    I am 5'1" and "petite" == quite frankly, this is a shame and this poster needs to deal with PROPER weight loss options before she goes the surgery route, simply because being a diet and incorporating exercise isn't going to be FAST enough.

    Oh hush for goodness sakes!

    If you are going to give such information that might frighten new bandsters or steer interested desperate people from getting a tool that might save their lives, you need to back it up with facts and references. Do not post your opinions as fact. This is wrong and I hope people recognize it as such.........just your opinion.

    What she writes is accurate.

    I was wondering how you know she is ONLY 30 or so lbs over weight? I know you keep saying that over and over in your posts.

    After saying that, Agnes I don't necessarily think you NEED the surgery. But of course it is up to you... There is a reason why most surgeons and insurances would approve the surgery and why you are having to go to Mexico.

    True, the US is quite unrealistic about preventative medicine. All the other countries are quite more realistic. They see little need to wait for diabetes, joint damage, heart attacks and such. They'd rather prevent it.

    you don't weight enough. Surgeons willing to do the surgery on you are doing it for the money.
    I just really hope you are not doing this because of being vain. Do you have any co-morbities, Besides you feeling fat or crying because you can't wear regular close?
    WTH? How can you people be so amazingly rude to this poor girl? So what if it is vanity? I didn't have a single comorbidity when I had my surgery. Nothing. I did it for 100% pure vanity. It's okay to want to look good, that's not a selfish self centered thing.
    Just remember, I said it before, you posted this question on this forum for everyone, so you actually have to respect everyone opinion. Just because it isn't what you wanted to hear, doesn't mean it doesn't deserve respect..... Jennifer
    Respect is earned, you are not deserving of respect for insulting someone.

    You know what? I think some of you are simply jealous because you let your own weight get very far out of hand before taking control. We have someone who doesn't want to be in our shoes, she wants control of it now and look at your behaviors! It's disgusting.

    Now I know why I was baited to this thread. ;o) And I am quite glad I was.

  9. Yeah, I go with let her squirm, its like not lowering yourself to do the same thing that she did but the effect will sure do the same.

    Better yet... the OP could approach Mom, explain that it is known that bands carry so much risk and potential for problems so out of concern for Mom she told the step sisters that Mom is banded so when she has problems they can be there for help.

    Flat out tell Mom you already told the step sisters but don't tell the step sisters. Then she will either wonder why they are being so quiet about it or she'll tell them herself. Heh...

  10. Hi Everyone,

    I was sleeved in Mexicali by Dr. Aceves on 10/21/08. I have lost 78 pounds so far. I just found this site and I am excited to find it. Looks like there is a lot of great information on here. This has been a life changing event for me. My journey has been wonderful. I only wished I would have done it 20 years ago. The probelm is I didn't know about the sleeved until about 18 months ago. It is nice to be part of this group.

    I look forward to having the opportunity to get to know a lot of you. I live in Oregon and would love to hear from other people who live in Oregon.

    Suzanne :thumbup:

    Hey Suzanne! Good to see that you joined!! I was hoping you would.

    (I know Suzanne from my doctors message board)

  11. Now, see, this is why I'm concerned that this is yet another one of those forums that pushes one doctor while dissing another. I can't seem to find these elusive people you speak of who have problems with Dr. Joya's ethics and have gone to see him. Who are they? Where can I find them to talk to them? Every single person I've spoken to that has gone to Dr. Joya has had nothing but good things to say about him and his staff, OR their ethics.

    When Gerald, his U.S. based assistant sent me the information, there was a very clear stipulation in the paperwork that talked about the complication insurance, and their policies about complications. No secrets at all there. I've talked to people who have said they went for a bypass, but Dr. Joya talked to them about the sleeve maybe being a better option for them. So is he pushing bypass, or is he simply talking to people about THEIR best options?

    I talked to a lady today who researched Dr. Joya for almost 10 years before finally deciding to go get a Sleeve surgery from him last year. She said she also heard rumors about the nicked liver (all the way from the patient died to the patient had issues to there was no patient), but never once could find the name of that person or talk to that person about their experience.

