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Posts posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. Well my Advice comes from a different point of view....

    First of all I was Born and Raised in Laredo Texas, the border with Nvo. Laredo.

    Its 3 Hours away from Monterrey Mexico.

    (which is where My Family is from)

    So needless to say that here EVERYBODY & their Mother that has no insurance goes Across for Medical reasons.

    I personaly WOULD NOT GO....(heard of tooooo many bad stories)

    It is very scary to me....But I have a reason to be scared...

    My father had eye surgery with one of the "BEST" surgeons in Mexico, and well This IDIOT left My father blind in one eye and tore the retina in another... He took off his IRIS!

    Got paid and sent him home.

    Ok Drs make mistakes but how do you get that fixed in Mexico Being a US CITIZEN????

    How do you get compensated for Medical Malpractice in Mexico.

    Sue?? It wont work......

    $$$$ Talks in Mexico

    Now with WLS I know MOST U.S. Drs actualy get their training in Mexico, but.....Like I said Its just MY PERSONAL FEAR.....

    So if my insurance paid, I would Get in in the USA!

    Besides Mexico is Not a SAFE PLACE RIGHT NOW!

    I have not stepped across the border in about 5 years.

    Kidnappings and Shootings happen EVERYDAY!

    So PLEASE if you choose to go to Mexico BECAREFULL and wear the UGLIEST Clothes you can wear, nothing Flashy, no purses... nothing leave everything in the Hotel! PLEASE!

    I'm sorry to be so paranoid,

    My Brother in law and My Husband Both work for U.S. Homeland security (different branches) which also adds to my paranoia :biggrin0:

    Ok so That was just my opinion....

    Best of luck to you!

    Yeah....I know Mexico is not all bad...

    It was just my 2 cents, I swear I didnt mean anything wrong by it......

    that is why I said it my was "PERSONAL EXPERIENCE".

    Then again like you all said you went to Mexicali, that is not in the Border where all the Drug Cartels are having their wars.... I live it everyday....

    It is horrible to hear that your High School Friend has been Kidnapped and is being held for ransom.... then 2 weeks later they find Him in a ranch Dead....

    This is our life since a while back.

    I mean there is nothing Wrong with being a little extra carefull right??

    I BET YOUR DR WAS GREAT!!! As a matter of fact my Dr got his training in Mexico.

    GREAT SURGEONS are and come from Mexico!

    In my Fathers case (which has nothing to do with WLS) was unique yet life altering....

    he will never be the same again.

    Once Again I am sorry for my post I REALLY and TRULLY did not mean anything wrong by it.

    I just want you all to be VERY carefull when traveling to Mexico....Especially if you are not familiar with the place. (I dont know mexicali) I guess My opinion wouldnt count there....

    Best wishes to everyone

    And BE SAFE!!!:cool0:

    I live in a border state as well, we border with Nogales. Nogales is pretty bad and I don't go there much anymore but not all cities in MX are bad. You are comparing all cities to Monterrey and cities similar to Juarez. Those are both listed as cities the MX and US gov't warn to avoid.

    Since I do live in a border state I fully understand seeing something in your back yard and "feeling" like an entire country is the same but that's kinda like someone from MX coming to one of our own very dangerous cities and going home to say that all of the US is like that, it's just not realistic.

    What happened to your Dad is wrong, it shouldn't have happened and I am sorry to hear it but to say that as a US citizen you can't do anything about it - that's just not true. Doctors in Mexico carry medical malpractice for a reason, not just because they like paying the premiums. With that said they do things a little differently in MX, if a doctor is honestly a dirtbag of a doctor they can be sued (granted, not likely to win) but what is more likely is you can file criminal charges and they can go to a Mexican prison.

    Personally, I don't go to doctors based on whether or not I can sue them. I go to them based on research and skill. Even then sometimes things happen.

    We have the same exact problem in the US with doctors and many feel very comfortable that they can sue and get lots of money when things go wrong and that's just not true. I know 4, possibly 5 people that have had their lap bands placed around a glob of fat instead of their stomachs, all different surgeons, all in the US. Not one of them could find a lawyer to take the case. To hire expert witnesses is around $25K per witness, court costs, attorney fees... the case costs more to do than when it will pay out. Some were self pay and some were insurance.

