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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Crazy question about 20 years from now

    You do need some Ghrelin but your stomach isn't the only place it is produced. The thinking is that the body compensates for missing Ghrelin and it will come back but probably at more normal levels. I get hungry once in awhile but it's no big deal. I eat my few bites of food and I'm full. Partial and total gastrectomies have been done for many many years with no long term problems. They've been doing this for things like stomach cancer for years and years. You know what? You can worry about what MIGHT happen 20 years from now or you can continue living in misery. ;o) It really is a choice we all have to make. It's kinda like death stats. There is less than 1% chance for dying because of surgery or a 100% chance of risks and complications that come from obesity. If you are honestly looking at odds your best odds are having surgery. It's a big deal before surgery, after surgery you wonder why you worried so much because it's just not a big deal.
  2. You should have followed the post op diet, it's there for a reason. The scarring and adhesions need to form and when you eat foods other than liquids the scarring cannot form and now you risk a slip 6-12 months down the road.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Band replacement: Old band to AP Band?

    I would not get another band. When you replace a band the chances for a future slip is *very* high. Somewhere around 70%. I had a band and switched to a sleeve. Your MD office may be claiming that the stats are better with the newer band but overall stats are not proving that is correct. They are slipping just as much as the old bands and restriction is a long time waiting so weight loss is very slow. I'd check out the sleeve section (soon to be a new forum of its own) before doing anything. Having a sleeve is like a band that works better and does not slip or erode.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Forum Dummy

    Here you go: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/faq.php?faq=vb3_board_faq#faq_vb3_user_profile
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Question for You Sleevers

    I've had one revision surgery, I neeeeeever want another! ;o)
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Question for You Sleevers

    Liquids go through your pyloric valve. Example, if I am drinking Water three gulps and I'm full. No more will fit and if I keep trying to drink I'll barf. But if I wait a few seconds it goes through my stomach and I can drink another 3 gulps. Theoretically the sleeve won't stretch. I don't see any value in pushing that. ;o) It has in some cases but it doesn't seem to be the norm. I know one person who did get a revision by a Monterrey doctor after she stretched her sleeve. It was a problem, apparently the stomach tissue was too thin and it caused a host of problems later. Liquids go through quickly, solids do not.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Question for You Sleevers

    Yes, it is an issue of food getting soupy and going through faster. It's also stressing the stomach and making it stretch more than it should. Keep in mind, the diameter of your stomach is about that of a pencil. There just isn't room for food and liquids.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    I'll text you right now to see if you can at least receive them. Maybe if you can receive them you can reply to them.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    Did you ever get your phone to work from the US towers?
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Need to convert from band to ?????

    I'm pretty sure something is in the works there, too. But you would qualify for the revision board. ;o)
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Band to Sleeve People

    Okay, band to sleeve people raise your hands... Who misses these tips and tricks? A useful trick! Heh.... Remember? That used to be a way of life for us. Gahhhh
  12. I want to drag mine behind a horse through the desert. Then I want to find a big tank and run it over a few time. Then I want to hand it to a person that is going to the electric chair to hold for a bit, then ... well, I have lots of ideas but I like yours. I'm going to add it to the list.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Soda, skins, pills and the sleeve

    Did you get that survey Dr. Campos sent out to band to sleeve people? I invited he and Dr. A to the "KILL The Band" party! I used a few choice words in explaining my quality of life with the band... then Nina reminded me that Dr. Aceves would be reading those surveys too. (Whoops)
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    Your daughter is crazy, Daisy. She needed a class in geography instead of nursing. You are far away from Mexico City, Swine Flu Central. ;o) She's been against everything you are doing from the very beginning.
  15. We still need to have a "Kill The Band" party!
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Need to convert from band to ?????

