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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    Here? As in HERE? Or here as in there? Snowbird and I went to my very favorite restaurant and that day it was just horrible! Really awful. We both ordered chicken, it was similar to taffy. So instead of admitting my fav restaurant sucks, I am blaming Snowbird for not appreciating good food! ;o)
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    How much weight have you lost???

    Hmmm... I was at goal (20BMI) when I revised from a band to sleeve so I can't give you realistic specifics but what I can tell you is that bandsters typically lose 1-2# weekly, sleevesters typically lose 2-3# weekly. Hang in there, it will happen.
  3. I was previously MO at a BMI of 42 with a band. I was a BMI of 20 when I revised to a sleeve. Maintaining my weight was no easy task on the post op diet. Mexico rocks for sleeve surgery! Make sure your surgeon has done AT LEAST 250 sleeves AND!! 250 bypass procedures. That will give you at least 500 staple lines for experience. Bypass staple lines are MUCH harder to do that sleeve staple lines, if your surgeon cannot handle a bypass staple line, do you want him doing ANY staple line on YOU?
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    I'm Revising from Band to a Sleeve

    I drove home... I drove myself 3.5 hours to Phoenix. No biggie.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    I'm Revising from Band to a Sleeve

    Oh my goodness I heard my name in a post. ;o) Stick with liquids. It's worth it in the end. I have a friend that was going to revise from a band to sleeve and while she was waiting for her surgery date she slipped. Dr. A had to remove her band and not do a revision until her stomach healed from the slip. I was on liquids for 4 months between band problems and the post op diet for a sleeve. That sucked donkey dicks. It did, I'd be a liar to say anything else. But I had little choice. The band made it such that I could not eat solids without stoma spewing (a term coined right here on the infamous LBT!) I believe you are making a wise decision with Dr. Aceves. There are two surgeons in MX that do the majority of revision surgeries and Dr. A is one of the two. The other is in Monterrey, MX. They do them because they can do them safely. The sleeve is a different world from banding. I firmly believe that previously banded folks have no problem with a revision to a sleeve as we have already been through the learning curve of eating and chewing. I ate southern fried chicken the first day of solids yet most newbie sleeves can't tolerate it. I think they don't know how to chew, to be honest. Want to feel restriction? OMZ! Wait until you are sleeved! Holy crap, that was the first time I experienced true restriction. Took me 2.5 hours to eat a chicken leg and 2 tbls of mashed potatoes. I never experienced true restriction with a band. I was in for the shock of my life. Driving from MX to Seattle is going to bite regardless of surgery or no surgery. ;o) But you are verrry correct in stopping hourly to walk. This is critical that you do this. It will help to prevent blood clots. PM/Email me if you have questions.
  6. Hi MacMadame! (waving madly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


    you are my mostest favoritest poster!

  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Scared about band and self pay

    That would be about 7+% according to Inamed at a recent bandster bash.
  8. WASaBubbleButt


    Ohhhh my goodness, the two do not compare! ;o) A band is verrry hard, a sleeve is a piece of cake. I do not PB, PBing is a band term and not a sleeve term. Sliming... it can happen but you have been banded so you have already been through the chewing and eating learning curve so I doubt you'll experience this. Folks who were previously banded have few if any problems with barfing, sliming, or foaming. We already know how to eat. You don't have a stoma for food to pass through, you just have a little tiny stomach. Big, huge, mega difference. A sleeve isn't even close to banding, it is a completely different world. There is no being too tight, you are suggesting banding. Sleeves are very different. Let me explain it this way, having a sleeve is like before you ever had WLS to begin with, you just get full faster. Life is freak'en good with a sleeve! I regret banding, I do not regret being sleeved.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Scared about band and self pay

    Hi Flowers... No, this is not a case of dyslexia, this is just a misunderstanding of what can go wrong with a band. A port flip is the least of your worries, a slip is much more of an issue. Erosion... even worse. Good luck to you!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Scared about band and self pay

    I think you are confusing terms here. Your port doesn't slip, your band does. Your port is sutured to a muscle or connective tissue, NOT your stomach. There is no such thing as an impossible slip as long as you have a band. A slip is where (usually) the posterior stomach slips up through the band. The band doesn't move, the stomach does. No such thing as no chance of a slip. There is no such thing as resolving fears of a slip. A slip can happen to anyone regardless of their doctor. Mexican docs perfected the surgical technique to help prevent slips but that is not a promise. You are at the same risk for a slip as anyone else. Ports.. ports can flip regardless of surgical technique. Your body will condense as it shrinks, your doctor has no control over where your body pushes and moves your port. It can flip regardless of your docs claims. I love my sleeve, it can do none of the above. ;o)
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Looking for a good doctor