    I know a guy that went to a US surgeon and came home with a self pay lap band. He returned to his surgeon complaining of pain and fever, the surgeon told him it was just post op pain. He went to an ER complaining of pain and fever, labs showed a significant infection, yet he was told it was post op pain. He returned to his surgeon a few days later when his port was bubbling out of his abdomen, it was seriously infected. His surgeon put him on antibiotics, no culture, just an Rx for antibiotics.

    The gentleman went to his PCP where he finally did a culture and the antibiotics were not going to work because it was the wrong one. Had the surgeon cultured his wound he would have known that.

    Fast forward to 9 months later he just had surgery again a couple of weeks ago to clean out more pus pockets and infection throughout his gut. It *still* isn't gone.

    He's self paid somewhere around $25K for the placement of his band and insurance copays/deductibles for the infection and many surgeries. He has no band, an infected gut, and no recourse. The case isn't worth enough.

    So really, how much better off are we for being US citizens with the ability to sue doctors?

    I've been in medicine for over 20 years and I'm telling you, this stuff is common. There are very few surgeons I would let touch me, I have seen them work and I want nothing to do with it and I'm talking the US. We can file complaints with the medical board if we don't like something our surgeon does but you know, it's the good 'ol boys club in many states. Nothing happens. We had a doctor here that had to kill three people before the board finally acted on it and instead of revoking his license (for doing a procedure that was outside his scope of abilities) they just told him he can't do that particular procedure on people anymore. THREE dead people and nothing other than, "Don't do that procedure anymore."

    I just don't see the value in going to a doctor based on the fact that they have medical malpractice, most times it isn't going to help the injured party anyway. A few years ago insurance companies made a 180 in the way they handle claims. They used to pay out anything without batting an eye if it was under $5K. The larger claims they would take it case by case. Mega big claims they would fight to the bitter end. Today, they fight them all to the bitter end, suing doctors is not like yesterday. It used to be ins would pay out stupid lawsuits that were not even the doctor's fault because it was cheaper than fighting it. Not so today. Today it's a different world. Today they are fighting them all and it is the ins co's that are winning.

  2. I thought I would post a recently published abstract from the Journal "Obesity Surgery," one of the leading Bariatric Surgery Journals. The reason I do this is to point out the difference between real research and the anecdotal "research" reported by some people, consisting of reading of posts on forums such as this and others. This series reports 6 staple line leaks in 200 patients, for a rate of 3%. This is a fairly typical leak rate reported in the literature; my leak rate is slightly lower, but in the same range.

    If your surgeon says he has done 600 VSGs and never had a leak, he is either a god or a liar. You decide.

    Mark Pleatman MD

    He is neither. Before you start calling your peers "liars" I am going to ask you to prove your claims.

    Also, to find a study that shows the worst case outcomes and claim your stats are better... well, do you see where I am going with this?

  3. Helo everyone. My 6 month bandiversary was on 6/29/09. I've lost a good amount of weight over 40 lbs., but have been bouncing back and forth between 243 and 247 since the end of April. I usually eat what I am supposed to eat and occasionally have a bite of something that I don't normally allow (I'm following a good carb diet due to my PCOS). For example, I had a quarter sized piece of a very moist corn bread at a cookout yesterday. However I seem to be stuck wiht my loss. I've tried eating nothing but Protein, or Protein rich foods and I don't eat huge amounts, although I can eat more than 1 cup of food at a time. I was hoping that with my last fill I would be at my sweet spot (I have 6 cc's in a 14 cc band), but I don't really feel any change.

    Last month I got my very 1st period on my own since 2004. Then last week I got it again, which is a mini-victory for me, as I haven't had a period without the help of progesterone since 2003. I also spent the days that I did have my period in the bathroom PBing just about everything I tried to eat, with the exception of slider foods. I'm assuming my band was a little tighter due to the bloating that goes along with that time of the month.

    Anyhow, I go for a fill on Wednesday and am afraid to hear the doctor tell me that I'm not losing. I'm not quirte sure what to do to kick start my weight loss again. I'm sure that the bite of corn bread that I had yesterday didn't derail my diet, but I'm not sure what's causing me to be at a stand still. I'm thinking that I may need another fill, but maybe 1/2 of a cc instead of a full cc. I'm also worried that I'm not going to be able to tell when I finally am at my sweet spot. I thought I would be with this last fill, but since I haven't lost anything I don't think I'm quite there yet.

    Doea anyne have any advice. My normal daily menu looks like this.

