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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband or Bypass?

    My vote is for a sleeve. No intestinal rerouting, no malabsorption, no maintenance, no follow up care, fewest long term risks and complications of bands or bypass, better and faster weight loss than with banding, Ghrelin (hunger causing hormone) is removed so most who are sleeved do not experience hungar. Safest WLS type around, EWL is around 80% vs. banding that is 50-70%. No stomach stretching, fewer food cravings than with banding or bypass due to no Ghrelin.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    With all due respect, you really don't speak for everyone. If you want the thread to end, stop posting in it. Personally I don't care if it ends or not, makes no difference to me.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    What to look for in a good surgeon?

    Might check out my sig link, it would work for a US or Mexican doctor.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    You appear to be so hell bent on being angry that you aren't paying attention to the posts. Someone asked what a sleeve is because of my sig, Losingjusme provided a link answering what a sleeve is. It had nothing in the world to do with you. You do seem to feel you have it worse than others, you don't know the struggles of others so I'd rethink that one. Your attitude is going to make the difference if you hit goal or not. Might be something to consider. Good luck to you.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    I don't think you are going to get a positive reaction from those of us that decided to fight and win the battle of fat. We HAVE been where you are. We ALL have had our own issues to deal with. To make it sound like yours is more severe and you have it harder is not wise considering you don't know the struggles of others here. We can all sit here and piss and whine over who has it worse or we can get out there and get it done. Your opening post: You flat out explain that you are not losing well for the last few weeks, you have a hard time with motivation. You have sleep apnea that won't resolve without weight loss and weight loss isn't happening without exercise. Hello????? So what do YOU think the answer is? You don't have to do an hour of hard cardio with sweat pouring off your face to make a difference. Many studies show that 20 minutes three times daily of hard cardio is more beneficial than 1 full hour at a time. I didn't have motivation either and I had my own struggles just as you have yours. I did it anyway because I wanted weight loss bad enough to do it without motivation. You just get out there and do it. I still hate exercise with a passion, never did learn to like it. I'd rather go to the dentist for a root canal than to run a few miles but I wanted weight loss enough to do it. When you reach that same point you'll do it too with or without motivation. Probably half the people posting here have sleep apnea yet they want weight loss enough to get out there and get it done.
  6. I agree. It's a healthy thing to look both ways before crossing the street. We are afraid of getting hit by a car, a healthy fear. It is also a healthy fear to want to do what the docs suggest so the band lasts. An unhealthy fear is doing stupid things that put your band at risk in the name of losing weight. One won't be overly successful with no band.
  7. Apples and oranges. Scared of not losing weight vs. scared of screwing up your band by not following MD instructions are two very different things.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Yeah, then he graduated and came to work where I worked. Gahhhhh
  9. What's that prison program... scared straight? I kinda feel like a jailbird. ;o) Seriously, I'm glad you are scared, scared people tend to do well. You and Gray are great!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone else noticed?

    You know what G? You are okay. Matter of fact, you are pretty damn cool! I think we'll keep you around for a long time. ;o)
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Graythope.... I am sincerely thrilled for you! This is a fantastic thing you are doing and the pay off is so fantastic! Like we hear so much around here, you get your life back! Sometimes in ways you didn't even remember giving up. You can do this! You DID it! You can keep doing it. Congrats to you!!!!!!!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    The OH DS main page says the same thing. The DSers have been complaining about that forever and wanting OH to remove the "stinky" part of the DS description. OH refuses to do it because it is accurate. Right, pretend it isn't there and you won't smell it...
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Nahhh... I think there is a difference here. We couldn't lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle previously but today that is different. We've had WLS so we really have few excuses if the surgery type is up and running such as restriction in a band. Motivation isn't a physiological disorder such as what I believe the eating issues are. When you have the tool available to you for weight loss and you still don't want to do your part... the band isn't going to fix that and sometimes people need to face reality. We've all been there and we all have to work through it. We all have to do things we don't like and don't want to on a daily basis, we survive it. We can survive a few minutes of exercise daily.
  14. When did I claim not to be sarcastic? I am, it's me. But that doesn't change the fact that this one you brought on yourself. Don't blame me for your own behaviors. We have been saying the same thing since before you came to this thread, it's critical to follow your doc's advice. We explained why the post op diet exists, we explained why cheating is potentially harmful, we explained the head issues. The reality is that we wrote what a few didn't want to read. We tend to have a fat mentality and many ways of justifying more food. The docs don't say eat solids and chew extra well during the soft stage, they don't say to follow their diet because they like to torture others. There is a reason for the diet. When someone finds ways to justify more food, the wrong food, extra food, they are continuing the very same behaviors that earned them a band to begin with. If someone feels picked on because their behaviors are being pointed out to them, I don't care. If it takes that for someone to wake up and see what they are doing then great, they can be annoyed while they KEEP their band. I'd sure rather someone think I am a big bad skank than to be in a depression over losing their band. Look, I've been through a revision surgery and I followed all the rules. I did it the right way. It's hard, very hard. Revision is a hard surgery physically and mentally. I think it would have been worse if I caused the problems myself and brought on my own issues from not following basic instructions. You don't like my style? Kewl beans. I don't like yours. But we don't have to like one another's styles, we just have to learn from one another because that is why we are all here.
  15. Hey, you brought this one on yourself. This is what you wrote: We also told the OP to follow her doctor's advice yet when we do it you become very sarcastic and nasty inferring we think we are doctors. And why? Because we suggested she do as he says. Yet when you suggest the SAME thing it is somehow different so you brought this one on yourself.
  16. Why can't you put those foods in Calorie Counter, Diet Tracking, Food Journal, Nutrition Facts at The Daily Plate They list eggs, chili, Protein products, etc. You really need to start tracking your food and seeing exactly how many calories you are getting. Stop the Dairy Queen, you don't need it. Track your exercise on thedailyplate as well. Get another fill, don't wait. Cut down on fruit and add veggies for Snacks. Fruit is loaded with sugar and carbs. Is your Protein Shake for body builders or is it low sugar/low carb? It should be around 25gms protein, not more than 200 calories MAX (less is better), and no more than 4 carbs. Find products you can mix with Water vs. skim milk such as Matrix 5.0 or whey gourmet.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone else noticed?

