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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. What does your friend say about your band now? ;o) Is your friend banded? Sleeved? Is she still your friend? LOL It's hard going through sleeve surgery at goal, VERY hard. But well worth it. It was a struggle to maintain and I lost that battle to be honest but I regained and I'm back to where I want to be. I don't post photos but OregonDaisy can verify, I really did lose weight. HA We know one another in real time.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    I am afraid my surgery is going to be postponed

    I've been thinking about this... if your Dad is going to a SNF for a month, wouldn't it make more sense for you to have your surgery early so that you are not in recovery mode while he is being moved in a month? What if you have to come here for something, wouldn't it make more sense to have your surgery while he is being taken care of for this month and by the time he is discharged from the SNF you'll be healed. Mia Casa... I don't know anything about that place. Do you know which city it is in? I called a friend of mine who also used to be in the care home business and she doesn't know anything about it either. I have a friend that is in the upper management of several SNFs and I have a call into him to see if he has beds available. I do not know if he takes AHCCCS or not. But at least I totally trust him to tell me of the good facilities. He's one of the few that does things the right way.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    introducing myself

    Hi Jackie! Good to see you over here. I told you this was a good forum. The software is wayyy better than OH. Gahh... As you know I revised from a band to sleeve 10 months ago. I love my sleeve, maintenance is easy for me. I'm glad you came over here.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Was anyone banded in December of '06?

    Ohhhh yes! I have it too. I'd rather have the skin than the fat! ;o)
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    Wait until you start on solids, you'll be in for the shock of your life. The band was nothing, it did nothing for me regarding restriction. I was always one extreme or the other. I could eat anything or nothing. For me, with the sleeve... WOW! First time I ever experienced true restriction.
  6. I didn't know he was either. Elisabeth is the one that told me. He had his surgery the day after Elisabeth and the same day as Susan.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    I am afraid my surgery is going to be postponed

    Well, if something bad were to happen I'm here. I can take care of it until you get here. I'd kinda like to be in the loop on which SNF they place him in anyway. I've met your Dad, I like him. I don't want to see him go to a bad facility.
  8. Tastes good, eh? ;o) Feel better now that you got fluid, calories, and protein in? How is Dr. Campos doing? Your sleeve brother?
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    How did you all tell your family?

    What could he do? It's my body, my choice. I told him I wanted to do it and he was not supportive so I did it anyway. It wasn't his decision, it was mine. It's not all that unique, I know of 5-6 others that did the same thing. ;o)
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    How did you all tell your family?

    When I told my husband I said: "Honey, I went to Mexico and got a Lap Band." No, not kidding. ;o)
  11. WASaBubbleButt


    It if is irritated it will swell. Each time you slime or get the stuck feeling you are making it swell more. It's a cycle that needs to be broken before obstruction. Nothing by mouth for a couple of hours, liquids is the answer for at least several hours if not the rest of the day.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    I am afraid my surgery is going to be postponed

    Why would you be out of contact with him? You are so close to the US that your cell phone will pick up the US towers. You are literally closer to him in Mexicali than you are in OR. I think a SNF is exactly what he needs. He needs the supervision and rehab. You need the peace. You can't put your life on hold because something might happen to someone. You can't go on as you are with the band, get the surgery.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    What have YOU lost?

    Approx 4 cinder blocks.
  14. And again... a poster after my own heart! I am NOT the only one! ;o)
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Band to Sleeve People

    Congrats on your surgery! I guess my only advice would be this, if you start having problems that aren't easily resolved such as reflux, start considering your options. Don't do as some of us did and wait too long. I know one person that's had her band for 7 years and she loves it!
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Surgery at ObesityGoodbye

    There is a thread about half way down the page on the doctors you are asking about.
  17. You are looking for a doctor with sympathy. That's not a doctor's job. Their job is empathy. Looking for a sympathetic doctor speaks louder than you might realize. Every doctor you have written of so far in both countries... you've been unhappy with because they weren't nice enough, they didn't understand. I have a hunch they DO understand.
  18. Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy!
  19. Of course not, not on full liquids. You could get your blender, add the sandwich (plenty of Provolone) and about a gallon of mustard and when it will go through a straw, you can sip sip sip! ;o)
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    Heh... sucks to be you!
  21. In reading through your last posts it's pretty clear your girlfriend has big issues. She doesn't follow the diet, she doesn't follow basic guidelines to protect her health, she wasn't ready for WLS, the trend I'm seeing in most of your 5 posts is that all the doctors she's been to are uncaring and unfeeling. Hello? Do you see some trends here? Perhaps instead of finding another band surgeon how about a therapist? You can probably find a "head patting" surgeon but he isn't going to help the real issues here. Others before me have tried to give you honesty instead of head patting and you don't take that well and I don't expect you to take this one well either. You can't do this for your g/f, she has to do it herself. Don't even bother telling me I don't understand, I understand eating disorders and the fat mentality well. I live it daily, we all do. I have no doubt you care deeply about this person but I think you are looking for the wrong kind of doctor.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Paid to Post - ALERT!!!

    No, actually it is how to research a Mexican BAND surgeon. It is there so people do not have to depend on patient coordinators for information, the person can learn to verify info for themselves. And as I have written repeatedly, it will work for US surgeons as well. Funny how the bad doctors don't want their potential patients researching. I know, that's an absolute horror... the concept of people being able to verify info instead of believing everything they are told by those selling a surgery.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Learning my limits

    You can order them on line. I'll bet you it's a WHOLE lot cheaper, too.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr Horacio Guajardos?????

    I just found this: Bariatric Surgeon Profile - Horacio Guajardo, M.D. He's only done 85 sleeves. That's not very much sleeve experience. There is a surgeon in TJ and she isn't very experienced either and her patients can eat an entire chicken breast 3 weeks after surgery, I'm 10 months out and I can't eat that much and my stomach has already stretched out. Can you imagine how much she'll be able to eat when hers has stretched? Experience means everything in the world with this procedure. I have NO clue if this surgeon is great or horrible. I've never heard of him before I read you post. He's in a safe location, that part is good. He states on his OH profile that he trained Dr. Rumbaut. I'd call Rumbaut's office and verify that. Rumbaut has farrrr more experience than this guy... it kinda doesn't add up. Just research and verify everything.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    The right choice?

    Bypass has a 20% failure rate, I wouldn't get bypass. But I do regret banding, if I had it all do to do over again I would have gotten the sleeve the first time around.

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