    Actually, I give it less than a week. ;o))))) I just emailed Alex to ask if I can tell and he said yes. The new sleeve forum will be: GastricSleeveTalk.com He's been working on this for a couple of months. He asked me a long time ago if I would moderate that board and a ..... (drum roll please).... a REVISION forum! He has other ideas in mind but I'm not sure what they are all about. I'm not sure if we belong more on the new sleeve forum or the new revision forum sooooooo, I guess we just add both to bookmarked sites! HA! So this is all very cool... We get our own forum(s)! I heart Alex!
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Soda, skins, pills and the sleeve

    Did Dr. A find a hiatal hernia during your sleeve?
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Soda, skins, pills and the sleeve

    I'm sitting here thinking and honestly, I can't think of anything. The sleeve is like a band that actually works without all the complications. Sorry, I got noth'en.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    I've got a date!!! :-)

    Isn't it crazy? A revision to a sleeve (a more expensive surgery) is cheaper than your original band! Yes, you are worth it. And being at goal makes it VERY worth it! I've spend about $25K in surgeries and band problems. I do relate. But I had my band by Dr. A as well so it was cheaper than having it done in the US. At least that saved me about 50% or more.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Need to convert from band to ?????

    Ohhh, so much to write! When you have a slip and have it surgically revised you stand a 70% chance of another slip in the first five years. You can't live with reflux for long, it can cause Barretts Esophagus. The band does this often. FANTASTIC! You really can't get a fill when you have severe reflux anyway regardless of restriction. If the band itself is causing your problems a fill is going to make it worse. This makes me angry, if one procedure is what you want then you should have been referred to someone who does the procedure. It's like REALLY wanting a brand new car and coming home with a used moped. Your nutritionist is a dolt. You lost well with a working band. If any of us could do this without a tool we would. If your tool isn't working you aren't going to lose as well as you would with something that works for you. Bands are not effective for higher BMI folks, they just aren't. The more you have to lose the less likely you are to get to goal with a band. You might get there but it's unlikely that you'll stay there. HIS surgery failed therefore YOU are not committed? Look, only you know if you can do this with restriction alone. Nobody else can make that decision for you. I'm all for a dose of reality when it is needed but with your good weight loss when your band was working and the lack of weight loss now that you have reflux and issues that are clear in that you should NOT be getting a fill, how is this your fault? Maybe you aren't telling us the whole story, could be. But I doubt that, I think with the symptoms you are having it's pretty clear the band isn't for you. Nope. If you weren't angry I'd question if you really understand what's happening. ;o) Of course you can fly. You just need to take simple precautions. Get up and walk up and down the plane every hour or so. I drove 3 hours home after my surgery. I was a revision too, band to sleeve. I was totally good at two weeks but I went to work right away when I came home. You first need to make sure you want this surgeon doing your VSG. How many has he done? Does he do leak tests? Which ones? How many leaks has he had? Infections? How many nights in the hospital? Does your insurance cover sleeves? There is a great deal of information to know. It's possible but unlikely. RNY folks lose it faster but VSG folks lose very well, MUCH better than banded folks.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Band to Sleeve People

    Any malabsorption procedure concerns me. It's one of the things that keeps me on track, I don't want bypass or DS! ;o)
  22. Call 'em back. Tell them they have no need to feel threatened by you but there are a whole bunch of people on LapBandTalk that they *should* feel threatened by. HA! Susan, I would be posting this story in a few places with the full name of the doctor. Here, the general boards, OH, everywhere. Also, a good solid testimonial on OH would be quite nice as well. You do know about the doctor testimonials, right?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    I've got a date!!! :-)

    Is Renee new? I keep hearing about her but I know nothing about her from two surgeries. We'll figure out a way for someone to be there for you. At the very least, I'll be there via phone for you! I don't understand... what happened? I thought you would have surgery sooner. What is going on?
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    Absolutely! You have ALL of us behind you! But I swear, from the bottom of my heart I swear to you that this is not horrific pain, it's discomfort. Honest. You will do well. Honest. From one sleeve patient to another, you will do just fine!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Band to Sleeve People

    You lose the same weight as bypassed people at the end of 5 years with a sleeve BUT without the malabsorption. If you can lose with restriction alone, that is the way to go. If you need malabsorption, DS is the way to go. Bands and bypass are a thing of the past. Sleeves and DS are the future.

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