    8:00- 8:30 - Protein coffee (3/4 c light soymilk, 2 scoops chocolate Protein Powder, 2 tsp. Splenda and 3/4 c coffee)

    9:30 or 10:00 - 1 rome or gala apple sliced with Peter Pan whipped PB.

    Water, Water, & more water (or Crystal Light)

    2:00 or 2:30 - Soup. Usually Split Pea, Lentil, Garden Broccoli or Butternut Squash and a piece or 2 of string cheese.

    Water, Water & more water (or Crystal Light)

    dinner Time (varies) - Usually a meat/chicken and veggies or a salad.

    snack - No sugar added ice cream, high protein yogurt, sugar free popsicle, Jello with sugar free Cool Whip, smoothie (made with yogurt, light soy milk, fresh fruit & ice) etc... (not every night though).

    Is there anything on my menu that looks like it could be causing me to be at this plateau. I don't eat rice, bread, Pasta or flour. I occasionally cook with panko bread crumbs and maybe once I month I have a quesadilla when we're out somewhere. My favorte is shrimp, spinach, mozzarella & pesto. You'd think that I'd be losing - especially since I was pb'ing at almost every meal for 3 or 4 days over this past week/weekend.

    Does anyone have any advice because I'm extremely discouraged at this point and really don't know what to do. I'm also starting to have thoughts of bad foods by telling myself that I'm not losing anymore when I'm eating right. It's like I'm finding ways to justify eating foods that I don't eat as of now. I'm not giving into those cravings, but I did have 2 5 inch long salted pretzel sticks yesterday mid day. Again, I can't imagine that would have caused this plateau. Yesterday was a fluke and I don't EVER eat pretzels or anything else like that. I was just feeling down on myself.

    I'm at that point where I just want to scream. Especially since everyone keeps asking me how much weight I've lost now, or if I have lost anymore weight. I hate having to say that I haven't lost anything, but I haven't gained either. Especially since I have so far left to go.

    If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions I'd love to hear them. I just need to know that I'm not failing even though I feel like I am right now. :tongue_smilie:

    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    How many hours weekly of hard cardio are you doing?

  4. I have been miserable since day one. I can hardly swallow anything but liquid, I can't sleep, I have no energy, and I can't even begin to eat the amount of food that is recommended for week 5. No one I know has had my symptoms.

    I just do not like the idea of this thing being in me - and I don't even recognize myself anymore. I don't want to go anywhere, see anyone, do anything. I force myself to walk each morning and night, but otherwise, I am miserable and unhappy. I have to force myself to eat and nothing tastes good at all!!! Before the banding, I was active, excercising regularly, feeling good. I just struggled to lose weight and thought that this would be a tool to help me with the weight control. However, it is not for me.

    I had very similar problems, that's why I got a sleeve. Would you just give me a week and let me help you? We can chat via PM? Just a week. If things aren't better... remove the band. But just maybe I can help?

    I've been where you are but for different reasons.

  5. I hope I'm doing this right. Doing this from my phone. It's kind of confusing. Yeah I'm the same way. No fake stuff, want natural child birth. I think that is one of the reasons I'm so down about this. I just put some foriegn object permanantly in my body. I'm assuming I'll get over it. I kind of feel like I took the easy way out.

    You are soon to learn that you did anything *but* taking the easy way out.

    But what if you did? What if you did take the easy way out? What's wrong with that? Do you stand all the time or do you sit sometimes? Isn't that taking the easy way out? Do you live in a house with electricity and running Water or do you live in a cave? Isn't that taking the easy way out? What about transportation, do you take a car or bus when you travel or do you walk? Isn't that taking the easy way out?

    Assuming for one minute that WLS is the easy way out, what exactly is wrong with it?

  6. I am allergic to Protonix which I was given after having an abcess in my colon removed (diveriticulitious-sp?) which my doctor stated was from the Metaformin causing Constipation and diarrhea. Anyway, my question is -why does Dr Aceves give you Nexium and if I have allergy to Protonix (severe hives and itching), will I be allergic to Nexium?

    Second ?-pain-I have a very high tolerance to pain, i.e., I had abcess the size of a baseball without knowing it till I literally passed out when I twisted to get out of at the car. I noticed passing out, went to doctor and mentioned that I thought I had pinched something in stomach-doctor touched stomach, found the outer wall to be hard and had me get a CAT scan or MRI-can't remember which. Lab calls doctor who calls me and says get thyself to ER ASAP and I am driving down highway arguing that "I'm sure I'll be fine; it doesn't really hurt-how can it be serious?". Long story to say-How do you know if you have complications if you don't feel pain? I mean, I am totally confident in Dr. Aceves and his team, hospital, etc. But, things do happen and I can not rely on pain to tell me that something is wrong.

