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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Gastric Sleeve

    I totally agree with your choice in surgery types but I cannot agree with your choice in surgeons. Regardless, the sleeve rocks!
  2. WASaBubbleButt


    You are my new favorite poster. Fantastic post! Hear hear and all that good stuff!
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Are there any sleeve un-success stories?

    I totally agree. There is NO surgery that fixes white carb obsession. But your food tastes change dramatically after WLS.
  4. I have to repeat, we are talking two weeks. Aspirin or Toradol takes care of discomfort. Susan.. what fixes your barfing on your own saliva? See what I mean?
  5. I'd be a liar if I said that it doesn't hurt. It does. I couldn't sit up in bed in the morning until I learned how. You lift a leg, either leg. Then pull yourself up by grabbing on to your bent leg. Otherwise you lay there yelling OUCH OUCH OUCH! ;o) It's better than sliming on your own spit. At least THIS is temporary, sliming on your own spit is forever. ;o)))))) I refuse to lie or sugar coat anything. Revision surgery hurts. But it's a far cry from dealing with band complications.
  6. It depends on your surgeon. Some remove just enough to get the band out. My surgeon removes it ALL. I hated my port, it stuck out like a tumor. Denise, I know you are considering revision from band to sleeve. I gotta tell you 12 different ways. The worst part of revision is removing your port. It feels like a fire in your belly for about 2 weeks.
  7. I guess I am post band/sleeve. ;o) I consume as much as I can, about 1500 calories. I can't eat more than that unless I eat crap food. I eat 4 meals daily. I maintain quite well at a 20BMI/120#.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Gastric Sleeve

    Yes. My regret is that I got the band first. I should have been sleeved first. It would have saved me about $12,5K and my sanity.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Emergency surgery to remove the band at five months

    I agree with and relate to every bloody thing you have written except for the MX thing. I am alive and kicking BECAUSE I went to the best of the best in Mexico. Good post.
  10. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I don't know why these threads make me giggle like a 6 year old calling someone poopyhead but damn, I can't resist! Just a Drop discount info There is a little history here. DS is a WLS type, it is kinda like extreme malabsorption and it makes your poop and farts so bad people could faint. I mean it's HORRIBLE! This is something DSers battle all the time. It's so bad if they fart the stench clings to their clothing. Others complain openly in public restrooms. I'm telling you, it's extreme. They are forever having to keep Fabreeze and specialized products with them 24/7. One bariatric surgeon was telling another person about a patient where he was removing her gallbladder. She farted while under anesthesia and they were gagging in the OR and since it was the middle of surgery, he couldn't leave the room. The gallbladder patient had DS. He went on to say that if a DSer farted in an elevator, when the doors opened people wouldn't be rushing out of the elevator, they'd be dead. There are WLS type wars on OH all the time. Bandsters tease DSers for stinking and they tease us for barfing. They are forever insisting they don't stink yet they keep companies like this in productive business! HA This thread just cracked me up, I've been laughing since I read it. I just can't imagine my husband wanting me to buy EXTREME odor eaters for the bathroom and clothing. I can't fathom this conversation in my home! It's not funny that DS patients stink so bad, it's not. But if you saw the horrific things they say about us, referring to our bands as laugh-bands, choke chains, if you saw how they degrade and insult banded people for being banded, maybe you would understand my childish laughter going on right now. If DS patients eat carbs that is when it is apparently the worst. One piece of cake and they get instant gas and clear a building. Yeah, I'll take my choke chain any 'ol day over farts that are lethal and a stench following me each place I go.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I guess I am lucky, I do not have to exercise to maintain. I maintain a 20BMI without effort. But I still weigh daily to make sure that continues. Chinese food does it to me every bloody time. One Chinese meal and I've gained 4-5# in water weight. It is nice to find someone else that thinks as I do regarding weighing daily and regain.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Rancher being sued by illegal immigrants

    I doubt she'd ever win. I think McDummy would have won had it not been for the vagina version of McDummy. With that said, I don't think any Repub would have won that election, not after Bush.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    I'll write it again.. block the weirdo extreme types and life is peachy on the boards! ;o)
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    I think a lot of people just don't get the basic concept of WLS. It's not a magical fix for obesity, it's a tool to use while you learn better eating habits. I question if your friend really has the right mind set for surgery. I'm the same way as your support group leader. I weigh daily. I used to give myself 2# either way and then I was on top of it. That was unrealistic, I can gain 4# from eating salty Chinese food, it's not fat but Water. So now i give myself 5# either way and I'm all over it. I have to do this, if I don't I let things get out of hand and I never want to lose 132# again. I know I'll have to do this for the rest of my life and I'm fine with that. At least I have things under control now, I didn't before. I really don't *have* to weigh myself daily, I can tell by my clothes at this point. If I gain 5# I go up a size in clothes and to me that is so weird since at my highest weight it took 30-40# to lose a size.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Band too tight? -OR- Eating too fast?

