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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    That made me LOL in real time! Thanks for the giggles!
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    hey Beth... send the personal slams by PM, k? Otherwise, as a member posting here I have no problem with her slamming me. Okay SUSAN?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. Gonzalez Support Thread

    Hi Judy... Don't know about you specifically but we've caught many Gonzalez patients posing as multiple patients. Called 'em out on the thread you guys didn't want anymore and started a new thread. I just question why Gonzalez needs a support thread. None of the other doctors do. My opinion only.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    True, yet not. The higher BMI DS folks have more cutting and more dissection, they can't... well, they don't have long enough arms. :blush:/
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    Nahhh... I don't mind being called ignorant or any of the other names she's referred to me. It's all good. Honestly, over moderation is not a cool thing, sometimes you have to let people get it off their chest. If that is all she has, I'm good.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    I was embarrassed for her hearing that. How stupid do you have to be to fall for THAT? Good thing Obama is going to win. ;o)
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    Honey, if you had a case you'd have something to rest. Doesn't Palin sound cute on that clip I posted? She's soooo smart! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. I think I have to change my vote. I originally felt that Medicaid should cover WLS. But after this post of "entitlement" I realize that there are many who save money for surgery. Like me... twice.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    I do believe you are projecting again. I have never been banned let alone banned over you. I'm still laughing at your VP wannabe... LOL! What a loser~ That was so bad I was embarrassed for her, what idiot couldn't see she was being pranked? Oh yeah! Your VP wannabe idiot! I communicate quite well and I really don't want your undies but really.. thanks anyway but you can keep them. Try them on someday.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    Just for you, darl'en... a copy/paste from another board. I'm just sure you'll love it!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    :::wink5::: Just keep stomping those feeties. I'm getting a kick out of watching.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

  14. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Blech... Do you suppose they rinse off the tongs before putting them back in the kitchen drawer? Immediate POST OP Hygeine question (possible TMI) And here, the poor doc is trying to warn her but does she listen? so, please be honest with me about this
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    No, I haven't even read the thread you refer to. I rarely jump in a thread without reading the whole thing. I have no desire to start at the beginning. You extreme religious righties keep on keeping on. You are pushing more people towards Obama with your silly scare tactics and extremist ideas. Although... to be honest we Obama supporters really don't need your help anymore, do we? ;o) I'm very bored with your insults and slams. When you can put your big girl panties on and be just a tad rational, be sure to let me know. In the meantime, it's time to move on to adult discussions such as how DSers poop too much. Heh...
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    Oh my goodness, you just keep proving my point. Over and over again. Obama is going to win, deal with it.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    It would serve you (and the rest of us) well if you would kindly get over yourself. I live in AZ and I've hated McDummy for a very long time. You are not all that, you just aren't. You have a twisted and distorted view of anyone that doesn't fall all over you agreeing with you politically. You know nothing of my income, what I pay in taxes, my overall political views, or anything else. But since I think McCain is an idiot and have thought he was an idiot LONG before he decided to run for prez, you have me pegged with a term I don't believe you have a full understanding. All you can see is that someone disagrees with you so they must be a welfare dependent, tree hugging, mindless drone that does as we are told. I don't vote by party affiliation, I think that is the extreme of stupidity and ignorance not to mention lazy thinking. I refuse to vote according to some silly ass church or mindless religion, I vote not according to what hard core right extremists tell me, I vote with a brain. Seriously, you should try it. Vote according to the issue and the person, not according to party or church dogma. You whine about my referring to McDummy as McDummy yet you use your subtle (or not so subtle) slams by assuming you have a freak'en clue about my political beliefs and opinions. Again, do us all a favor and get over yourself. I'm tired of the insults you throw around and silly threads you start trying to show your superiority. I have news for you, it isn't working.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Why don't y'all see?