    Well, I posted on a thread regarding following the post op diet. We have said over and over again that following your doctor's orders for the post op diet is critical and why it is critical. Someone came in and explained to us that we are not doctors so we shouldn't be giving out advice. ??? Hello? Our advice was to follow your doctor's orders. Man, people will come up with anything to justify eating more food or the wrong food. Then they don't understand why the band isn't working for them. :thumbup:
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Is anyone NOT exercising???

    Our eating issues really don't have anything to do with not exercising. We got a band to stop us from overeating. There comes a time when you really have to give up the excuses and just darn well get out there and do it. Some of us know we come up with excuses and some of us believe our own excuses on some level. If you have time to post on a message board, you have time to exercise. If you have time to engage grazing behaviors, you have time to exercise. I do not believe that anyone can't find 20 minutes a day to exercise. If you can stay awake long enough to post on message boards, you can stay awake for a 20 minute walk. Your body will not plateau because you are exercising. You don't have motivation? The band won't fix that so get motivation. The band is a lifestyle change and not a magical pill that will just make all the fat go away. I don't care if you are motivated or not, just get out there and do it. People aren't motivated to do a lot of things in life, going to work, cleaning the toilet, changing dirty diapers, going to the dentist, cleaning the house, doing dishes... there are lots of things in life we don't like and would prefer not to do but if you really want weight loss and health then you get out there and do what you have to do. Not exercising is due to lazy and the band doesn't fix lazy. Your foot hurts, fine. Do weight resistance and rest your foot. Your back hurts? So did mine, building up muscles will prevent that back pain from causing a severe injury to your spine so work with your doctor and come up with something. The bottom line is that if you want to lose weight badly enough, you'll give up excuses and get it done. We are great at justifying more food, justifying not exercising, we can justify just about anything in life if it gets us what we want. So you have to decide what you want more. sleep apnea isn't going to improve much without weight loss so you have to find a way to move enough during the day (exercise) that the weight comes off and the sleep apnea goes away.
  19. Snowbird... Careful with the common sense advise! If you keep posting that people should follow their doc's advice you'll be accused of being a doc-wannbe! ;o)
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone else noticed?

    I think the bogus commercials have everything in the world to do with the problem. They show all the good points and NONE of the work! Just get a band, eat smaller quantities, and lose weight. People really have no idea of WHAT to research. The food limitations, barfing, foaming, sliming, no fiber in your diet, etc. They have no idea what they are signing up for and MDs are not teaching them a bloody thing! The majority of folks that come here believe the post op diet is ALL about swelling. Swelling is 10% of it, the rest of the purpose of the post op diet is 90% of it. How often does a person understand why they are on an Atkins diet pre op? They think it is to lose weight, have no clue what glycogen is. People are desperate, they will do ANYTHING for a band! Absolutely anything. They see $5500 and they have no idea the patient coordinator flat out refused to go to the doctors she is promoting, she traveled halfway across the country to go to a GOOD surgeon. She wouldn't dream of going to the butchers she promotes! People have no clue. that's the reason for my sig.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    People with hernias... I have a question :o)

    I had a hiatal hernia and no, they can't be found with an abdominal exam. They can be diagnosed with an upper GI sometimes. Most of us have one and some don't have any idea. I didn't know I had one until my surgeon mentioned that he fixed it during my banding.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Any of the WLS types stand a pretty good chance of putting diabetes in remission, not just DS. Those people are just bizarre.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I'm sorry to hear that, I hope they do their research. :w00t:(
  24. Are you aware that we are suggesting people (gasp) follow their MDs advice? The horror of it all! Amazingly, it does not take medical school to grasp a bit of common sense. Following your MDs advice is not the evil you make it out to be. Honest.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone else noticed?

    I was talking to someone recently that asked me about banding. She wants to go to a doctor that nobody has ever heard of before, in a trashy little TJ clinic, the doctor speaks NO English, the patient speaks NO Spanish, there is no way for her to communicate her questions to him, there is no way for him to communicate his instructions to her, he has no way to explain the band, how it works, how to take care of incisions. He is not Inamed certified, the person doesn't have the slightest idea what brand of band will be placed. She doesn't know anything about the band, had no idea she had to chew well, had never heard of PBing, sliming, or foaming. Didn't know she needed maintenance on the band, and asked what a port is. But she is thrilled because the banding is only $5500 and that's where she wanted to go. To her credit after we talked for an hour she realized she is nowhere near ready for banding, she has a LOT to learn about bands, life with a band, how to chew, what to eat, how to research ANY doctor regardless of country... she just assumed that since he made it through medical school he must be really good otherwise how would he have graduated? And surely he knows to put a US FDA approved band in her even though he is in MX. ??? Spooky.

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