    Water load. When you are super hungry you naturally eat too fast and too much and hurl. Don't do that. Kill the initial "overly hungry" feeling by water loading THEN eat your food. You will eat more slowly and naturally, eat less, and do better overall. Some docs say to not drink water 30 minutes before eating. I disagree. Their thinking is that there is a mucus plug that forms in your stoma and that keeps food in your pouch longer. Thing is, it takes about 12 hours for that mucus plug to form so what's the use of this 30 minute rule? I'd personally prefer to see someone water load to kill the "overly hungry" feeling vs. puke and stoma spew over eating too much and too fast due to extreme hunger. And.. make that cold water if you tolerate it. It will make you more restricted and you'll eat less. ;o)
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    I have weird and bizarre interests. Hitler, A/A slavery, and old medical stuff. I have read just about everything I can get my hands on regarding all three topics. ;o) I collect antiquarian books on all three topics. I have many thousands of dollars worth of books on all the above topics. I told you, I have weird and bizarre interests. ;o) Was Hitler a Christian? The Straight Dope: Was Hitler a Christian? Hitler's long time secretary published a book (I have a 1st edition copy). She kept a record of everything that came out of his mouth in private meetings and after he "died" she published the book. It is a verrrry interesting read and one that everyone should read. It puts many issues in their proper perspective, it answers so many questions and probably raises more questions than it answers. With that and much other research I suspect Hitler was Deist, not xtian and not atheist. Nobody will ever know for sure, all you can do is take all available info, digest it, and come up with what makes logical sense. For me that is deist. He was absolutely not a xtian, no way. He hated xtianity and wanted to kill the pope of the day. He hated Catholics more than other versions of xtianity. He and the pope danced a dance that is hard to explain. They were both on to the other and knew what the other was up to yet they played the games anyway. Both knew the other was on to them yet they continued on as though neither knew a thing. It was beyond weird.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    I kinda disagree about Hitler regarding animals. Truth is, he was not really a "critter" advocate, instead he became violently ill if he ate any kind of meat. He used that to show a more compassionate side of his creepy personality. He wasn't a christian, he used christianity. It would be similar to an atheist running for office today, they would NEVER be elected no matter how much good they could do for the country. He'd still be an atheist. In public he recited xtianity, in private he demonized xtianity and told that xtians were stupid and illiterate. They were too dumb to see the obvious. He just used xtianity to get in office. Hitler was evil through and through but he was not stupid. He knew how to get what he wanted and he did that quite well.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Follow up with doctor about an unfill

    No. This is not acceptable. I will not let you play this game. I wrote absolutely nothing about your husband, I did not refer to him, I wrote absolutely nothing that had anything to do with your husband in the least. You have a problem with your band. I suspect it is band intolerance but it is not acceptable to just assume everyone who is having problems has band intolerance. You have to rule out everything else first because there is nothing to do for band intolerance but to remove the band. It makes no sense not to try to make the band work since you already have one in you. The three bite rule helps to identify first bite syndrome, overeating, bites that are too big, chewing issues, band restriction, a great number of things. I suggested you try it for UP TO A WEEK. You refused, you suggested (after I wrote twice, "a few days", "a week") that I suggested you eat this way for the rest of your life. I suggested no such thing. Nowhere did I suggest or imply that you would eat three bites an hour for the rest of your life. I have no clue where you got that. You went on to inform me that you have a life, blah blah blah. I took the stance that fine... it would appear you don't want to try to resolve potential problems with your band and that is your choice. I wasn't going to waste my time. Now... now you are suggesting I was referring to your husband. Let's revisit what I DID write: Where in the world do you get that I was suggesting you are complaining about your HUSBAND?? Could I have BEEN more clear? I don't believe I could. I tried to offer suggestions to help identify the problem. You clearly don't want that help. So be it. I am sorry about your husband and I cannot begin to imagine what you are experiencing. But I will not take the blame for words I never spoke, typed, or even thought about. I didn't imply anything about your husband, I was writing about your band. Period. Good luck, I hope you are able to resolve your band problems.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Sony Releases New Piece of Crap

    Those intellectually challenged the most are impressed with the Onion the most.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Rancher being sued by illegal immigrants

    She was pushing McDummy ALLLLLLLLLLL the freak'en way! She may claim she did not vote for McDummy, but she slam dunked anyone that didn't push for McDummy 100%. She tells one story today, she told a verrrry different story before the elections.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    Freaken amazing.. you can give Patty the benefit of the doubt yet not me. *I* have proven myself, Patty has not. Yet she (he) gets the benefit of the doubt. Point proven.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    How in the world is answering YOUR question, sharing my experiences, and stats cramming anything down anyone's throat? That's a low blow and not becoming of you. Nowhere do I suggest that everyone must believe and experience what I do. Check out the boards, I try to help people overcome band issues. For you to compare that to Pattygreen is a reflection upon you, not me. BTW, you never responded to my post. You suggested that you would willingly take on my band problems if you could lose weight. So get an overfill and you can experience what I did. What's stopping you? One week be over filled, then the next week take all the fill out. The next week get over filled again. Then you too, can experience the joys I did. Go for it. You want it, do it. And who the heck suggested that fearing another surgery makes you a wimp or stupid? Post the quote for all of us. I know that *I* wrote that there is no right or wrong choice, it is what is right for each of us. So post this quote that you appear to be debating. I would like to see it.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    who supports right to choose

    It's clearly obvious that the xtian god is pro choice or every fetus would become human and adult dying at a ripe old age of 600.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    To sell out or not to sell out

    This is where we disagree. I wouldn't have anything in the world to do with a skank like this. She's a liar and a cheat. I think that by having anything to do with her you are a sell out. The band is what seriously helped you, not her snake oil. If she told the WHOLE truth that might be one thing. Bits of truth is nothing but dishonesty and deception.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Jacqui... I can only eat 1/4 of a sandwich because it is bread. Bread and eggs are overly filling for me. Solid Protein... I can eat 2oz, period. That's it. Soft Proteins I can eat 4-5 oz. Yogurt, etc... I don't really know. 6oz? I eat four times daily and I'm totally fine with that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