    Yep, I agree. Six of one, half dozen of another.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    Men are kinda slow and stupid. Give it time, you'll train him in good time. Very good! A pound is one less pound to lose! (Btw, Snowbird doesn't know good chicken when she eats it, just a side note) ;o))))))))))))))))))))))))
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! You, my dear, are SKINNNNNNY! Congrats to you! Does ANYTHING in the world fee better????
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    Darl'en.... you don't know good chicken when you see it! LOL Don't you know! It's supposed to be chewy like taffy, the broccoli is supposed to be hard. You just don't know good food when you taste it! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    Snowbird! I know a great restaurant in Mexicali, wanna go? ;o))))))) I've seen you, you ARE skinny! And at goal! Isn't goal fun??
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    What in the world makes you think I did anything differently? Are you under the impression I never mentioned problems to my doctor? What is wrong with you? Why do you find the least likely scenario and assume that is exactly what others did? Some band problems cannot be fixed without removing the band. I live driving distance from my surgeon. I was there all the time, he did everything, tried everything, just like US doctors do. Bands are being removed left and right by doctors from all over the world. There are hospitals that won't do banding anymore because of the high failure rate. Are you suggesting that none of those people obtained follow up care? Are you serious? Doctors can't work magic, just using that trippy modern technology of a freak'en telephone or car doesn't magically fix things. I don't really care how long you researched, that does not ensure you will do well, not do well, keep your band, or not keep your band. You are a newbie, you aren't even through the learning curve of the band yet. So don't you dare presume to know everything there is about banding as well as how everyone else handles their band issues. My doctor did the same as yours, the post op diet, the nutrition eval, f/u appts, etc. So your sarcasm and silly assumptions that I just sat on my butt whining about band problems are totally ridiculous. Instead of making the most bizarre of assumptions, if you don't know something perhaps you should ask. Perhaps next time try responding to what I wrote vs. creating this scenario that never happened and being sarcastic because you want to believe that is how history played out.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    He is a her. Wasa is female through and through. She just has a sucky writing style. ;o))))))))))))))
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Hey damnit!

    Goal is very cool. ;o)
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Does this sound weird??

    Beth... you don't need cable to deal with marketing techniques. You read a potential solution and you want a fix bad enough to do anything.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Does this sound weird??

    Yep, the marketing dept did their job well. It worked for me too.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Does anyone know...?

    See how that works? I thought it was all done after my post to Kat explaining what really happened. But then you came and brought it up again. I think a better way would be to come out and ask a newbie to the boards the reasoning behind the question. Turns out, she had good reason. But instead she was not made to feel very welcome. That's the first time I have ever seen Kat do that, it threw me thus... the explanation.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Does this sound weird??

    The OP said that she saw an ad in a magazine for the band and that got her interested in the band. That is what advertising folks are paid to do, put their product in front of you and make it look appealing so you will want one for yourself. OP believes it was a higher power and I believe the marketing people for bands did a good job of introducing her to the band.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    It's a good question. When someone has bypass they use the more elastic portion of the stomach (Fundus) and with a sleeve they save the more muscular portion of the stomach. Ours really does not stretch. A lot of people think this is a new procedure, it really isn't. Partial gastrectomies have been done for 100 years or more for ulcers, stomach cancer, etc. So long term effects are known, which portions of the stomach stretch over time are known. This really is a fantastic procedure. But just like a band or bypass, you can eat around your procedure type. You can eat around any WLS type. I can sit and eat soft foods all day long but about 3oz of a solid Protein and I cannot eat another bite. I really believe that bypass is almost setting many up for failure. Their stomach and stoma stretch in a few years and they have no restriction. Then after 2-5 years they quit malabsorbing at the same rate so they are left with diet/exercise. Bypass would have never worked for me. I would have depended on malabsorption while putting off a lifestyle change and when I quit malabsorbing at the same rate I'd be in a mad rush to change my lifestyle. I would have failed big time with that procedure.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    Her explanation of that post was also something that could be taken a number of ways. I choose to take it in the manner with the most common sense and honesty.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Lap band - don't do it!! Scarred for life

    Okay, that is a response I can deal with and agree! I totally, 100% agree with you. I thought you were suggesting that band problems were the fault of the banded. Keep in mind, some of us had no barfing, sliming, PBing, and foaming issues going in. The band really did cause it ALL. I was terrified of altering my body. I was terrified that removing the greater portion of my stomach would cause my problems to be permanent and forever. I finally decided to take the plunge. The problems were not likely to get worse so what did I have to lose? I wasn't willing to be overweight again. That's just as bad as underweight, and it is! I didn't want permanent in the beginning and to be honest, I did not believe the band would work. I really believed I would fail that, too. When I failed I could just have the band removed and realize that I tried. I was floored when it worked. Then it started working too well and I was very sick. It was a matter of: Remove the band and become MO again, Keep the band and die, Revise to a sleeve and hope for the best. It isn't until goal that you value permanent. After you hit goal you never want fat again. You'd give your right arm for permanent, but before goal reversible is appealing. It's just a stage that many of us go through.

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