    Yes, I am pretty sure you could be allergic to Nexium if you are allergic to Protonix. Dr. Aceves uses Nexium mups because it dissolves in juice. Regular Nexium does not. Linda, a poster here is an RPh and she could give you more info.

    A leak is the big concern with a sleeve and if you had a leak pain is not the only symptom, a high fever is the other. You will want to check your temperature a couple of times a day after surgery. A low grade fever is normal after surgery, anything over 100.5 and I'd be calling the doc's office.

  7. If I have my sleeve done by Dr, Aceves on the 14h, should I book my flight back on the 18th or 19th?

    How many nights will I be in the hospital? Thanks, Judy

    You would be released from the hospital on the morning of the 17th.

    Pretest- 7/13

    Night at resort

    Surgery 7/14

    night in hospital

    7/15 - blue leak test

    night in hospital

    7/16 - GI leak test

    night in hospital

    7/17 - released at 7 am

    Yep, what she wrote. If your actual surgery is on the 14th (arriving in San Diego the 13th) you'd go home the 17th.

  8. Welcome, GreenBay Girl!

    You might try emailing the doctors you are interested in and asking for their complication rates, leak stats and staple line experience and ask for references from people they have sleeved. Those references can probably set up up with other message boards where you could find some good info.

    Problem is, one of those doctors does not tell the truth about complications. He claims he's never had a complication, none. Turns out that isn't so true, he's had several quite serious complications.

    That's why you can't really depend on being told the truth and you have to read read read and verify as much info as possible.

  9. Thanks, I contacted them today. They are going to e-mail me available dates today or tomorrow. I'm trying to talk my friend into going and getting the sleeve too. She has signed up with the same surgeon here to get the band. I think I have her about convienced to get the sleeve instead. I will keep you posted. Judy

    Send her here and let us tell her allll about the band. ;o))))

  10. I've just joined a calorie counting website and have logged in my calories for today, I've only eaten 360 calories today when I need 2000!! I have also realised that I'm not eating nearly enough Protein (which would probably explain why I feel like I'm still always hungry)...

    I need some ideas on quick, easy "snacks" that I can have that have plenty of Protein in them....what are you all having to keep you going and get your calories uP?? Thanks in advance!!!

    Yes, I put in my weight and height and it said 2000 calories. I didn't think it was unusual, I have heard a lot of people on here say that are required to have that amount.

    Wowzer! That's a lot of calories when you are trying to lose weight.

    Remember, the 1-2 pounds a week is an average througout your entire weight loss journey. In the beginning you'll probably lose a lot faster than that, maybe 5 pounds a week. Then closer to goal maybe you'll only lose 1 pound every 3 weeks. So the 1-2 pounds is an AVERAGE throughout your weight loss journey. The higher your BMI the faster you will likely lose in the beginning.

    Don't depend on websites to tell you how many calories to consume, depend on your doctor.

  11. I just got my band on monday 6/29/09. Is it normal to feel like you regret it. I feel like I may have done something bad to my body. It is now friday and still really gassy and my stomach will not stop gurgling. I also miss the food more than I thought I would. Does this feeling go away? When do you start to feel like yourself again?

    It is really really really normal! I think most of us go through that. When you start seeing the scale move you'll lose that feeling of regret. The first month is the hardest! You are on a post op diet, you don't feel well, you want real food... it's hard. It gets easier, just hang in there.

  12. I also have Aenta PPO, several people that I know that have gotten the band that had the same insurance has said, "you'll get it." It has only been a week and nothing yet in the mail, phone call, or site check.

    Aetna does cover WLS but not if it is specifically excluded. It is an additional premium and not part of major medical. So if someone has WLS benefits under Aetna, it would be covered if they meet the requirements. If someone's else's Aetna policy specifically excludes it, it will not be covered.

    IOW, not all Aetna policies cover the same things.

    Hi, I am attending a lapband seminar this monday. I have been looking over so many threads to find answers and have read so much info that has helped. I have Aetna PPO and I have looked in the benefit book and this is what it states:

    Medical Exclusions:

    Charges for surgical weight reduction

    procedures (such as stapling the stomach) and all related charges, unless a physician certifies that the condition is potentially life threatening and and all other courses of treatment were unsuccessful.