    You have an interesting, yet manipulative way of wording things. Religion is one of those issues that is not as cut and dry as you like to pretend. People are leaving their Christian (for example) churches and completely swapping views at the rate of about 1% a year and they have been for the last 15 years. All these threads you are starting with scare tactics, manipulation, and untruths just make me glad so many are getting out there to vote for Obama. People don't want extreme McDummy in office and they are getting out there to vote already. Here in AZ just the other day they have already counted 100,000 early ballots. People don't want the same old tired crap that McCain is dragging behind him. That's why he isn't doing well in the polls. We hear you, we just don't agree with your take on issues. McCain scares the bejezus out of me. He's been our senator for a long time and the man needs to get the hell out of politics and go away to some farm and live out whatever time he has left on this planet while taking his skanky wife and idiot VP wannabe with him.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    My Journey...Insight?

    Wow, except for the slip your story sounds just like mine. I was banded 12/06, never tolerated fills, had so many fills and unfills I knew the radiology staff well. ;o) Had my band removed in June, revised to a sleeve at the same time and I'm here to tell you that the sleeve is FANTASTIC! OMG I love the sleeve! MUCH easier than banding!
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    insurance denial....AFTER the band!!

    That is really common, especially for a private policy. I'm not sure why that is, you are a better risk for the ins co thin than fat so I don't get their thinking.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Did you spend the night

    I had surgery in MX and things are done differently there. Two nights for my band and 4 nights for my sleeve.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Made my mom cry

    As long as you do your research and know you are going to a good doctor there is no problem with going to Mexico. Just follow basic guidelines, don't have surgery in a clinic... only go to a hospital. Don't go to someone that sends you to a hotel for recovery, stick with someone who keeps you in a hospital for two nights after surgery. You don't need to be sitting in a hotel in TJ after surgery. Go to someone who does a barium swallow after surgery AND sends you home with the films. Go to someone who sends you home with all your lab results, chest xray films, barium swallow films, EKG, etc. Go to someone experienced with a good track record. Don't go to one of the butchers, stick with someone who is great. Don't fall for someone who sells you on charisma but skill instead. There is one TJ doc that is just a horror but he's really nice so people go to him. Be careful of who you go to regardless of country. I've seen people post here about going to the US or MX and they just love the doc they are planning on going to. If you ask them the stats of their doc they don't have any idea. Ask them if they use a hospital or clinic, inpatient or outpatient, number of bands placed, which bands, etc., they have no clue. But he's sooooo nice and apparently that makes him a skilled surgeon. Don't fall for that. Right now the going rate in MX for the good doctors is $7K. I went to MX twice, once for a band and once for a revision to a sleeve (I'm not cut out for a band) and I only wanted to go to my MX doctor. But I know his track record and I know his stats. He's great. Point being, I did my research. You need to do the same and find the right doctor for you. Good luck!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Unsure if surgery is for me

    I'm one of those "get down and dirty honest" kind of people so I'm going to spell it out. ;o) The only legit excuse you have from what you have written to fear surgery is the fear of giving up food and large quantities of it. It is hard, there is no way around it. As for what other people think? Who cares? Don't tell them. I certainly don't base my medical decisions on what my friends and family will think. I base my medical decisions on what my doctor and I think. Let's be real, you are 23 years old. If you tell me you don't care if you are thin and attractive I won't believe you. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel good. Darl'en, you are 23 years old and you are morbidly obese. How big are you going to be when you are 30? 40? 50? You have the opportunity to do something about it. Get it done. Good luck to you.
  24. Cheryl... Remember when you got your band? Your port was the first to hurt and the last to heal. Yeah, long lost memories come back again. Your export is the first to hurt and the last to heal. Lumps, bumps, pain... all normal. Wait until you feel the bonfire going on... THAT hurts!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Ur view please - Sleeve vs Bypass

    Yes, your hair will fall out or it won't with any of the procedures. What is so great about reversible? Exactly what reason would you like to regain all that weight once you lose it?

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