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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I've got a date!!! :-)

    Awwwww, Rosey! I'm so happy for you! That is fantastic! You are doing a great job. Keep doing what you are doing and all will be well! Congrats to you!
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    And..... say it with me... NO BARFING AND NO ACID! ;o))))) It's not going to change a great deal in your future either. Just a few bites and you are full. Isn't it true that he makes very small, very tight sleeves? He does a good job.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    Elisabeth... remember the days when you go through that stage that you WILL make this work, others make it work and YOU will too? ;o) I was determined to force it to work. While I did lose weight I also lost my health and did not get that back until I was sleeved. Hey... Dr. Aceves revision folks, anyone else get that email from Dr. Campos? The survey on why we revised? HAHA I wrote that the band sucks and not only that it sucks the life right out of you! Did anyone else get it and how did you reply? ;o)
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    I recall on another board when I was scheduled for a revision what I was told. I was told that since I did not want to have my band removed, gain weight, then go for a revision that I was anorexic with body image issues. It was presented to me in a way that I was only allowed one WLS per lifetime and I screwed up the first one so I should be out of luck. I was self pay both times. I did everything right, I followed the diet, I lost 108# the first 10 months with an unfilled/underfilled band. I busted my butt, kept calories low, did everything right. I had band intolerance. I was on liquids at that time with an unfilled band and eating frosting, anything with sugar to maintain my weight. How many anorexics do you know eat frosting to maintain their weight? But I dared to not want to gain weight before a revision so I was anorexic. I was already nervous about surgery, worried that I was making my problems permanent, and feeling horrible about having to switch surgery types and I get that load of crap from a supposed peer. I did learn one thing, the people that were most supportive of me were those at or near goal. Those who were not doing well with their band, not working the band, not following dietary guidelines, not getting fills, not doing what they were supposed to... they were the people that slam dunked me the most. When I read that woman just assuming the OP was doing something wrong something in my head snapped. ;o)
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    Jacqui... When have you ever seen me just assume the person was doing something wrong and accusing him of it with absolutely no reason whatsoever? It's one thing to ask questions and determine possible solutions vs. just assuming and telling a banded person that obviously they are doing something wrong. You know better than that. And to the other poster... yeah, idiot. That is exactly what I meant. I should have added cruel and insensitive as well.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    So what did YOU do to screw up your band?

    We have a person with band problems and the idiots come out in full force just sure the person did something wrong. That still happens to me. I am told on OH every now and again that I kept my band too tight and that's why I slipped. I had an unfilled band most of the time and I never slipped. But people can't accept that it might not be the perfect miracle for fat issues.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Help please - total unfill but still feel restriction

    Your story is all too familiar. Join us over here... not to push you into revision but just so you will be posting with people that have/had the same exact problems: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f281/so-what-did-you-do-screw-up-your-band-92935/ (The title is misleading until you read the post)
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Would I do it again?

    I relate to much of what you write of the band but I have to disagree with you about bypass. I would never do bypass, not for anything. It has almost as high of a failure rate as banding. 20% fail bypass (regain after a few years) and 25% fail banding. Trends are changing, it used to be band and bypass. Today it is sleeves and DS. For restriction alone a sleeve, for malabsorption DS.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    DR RINCON in san antonio

    For a band I think he'd be fine. I can't say I would go to him for a sleeve but for a band, absolutely.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Anyone use Dr. Zapata in Monterrey, mexico

    He's an excellent choice. Works out of a hospital and not a clinic, lots of experience, great track record, well respected in his field... good choice.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    My band is a nightmare!

    WHAT??? What makes you think the OP "must be doing something incorrectly?" There are potentially a great number of things that can go wrong for someone who has done everything absolutely right. To automatically blame the person for doing something wrong is assuming the band is free of complications and that's just dead wrong. I don't like the blame game, I did everything absolutely right and lost my band anyway. There are a great number of things that the person has no control over. Please don't assume someone is doing something wrong when the band does not work and causes misery and grief.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    I sent it to you via email.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    Having had a band in MX means nothing regarding insurance today. It's all a matter of if your insurance covers WLS, revisions, and sleeves. The only thing that does matter is that some of the really bad doctors have pretty horrible reputations with US doctors and they won't take on their patients. But it's not because it's MX, it's because of the doctors that did their surgery. Same holds true for really bad US doctors, nobody wants to take over their cases either.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre Op Diet Cheat

    You are looking for someone to validate your choices and pat your head telling you it's just fine to ignore your doc's pre op orders. You aren't going to find that by anyone that understands the reasoning for these diets. Sorry you didn't get what you were looking for. Hopefully you'll find it somewhere.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Band Out, Sleeve In! It's done.

