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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. People who notice your weight loss or those who don't? I have had a couple of threads where people ask me how I did it or congrats on doing it. I tend to avoid those threads out of embarrassment. Then when I get a dose of courage I jump in and respond. What about you?
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    LOL! I did understand, I think that is your problem. ;o)
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Well, you doubted that In God We Trust was ever NOT on money so to assume what another religion wants or does might not be wise. Christians want special rights and if another would want the same right THEN it is silly. I did believe at one time, prayer made no sense then either. It doesn't change the outcome, it doesn't make your god change his mind, it doesn't make him do differently than he was planning anyway so I think it was a reasonable question coming from someone who doesn't understand but would like to.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Nawww.. I wouldn't unsubscribe from this thread, you would miss me too much. :confused: I could and probably will block Patty/Ron though. It wasn't just one person that ruined it for everyone. It was a group of people that wanted current laws enforced and did not agree that you should get special rights. Seriously, you can get a group of people anywhere to agree with something you also want. Go to any prison and I'll bet you find a group of people that don't believe murder should be against the law. Then you have that one pissy person that has the job of the warden that just ruins it for everyone. I just find it odd that you were in there gung ho telling me about what you believe regarding legal issues and whether or not you agree and as soon as you were asked direct questions to defend your own statements (noooo, not regarding faith but legalities) you suddenly feel that I don't understand your points and you are wrestling with pigs. Whatever.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Yes, we keep getting your pig inferences. I just choose not to return the favor. Absolutely! You have the choice to run from any discussion you wish when the questions put you on the spot. How in the world can someone on a message board force you to do anything? Perhaps a little drama along with the redirection?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    My mistake, I thought we were talking legal issues. I didn't realize you are here to convert me.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    We aren't discussing why you believe in anything. We are discussing your beliefs in regard to public events and how we handle people who want special rights. Not a thing in the world to do with whether or not you should believe. Nobody has asked you to defend your faith, nobody has asked that you give up your faith. One thing I did ask is what the value is for prayer before a football game, merely another question you declined to answer. Now do you see why I suggest that when the questions get tough, the Christians go running. We didn't even get one another's questions answered and now we have to put up with a mountain of sermons. Gahhh
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Nobody is asking you to change your beliefs, that isn't the discussion in the least. It is redirection but not the discussion. I merely posed questions to you and you decline to answer. Such as... if Satan worshipers wanted the same special rights as xtians, would you respect their rights to want special rights, too? I challenged you on this country being founded on xtianity and I showed you why. I challenged you on the "in god we trust" bit on our money. I challenged you on your comment that your god doesn't want anyone injured and backed it up with facts and sources. I get your points, I merely disagree.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    As I wrote, when the questions get tough the Christians go running. Great, now we get to hear Patty's sermons. :w00t:
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Obviously so. But they both have different prayers they choose to say at times.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    No, they were not lost. I merely disagree and explained why. But honestly, I have come to expect this from most Christians. When the questions get tough, the Christians go running claiming everyone else just doesn't understand. I noticed you play the same game as Beth... redirecting the topic to avoid answering the harder questions.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    No, your point was not lost at all. But you did make a good effort at dodging the questions posed to you via redirection. Care to try again? ;o)
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Isn't your God pretty clear about prayer and it not being done in front of everyone? Isn't that supposed to be something saved for private moments? If the Satan worshipers wanted to pray to THEIR god before a football game, would you respect that as much as you respect your desired right to blast it before a football game? What if every religion wanted to be able to pray to their gods before a football game. You guys could all take turns, maybe go in alphabetical order according to the name of the God. Oh no, can't do that, Baptists would have a different prayer than the Catholics. Okay, you could go in alphabetical order of the name of each religion/belief. Of course, this could take days... Special rights are not really so special to others. Equal time would mean special rights and the football game would never happen because everyone would be so eager to behave like Christians that want their special rights, too.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    How do you know that? Maybe someone needs that experience. He knows everything that is going to happen before it happens, he made people so they COULD be injured, when people ask not to be injured they still are anyway. What he does, does not seem to agree with what you claim. Ever read the OT? I think it's fair to say that he injured quite a few people. NT as well.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    As I wrote earlier, no... it hasn't: U.S. Treasury - Fact Sheet on the History of"In God We Trust"
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    What beliefs do atheists have that we want pushed on you? Atheist merely means without a god. Who is telling you that the govt wants you to be atheist? In God We Trust most certainly has NOT been on money since the beginning of money. That was added later at the insistence of xtians. You can believe this country was founded on xtianity but those that wrote the constitution/Bill of Rights would disagree with you. Heck, many of your forefathers were not even xtian. Why would they want a country based on the religion of another? The Treaty of Tripoli is a pretty good example, note Art. 11: US Treaty with Tripoli, 1796-1797 What part of that tells you this country was based on xtianity? I recall a time when most believed slavery was okay, doesn't make it so. People are growing, learning, and leaving xtianity at record rates. AGAIN... I don't think you are thinking as you state above. Don't be so quick to cram religion in every corner of gov't. Pretty soon it won't be xtianity that is crammed down our throats, it will be the new religion and you'll need to remember that you are for the "majority religion" rules in this country. It will be the fault of "cram xtianity down the citizens throats" group when your children and grandchildren are worshiping some God YOU don't agree with. Look, you can pray anywhere you want. The only thing that is left is forcing it upon others. Why would you want this?