    I really just want to know as much info as possible. I have read some threads about having 5 year medical history about weight. Has anybody gotten approved that didnt have that. I only went 1 time in 2003, 2005 to the emergency room due to acid reflux being so bad and then 2008.

    Thanks for any help!

    Sadly, if it is excluded - it is excluded.

    If it is covered here are the requirements:

    Aetna Insurance - WLS Benefits - Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery (VSG) Forum

  13. I'm just curious. We all have cravings (head hunger) from time to time. Sometimes we want something salty, sweet, sweet and salty, chocolate, cold, hot, etc. When you get one of these cravings, what do you eat that is healthy yet curbs that craving? I just want ideas here.

    One thing I finally learned is that habits are learned. I used to be a "flour" person. Anything with flour and if I ate what I was craving I craved even more of it.

    What if you try something for three weeks. It's hard but it really works. Dodge the cravings and when you have head hunger eat a veggie. Even if you don't like it eat it anyway. I know, it's hard. But amazingly, soon you learn to like it and you really do begin craving it.

    Before surgery the only veggies I ate were those on top of my burger. ;o) Today I honestly sincerely crave yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers, cauliflower, etc. I can graze all day if I want because of the types of foods I graze on. I do not gain and I get to graze and feed head hunger.

  14. Thank you Wasa for that info.. After all the stress over the insurance company and lack of communication from Surgeons office I'm 90% sure I am not going to give them anymore of my time.

    I'm sure I don't want to get into any fraud issues.

    I have contacted Dr. Aceves office and am waiting to hear back from them. I feel like that is the right thing to do. Thank you for all your help.

    This board has been a life saver for me. Hugs, Judy

    Here is something about MGB, a bit of history:

    Gastric bypass surgery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Loop Gastric bypass ("Mini-gastric bypass")

    The first use of the gastric bypass, in 1967, used a loop of small bowel for re-construction, rather than a Y-construction as is prevalent today. Although simpler to create, this approach allowed bile and pancreatic enzymes from the small bowel to enter the esophagus, sometimes causing severe inflammation and ulceration of either the stomach or the lower esophagus. If a leak into the abdomen occurs, this corrosive Fluid can cause severe consequences. Numerous studies show the loop reconstruction (Billroth II gastrojejunostomy) works more safely when placed low on the stomach, but can be a disaster when placed adjacent to the esophagus. Thus even today thousands of "loops" are used for general surgical procedures such as ulcer surgery, stomach cancer and injury to the stomach, but bariatric surgeons abandoned use of the construction in the 1970s, when it was recognized that its risk is not justified for weight management.

    The Mini-Gastric Bypass, which uses the loop reconstruction, has been suggested as an alternative to the Roux en-Y procedure, due to the simplicity of its construction, which reduced the challenge of laparoscopic surgery.

    It's really quite dangerous. It is technically an easy procedure to do and any WLS surgeon can do it but there is good reason why 99.9% of them refuse to do it.

  15. Thanks, WasA! I don't plan to have juices & I think all of my carbs will come from the Protein drinks while on all liquids. I actually don't plan to drink 3 of the MMLight a day...I plan to do two of them & a nectar Protein Drink. So, I think my carb intake should be fine as well. I do feel hungrier when I consume a lot of carbs, so I do plan to limit my carbs as much as possible, especially during the liquid only phases.

    I can see a light at the end of the tunnel now. I think I'll be okay on liquids. If I can just make it to the full liquid stage! :thumbup1: I think the clears will be the most difficult for me to get in the Protein. I guess I'm just gonna have to suck it up & get it done! :rolleyes:

    Ohhhh, one other thing! Muscle Milk Light is verrrrry sweet tasting and you may not like it much after surgery. Just buy it in small quantities in case you have the ASS disease. AAAACCCKKKK Sweet Syndrome. ;o)))))

  16. I finally got a call today for my pre-op appt. and visit with the surgeon. July 10th They said I would be there all day.

    It took 5 weeks to hear from anyone after the seminar and paper work.

    My insurance will only pay for the band or bypass. NO exceptions.

    I told the coordinator that I wanted the sleeve. She said the insurance will pay for all my pre testing and lab work.

    I wouldn't have to pay for the program fee if I was self pay.

    That helps alot. I would cost me about the same as going to see Dr. Aceves.