    Every single negative thing I've heard about Dr. Joya (and there hasn't been much) has been very nebulous and has no actual stats attached. Every single positive thing I've heard about Dr. Joya (and there have been many) has contained statistics and names of people. It really concerns me that this might be yet another one of those sites that promotes Dr. Aceves over any other, as if he's a sponsor of this site, and sends out negative information about other doctors, even if there is no real evidence of such happening.

    Yes, I've heard a couple people talk about having leaks from all of the doctors - docs don't use statistics in their stats of patients who experience issues months later, only those that experience issues early on. Did these people burst their staple lines and get leaks by overeating before they had healed? Did they begin on solids sooner than they should have? Were they anomalies? Or was it really a surgical issue? Nobody can say or give facts.

    Please, just let me know - I'm not here to cause trouble or whatever, but if this is another site that is going to play the "my surgeon is better than yours" game, I'll just opt out now while it's early. It is good to give people information so they can make informed choices, but only if that information is actually factual. Where is the evidence that Dr. Joya has treated people in an unethical manner? Not rumor - evidence.


    No, this is not a board to push one doctor over another. It does happen to be that many here were operated on by Dr. Aceves but he has nothing to do with this website. I know I never suggested you go to Aceves. I never suggested ANY doctor to you. I just told you a bit of what I know about Joya, that's all. So unless you can show me where I pushed him on you I'm not really sure how you can suggest that this board pushes any given doctor.

    I have never ever claimed that Aceves was the only good surgeon. I have always pushed research, LOTS of research. Rumbaut is excellent as well. There used to be another one but his location is so bad and dangerous that I do not suggest him and he's been having a lot of problems lately. People coming home and having to have emergency surgery to fix something that went wrong.

    The person that had the liver issue with Dr. Joya posts here. She's been posting this morning. It's in her OH profile, or it used to be. She does not blame Dr. Joya for the liver issue... it happens. It's a risk with this surgery. Her issue was that nobody told her she would have to pay the additional $1200 until the day of her discharge and they were not open to her leaving the hospital until it was paid. They were very limited in forms of payment they would take. Had she known this up front when the complication first happened she would have had more time to prepare and take care of the additional bill. He had no complication fund before that.

    And speaking of the "complication fund," most of the good surgeons in Mexico cover complications themselves. Consider this, he claims complications happen in less than 1% of his cases. $500 x 100 is $50,000. The liver complication was $1200. That would mean he's making a pretty good profit on his complication fund. Complications are very unlikely to cost $50K in Mexico. Again, in my mind it goes back to ethics. You are okay with this and that's fine. I am not, I see it as an issue of ethics. It is not a matter of my doctor is better than your doctor, it is a matter of I require different things from my surgeon than you do and again, that's okay. That's why there is no surgeon that is a one size fits all kinda person. We all require different things from our surgeons.

    Leaks... they happen. So be it, all surgeons have them eventually. Nobody is downing Joya for having a leak. That wasn't the issue. It was his telling someone that leaks are basically easier and safer with bypass than sleeves. That person also posts here. She had her consult the day before surgery with Dr. Joya and he encouraged her to get a bypass instead of a sleeve. She was in a mad dash the night before surgery to research bypass. She ended up with a sleeve. She is also the one that explained about the person that had a leak and was still battling it 4 months later. The person was there while she was.

    I have to say, I stand behind my original post. I've been reading WLS boards for a long time and after time you can see trends with doctors. Some doctors have more issues than others. Some are flat out liars. Over time you see trends on various doctors.

    Dr. Aceves is probably the one in Mexico that does the most sleeves so you are going to see a lot of his patients posting. It's the way it is, it will be the same on any board where a lot of Mexican sleeved patients post. That doesn't mean he has anything to do with this board, he simply does more sleeves than other doctors so I'm not sure it is fair to jump to the assumption that he has something to do with this board. Really, it's kind of unfair to the man IMHO.

  12. I cant add much to whats already been said.

    The stomach is much smaller, some are smaller than others.

    For me, I can still eat alot at times, other times, I cant. I still get famishly hungry and crave alot of bad food. Its up to me to limit those foods, etc.


    Have you tried drinking ice Water (slushy is even better) before a meal? That is the only thing I have found that changes my restriction. If I drink something cold before a meal it limits me to about half of what I usually eat.