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    But you can pray. You can pray all day, you can go to a school and pray, you can go to a gov't building and pray, you can request the use of a room at school to gather you, your friends, your kids, and anyone else that WANTS to join you and you can pray all day long if you wish. You just can't push it on others. So what is the problem??? Since you can pray in gov't buildings then what did you mean when you wrote the following: And again... it's not just the atheists that want forced religion put to an end.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    That may be true for some, but not all. I specifically remember how atheists were trying to eliminate prayer before a football game somewhere, and the general public got so ticked that they did it anyway against a rule that they would no longer do it. There are some that act as if the mere hearing of a prayer will make them melt like the Wicked Witch of the West. A select few dictate what the majority are to do because they are too "offended" to hear or see something. I know of many other cases where nothing was forced on anybody, but certain individuals made it where NOBODY could partake because THEY were offended. I think that stinks to high heaven and should not be allowed. However, we are in an age where the few are appeased at the cost of the many. So much for tolerance. :w00t: What the laws say and what "some" do ... do you see the same difference here that I do? Wouldn't that be a bit like saying "some" Christians hate atheists so there ya go for Christian tolerance? I don't care about individual cases, I care about the laws. No matter what the law there will be some who do not follow it. If they do not follow it, push the issue. And why the heck would you pray before a game anyway? What good will it do? If you pray for the players not to be injured and your God's plan was for someone to be injured, you think he's going to change his entire plan so you can get your request? I thought your god knew everything that was going to happen before it happens. If he changes his mind on his universe plan based on the fact that you asked him to, doesn't that blow the "all knowing" stuff your God claims? What if it was a bunch of Satan worshipers that were demanding they pray to THEIR god before a game, would you be so angry that atheists don't want to hear that either? I fixed the quote for you. At the 2nd quote you need a "/" in front of he quote. ;o) I think I fixed it, we'll see. BTW, it's not just atheists that don't want prayer, religion, and gawd shoved down our collective throats. Many Christians feel the same.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    What many atheists and non atheists want is not prayer removed from schools and gov't, we want forced prayer removed. If your child wants to pray to himself before a test, nobody is suggesting otherwise. If your child wants to use a classroom after school hours to invite his friends for worship, bible study, or prayer, people are cool with that. What people are NOT cool with is the school forcing another child to participate. For the life of me I can't figure out what is wrong with this. With trends going as they are and people leaving the xtian faith at record rates, people from other cultures moving to the US and bringing their non xtian religions with them the time is coming when xtianity will no longer be the majority religion. Are you *sure* you want the gov't cramming religion down our collective throats? Are you *sure* you want forced prayer in schools? Prayer in schools is permitted, FORCED prayer is not. If trends continue as they are, and there is no reason to believe they won't, it may not be xtianity that your child is forced to practice in public schools. If the xtians pushing for prayer in school had a clue they would realize it would behoove them to insist that they teach their own children religion vs. insisting the gov't push it from all angles.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    But... what does this mentality have to do with xtianity? I mean, if xtians invented the concept then I would understand your point but these concepts existed long before xtianity. This isn't a case of which came first, the chicken or the egg. When it comes to basic rules for any civil society and the xtian religion we know which came first and it was not xtianty. I guess I get a bit annoyed when people credit xtianity, of all religions, with proper behavior in society. Historically, that religion has not been known for nice behaviors, quite the opposite.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    HAHAHA! Right, so IOW you have never researched how xtianity came to be. You just made that bloody obvious. Why do you always respond to things people did not ask and then ignore what they did? Seems to be a trend with you, that and preaching.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    If people were not so afraid to question their religion long enough to do a little research of the history of how their religion came to be, we'd have a WHOLE lot more atheists. ;o)
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Sooo, you compare man's law to god's law and justify that. No, lusting is not a sin to me as it is to you. Wrong, wrong, wrong. You, my dear, are a true hypocrite. Congrats to you.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Again... don't you think it is a bit hypocritical to desire laws preventing the sin YOU don't do (prostitution) yet you think there are too many laws on the books so you don't want laws preventing you from eating enough for any 3 people? Isn't it true that a sin is a sin and all sin is equal? Doesn't this seem convenient and hypocritical to you? Wouldn't a good xtian take the money from the extra food and send it to someone who has no food? I mean, the cost of a computer, internet access, excess food, etc., could feed many people. Some walk the walk, others talk the talk... right?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    My parents were like yours in some ways. I had to go to church unless I was sick and in bed too ill to go. Same with church functions, etc. Catholic. I used to be a recovering Catholic, I have recovered. ;o) But... my parents were cool with me going to other churches and I did when I was growing up. I'd spend the night with friends and go to their church in the mornings. I'd come home and tell them about it and they were fine. They encouraged any church function regardless of religion but I never came home saying I went Satan worshiping either. ;o) I am a CCD drop out. I just flat out refused to go. I hated it with a passion, thought it was stupid (and it was), and refused to go. I was not one (growing up) to dig my heels in the ground and refuse something my parents told me to do. So when I was THAT dead set on no CCD they respected my feelings. They weren't happy with it but they understood it was totally against my personality to flat out refuse to do something they told me so they must have realized I had good reason and I did. I did have to find something productive to do on Wednesday nights and I did that too, I joined Jr. Achievement. In some ways my parents were somewhat unrealistic about religion but in other ways they were very cool about it. It just depended on the circumstances.

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