    I'm 11 months out from revision and I still crave healthy foods. On another board we were listing what is in our frig/cupboards. I had to laugh, the worst thing I have in there right now is 3/4 jar of Chocolate frosting. It's really time to throw it away, I'm sure it's not good anymore. Everything else is bags and bags of beans, lentils, etc. Soups, a ton of produce and some yogurt. I don't even buy canned veggies anymore. Only fresh.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre Op Diet Cheat

    No, not because you ate salad but because you ate 1/2 PB sandwich. Not a great choice. Not an absolute horror, but not the best of choices. According to your OP you state 3-5 days. You won't make your three days, Sat/Sun is two days. I tried to explain to you where I think Elisabeth was coming from but it's quite obvious you are more interested in being insulted than understanding her point. So I'll let you continue to believe as you wish. Cheers.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Slip after 3 years?

    Weren't you just banded 4/07? Two years ago? Really, the only way to know for sure if you have a slip is to get a fluoro exam (barium swallow). It should be covered under insurance if you use the diagnosis code for reflux. You would want to get the films scanned and email them to your surgeon. A non bariatric surgeon may or may not know how to read band films.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre Op Diet Cheat

    I believe Elisabeth was responding to YOUR question: She was answering your question. If you didn't want opinions I'm not sure why you asked. A great many folks cannot stick to the pre op diet. People cheat all the time. With a band if you cheat on the post op diet you risk your band. If you cheat on the post op diet with a sleeve you risk your life. So it was a valid point that she brought up in case you are one of the folks that just can't hack the diet. For those who can't stick to the pre op diet it is a concern for the post op diet. It can potentially be a very serious issue. So I'm not sure why you felt the need to slam dunk her for answering your question but it seems to me you are the one that is being insulting here, nobody else.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Pre Op Diet Cheat

    Do you have a band or sleeve? Either way, why did you have to take MOM? They weren't working on intestines, what was the reason they gave you?
  20. I think one of the many reasons people have problems with banding is that we are used to eating until we are full vs. satisfied. Since "full" feels different than before surgery people keep eating while looking for full and it's not there. It's different. Then they eat too much and barf.
  21. WASaBubbleButt


    No, actually stopping caffiene is typically a headache and not a migraine. It is important to differentiate between the two because treatments are quite different for one vs. the other. Headaches from a lack of carbs is usually from blood sugar issues. We are used to a great deal of carbs and when we don't eat our usual diet your pancreas can put out a bit too much insulin and your blood sugar drops and that causes a headache. I'm all for support, I am not all for messing with the pre or post op diets. They are in place for very specific reasons. When it comes to things that can make a difference in surgical outcome I don't sugar coat anything.
  22. WASaBubbleButt


    Why? Do you have science to back up this claim? ;o)
  23. WASaBubbleButt


    There is a difference between a true migraine and a headache. We don't typically get true migraines from a lack of food, more often food is a trigger for migraines. It would be more likely that you have a headache and the treatment is much different. No, it is not okay to eat foods that are not on your diet. You need to be calling your doctor instead of coming here asking if it is okay to not follow your doctors instructions.
  24. I am band to sleeve. Hated the band, love the sleeve. Having a sleeve is like having a band that actually works without all the never ending complications. All the newbies tend to love the band until they get about 1-2 years out and then they are sick of the problems. There is vomiting from overeating but since you are banded you will probably see that you have already completed the learning curve to chewing small bites slowly so it isn't as much of an issue for us as it is noobs. Feeling full with the sleeve feels just like it did before WLS. It's a different "full" with a band, it's back to normal "full" with a sleeve. Just like before WLS. Nope, no side effects. Just leftover issues from the band. Esophageal damage, etc. Sleeves ROCK!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Calling all who had surgery in MEXICO

    An actual hospital is far superior for major surgery. The better doctors in Mexico tend to work out of HOSPITALS and not clinics.

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