    Cravings... the only thing I have found that helps with cravings is to avoid it completely. If I eat a little I just crave it even more. For me it has to be all or none. After about three days I am fine and the cravings are almost gone.

  13. Hello everyone. I am having my band removed probably next week due to a slip. I talked to my surgeon's medical assistant today, and she told me that there was also a small hiatal hernia that showed up on my last swallow study, and wanted to know if I wanted my surgeon to take care of that while he was doing surgery to remove my band. Have any of you had that problem or surgery for that? Just trying to decide what I want to do about it.

    There would be no excuse for not repairing the hernia. It isn't going to resolve on its own and better to repair it now than wait to see if it just grows bigger.

  14. I went to the doctor last week and I was expecting a fill after being unfilled for several weeks! The nurse told me that my pouch was twisted up over my band and it is still dilated so I have to have a revision surgery to move my band back up over the stretched pouch. Just wondering if anyone has ever had this done, I am worried they are going to have to take it out. I go talk to the surgeon on Tuesday and then set a date for surgery! A little nervous but excited, if I keep my band this is a new start, I have been at this same weight for 2 years now!

    There is a revision specialist by the name of Dr. Husted. He was writing on another board that the latest studies show that if you surgically reposition or replace a band, you have a 70% chance of another slip in the first five years. He was also referring to a conference he went to in FL and this was discussed a great deal and most at this conference will not be surgically repositioning or replacing bands anymore, they have had very low success with this.

    Is there any chance that a malabsorptive procedure might serve you a little better? You've been struggling for a long time, three years and not at goal yet... maybe you just need a bit more help?

  15. I just had my lap band surgey on march 9, 2009. Been doing good ever since i have lost 73lbs to date. About 2 weeks ago i started having some pain in the area of my stomach. Went to go see my dr and he said it was a strained muscle, since i told him i had move some heavy boxes gave me some pain med. About a week ago i started with pain in my chest area in it runs to my head everytime i take a deep breath or i burp. I started throwing up yellow stuff so again i went to dr. He sent me to have done an endoscopy this friday. There is where i found out that my "band has eroded into the gastric lumen" i am schedule to go see my dr on monday to see my options. I am a bit scared about what is going on. I want to know how serious this is, what complications i can have? Am i going to go back to normal after the band is removed? My concern is that this is a bad time for this i have so much stuff going on this next 4 weeks. Can i wait or do i need to remove it as soon as possiable

    With erosion there is no choice, you have to remove the band. The issue you want to consider here is if you want to revise to something else and if so, what. The only other "restrictive only" procedure is a sleeve and quite frankly, it's a lot safer than bands long term. It is far easier for a weight loss journey as well, I know... I've had them both. ;o)

    Something you will want to discuss with your doctor is if you do want to revise to something else (sleeve, bypass, DS) can it be done at the same time. The answer is likely to be no.

    Please do not get another band, if you erode once you are very likely to do so again.

    Can I ask which band you have - is it the new AP or the older one? Just wondering as supposedly the new AP was designed in such a way as to minimize the risk of erosion.

    The new bands not eroding or having less chance for erosion is a sales pitch only, not proven.

    Consider this, unless someone is wayyyy too tight for wayyyy too long, they don't even know what causes erosion. If they do not know what causes erosion how can they prevent it? The claims about the new bands are bogus. Slips are increasing just as they were with the old bands and erosion is the same.

    They used to think that smoking caused erosion but then they figured out non smokers were eroding at the same rates as smokers. Then they thought it was NSAIDs. That turned out to be untrue. Then they blamed caffeine. Considering erosion happens from the outside of the stomach I'm not clear on why they ever considered NSAIDs and caffeine.

    One line of thinking is the stuff they use to sterilize surgical instruments. Some believe the residue is caustic and when they use that instrument on the next person it burns the tissue on the stomach a bit and that is the start of erosion.