    My husband was told he would be layed off from his job this winter. I am trying not to put us in too much debt.

    Here is an idea that I have. I wonder if the insurance will cover the mini bypass. Then while the surgeon was doing the mini-by-pass he could make me a sleeve instead of just closing off that part of the stomach. I could pay him his fee for the sleeve.

    Does that make sence? What is your opinion on this? Does the mini bypass work for people? Thanks, Judy:svengo:

    Ins does not usually cover MGB, it's quite dangerous. Only the slimebag surgeons even offer it.

    To have ins pay for MGB and then do a sleeve is called fraud. ;o) The ins co is going to catch on to that one and you will be paying the full price yourself.

    Some people are electing to have DS in a two part procedure and they go in for the first half, the sleeve, and then they just never go back for the 2nd half, the DS. That is fraud as well and ins co's are starting to crack down on this. There is a doctor in TX that just got into a world of trouble for doing this. The ins co took back all the money they paid out for DS when the sleeve was done. They approved DS and 100% of the time he only did a sleeve.

    What seems like a good idea is turning out to come back and bite some people in the butt.

  17. Sigh, nothing's easy is it? So even with a sleeve, there's margin for user error?

    If you overeat by any more than what's already happened would you vomit? Would it be a like a pb, where its not acidy, nauseous vomiting, just regurgitation?

    That is exactly what it is like for me. It's only happened a couple of times in a year, once was pizza. pizza Hut has these tiny personal pan pizzas and I ate part of one slice and it was too much or I ate too fast, not sure which. It was just like getting stuck with a band in the way you vomit, not like how it is with a whole stomach.

    I am pretty good at eye balling portion sizes but where I make a mistake is foods that expand in your stomach. You know how there are some foods that as you swallow and as you swallow saliva the food expands? That is where I mess up every now and again.

    No, I've never had the GERD and the ecess salvia -- in fact I've not had very many episodes of acid reflux at all ... just the excessive mucus the 2 weeks after surgery and now occassionally if I eat the wrong thing and it get "stuck" ... never knew Water or liquid could get stuck -- go figure!

    liquid can't get stuck. What might be happening is that you are still a newbie and you might be drinking a little too much or too fast. Your stomach isn't expanding yet to hold more than its size.

  18. I found the RTD Muscle Milk at my local grocery store & tried it. It was very good! :thumbup1: I know many of you do not like Protein with this many carbs, but...

    Anyway, I've sent an email to Nina asking when I could drink those post op, but thought I'd pick the brains of the veteran sleevers here as well. :rolleyes: I've included a link so you can see the information on it. My question is for Dr. Aceves' patients, when would this drink be acceptable?

    CytoSport? Muscle Milk? Light - Vanilla Creme - CYTOSPORT - GNC

    This has 11gms of carbs, that's not bad. You can't have it on clears but you can on full liquids.

    The reason I am pro-low carb on liquids is because you can be hungry in more ways than just ghrelin. If you consume a lot of carbs it causes blood sugar spikes and that cycle can cause hunger. If you don't consume any other carbs and drink three of these daily it's fine. But anymore carbs and it might make you feel hungry and that's a bad bad thing on the post op diet. If you get too hungry you might be more likely to cheat.

    But if you do three of these daily you get all your Protein and 33gms of carbs daily. That's absolutely fine. Just avoid juices, smoothies, etc. while on full liquids. It makes it easier on you.

  19. I don't believe in the liquid diet so I can't really answer your questions. But a lot of docs put their patients on things like Medifast. That's really easy because you just add Water to their packets and you've got the exact right mix of nutrients.

    OTOH, any weight loss will shrink your liver. Low carb does it better but weight loss does it too.

    Thing is, it takes quite a bit of weight loss to shrink your liver. Low carb burns the glycogen that makes the liver hard to work with.

    Medifast... people don't usually like it but the doctors selling it and requiring people use that product do make a lot of money off the stuff. ;o)

    I also use the kiwi-strawberry Special K...any little bit helps, right?

    I'm on my 4th day of liquids and broke down and ate 4 saltine crackers last night. I was afraid my Vitamins would make me sick, so I ate the crackers. My husband got so mad.

    So, my question is...how low-carb is low-carb? I mean, is there a number of carbs I should stay under? I can't figure that part out. I can also have natural sugars, just not added sugars. I'm good on that...I'm just wondering about the carbs!

    Different doctors vary in what they want. Some want under 20, others want under 30gms from what I have seen.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