  16. I am so frustrated and worried right now, and I guess I just need to get it out of my system. I was a self pay for my band which was placed 07/07 in Mexico by Dr. GONZALEZ and his crew. I weighed round 215 lbs at that time, today I weigh round 190 lbs, the most I have lost was 45 lbs total. Due to health reasons over the first year and a half I had to have unfills, and I have had problems with my band for approximately this last six months so as a result of all that today I have only 25 lbs off from my starting weight. Back in Feb. my port flipped and I had the surgery to reposition it with Dr. Gonzalez in early March. After that surgery I came back home and when I got my first fill at six weeks post-op I didn't feel the restriction I normally do. I continued to have this problem over the next couple of weeks while I had several more failed attempts at fills that wouldn't stay in my band. After the second one the doctor always removed less that half what he had placed with each fill. My incision had been sunk inward and looked thin skinned since my port repair, and this past week it turned pink & sore and in another day or two opened up and started draining. When another fill was tried at this time the Fluid ran back out the open area shortly after being placed. I feel so frustrated and have been out a lot of money with wasted fills, lost work time, travel expences, and now here I face another procedure and I just need to vent. I love my band but I have never got to enjoy the good benefits like others on here have. I pray there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

    You may adore your doctor but he doesn't have the greatest of reputations. Don't make the mistake of favoring loyalty over good medical care.



  17. Kathyy68

    hi i am bobo6431 from rgv, tx. I was dignosed with an eroded band on friday. I am going to go see my dr today i think i am going to have it removed. But i am concerned about the recovery time after surgey. This is really a bad time for me to be having this going on. I have a lot going on this comeing 4 weeks. I did my lap band 4 months ago i have lost a total of 73lbs to date. I am really worried about gaining the weight back after i have it removed. I am also worried about the surgey because i had a bad time with the anestsia. How long is the recovery time?

    Wow! Four months and you already eroded? I am so sorry.

    If you erode once you are verrrry likely to erode again. Depending on where it eroded there is a small chance you could revise to another surgery type at the same time such as a sleeve.

  18. well, i've heard of botox parties but fill parties?!?? good Lord, what next? heart transplant parties?! lol....

    i think thats ridiculously crazy and anyone who was willing to go through getting the lapband for the right reasons, being health and not just vanity alone, probably would never consider going to one of those parties.

    just my opinion. i for sure wouldn't. i value my health more then that!

    xoxo, christie

    I agree with you a great deal. You know what I worry about? With the economy as it is right now and people losing jobs and insurance I fear people will not be able to afford fills and unfills and they will start doing this sort of thing. Then when they infect themselves how will they afford to have the band removed? :((

  19. I am military and am stationed in Ft. Sill, Ok. I don't know how many military on the web site. I just wanted to share my doctor. He is a Major in the Army. His name is Dr. Reyes. I have never had surgery or anything. I was more nervous about the surgery part than having it done. He is very good. I also started the process in Ft. Bliss, Tx. that doctor was okay, but he wanted me to lose 50 lbs first. If I could lose that much on my own I probably would not need the surgery. Dr. Reyes is my angel, that is helping me start my new life. I had my surgery on June 16th. I feel great and am glad I made the decision.

    Thank you for letting me share.


    Welcome to the forum and congrats on getting sleeved!

    When was your surgery? How are you doing?

  20. Lol, that is exactly what I'd do. In my experience, people who do the whole "I'm sorry but I had to tell them in this situation" thing are only making an excuse for the fact that they enjoyed spreading the gossip immensely.

    If she were so worried, she could have told you so and encouraged YOU to tell them. She wanted to tell them and she did, mother or not.

    Two wrongs dont make a right but I would be exceedingly tempted to do the same thing back.

    Two wrongs don't always make a right but sometimes it does add up to revenge. ;o)

    Perhaps with the step sisters bring it up the OP could say that she wanted to do as well with her sleeve as Mom is doing with her band.

    And Jacqui... I totally agree with you that mom just wanted to tell, not that there was any valid reason for her to do so.

  21. Don't know how helpful this will be, but my banding date was july 22, 2008 (only 2 months before) and it was VERY slow going for me until a few months ago. After several fills the weight finally started to fall off. Right now I have 7.25cc in there and my band holds 11cc. You should've had 6month bloodwork for any deficiencies, but your hair shouldn't be falling out...that's usually a bypass side effect. Unless there's something else going on in your body that's causing the Hair loss, I wouldn't give up on the band just yet. Hang in there.:)

    hair loss can and does happen from all the WLS types... including banding. Look at the gazillion threads here on hair loss. It is quite common.

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