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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I have a flippin date ! ! !

    That's fantastic! Congrats... you get your life back!
  2. It's the same concept of, "Humans are too stupid to understand something so great." It's really not, it's just an easy answer to something that is impossible and makes no sense. Very true. He hasn't killed nearly the number of humans that the Christian God supposedly did. When Bin Laden does it he is evil and a terrorist. When the Christian God did it, it's okay. It's different and even good. If you really get down to it there isn't a lot of difference between terrorists and the Christian God's behavior. This is why there is no doubt in my mind that this was a book written to control the masses and it did the job quite well. Way back when only the priests could read and they carefully instructed the followers in what to believe and how to behave. Pretty effective. There used to be a quiz on line, it's probably still there. It was a list of 30 quotes, 15 were from Hitler and 15 were from the Christian God. The idea was to figure out who said the quote. I am pretty familiar with the bible and I struggled (and failed) the quiz as did most.
  3. None of this was meant to be a debate and I won't debate it with you. The OP asked for questions to ask her pastor. It's senseless to debate this with a believer. If the answers are ... Well it just is, or... I'll ask him when I get there... we aren't really going to get anywhere, right?
  4. It is faith that demands proof of unbelievers. It is the job of those making the claims to prove their stance. It is okay to say, "I don't know." It is NOT okay to give the great Christian God every benefit of the doubt.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    It is all very sad and very unfair. That does not mean I like what is happening to the US, I merely understand it. It isn't right nor fair, it just is.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    True and not. I agree about US dollars, I do not see how the people can take over. The police are dirty, the military is dirty, the gov't is dirty. All the people the GOOD people would be battling are paid off by those that are sure they will remain in power. The people ARE voting in good people that want change, no doubts there. The people want change. The problem is as fast as they can vote them in, they are killed by those that do not want change. I'm really not sure what the people can do to be honest. They have virtually no rights, no money, they have nothing.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    It's Time...

    Honestly, I can't say enough about the sleeve. Each time I run across a person that has mega band issues I feel so sorry for them and I KNOW that there isn't anything I can say that will change their minds. They are going to have doubts that this is just more problems but on a bigger scale. It's sooo not true. Sleeves are like bands that actually work without all the hassle. I was always aware of my band, or my port. Something was always acting up. If I was having a good stoma day then my port was hurting. It was always something. Today I am not really aware of my sleeve. I just get full faster. That's all. No drama, no frustrations, no anything. I just get full fast.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    I think the gov't keeps things just the way they want them. It drives the poor to come here and send money back to MX and it goes to the main 7-8 people in the end.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    No, we really aren't doing that. There are about 7-8 people in MX that control the country and keep the dollars. Tax dollars, donations, etc. The poor never see it, the rich get a LOT more. That's why they continue controlling the entire country while the people suffer.
  10. Totally agree! The pastor is doing a good thing here, he's making people think. That's why I offered a few examples for the OP. Sometimes it's dangerous to do this, sometimes it's a great thing. I do hope this pastor is good. Things can go either way when someone is asked to present some good questions. It opens communication, gets people thinking, and forces people to examine their beliefs and why they hold such beliefs. Again, the end result can go either way.
  11. You are not understanding my question or the reason for asking it. I suspect Jack does understand and that is why he is willing to continue this via PM. "Um," I made no claims either way. Timelines for Lilleth make no sense.
  12. The infamous Noah's ark. It was 300 cubits by 50 cubits by 18 cubits. (A cubit is 18") That's about 15,000 cubic feet. How would they put 30,000,000 species and food for a year on this ark? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are a TON of inaccuracies such as what is a fowl, who chews their cud, etc. Tons of them. Those are kinda boring, they can be explained to some degree by the lack of education of those involved BUT... this is God's Word, true? His only work for his followers is absolutely loaded with errors? And if this one piece of work he has done for his followers is so important, wouldn't details be important? Yet he allowed a group of people to go through the bible and throw out bits they didn't like, didn't agree with, or didn't want. Seems he would have been more protective of the one and only book he gives to those that will supposedly roast in hell if they don't believe. Then there is just plain wrong info like the (also infamous) mustard seed. It is most certainly not the smallest seed in the world. But it was probably the smallest seed know to those writing the bible. So is it the word of those writing the bible or God's Word? All in all why in the world are so many errors present in the only book given to man? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John 12:21 claims Phillip was from Bethsaida of Galilee. Bethsaida was really in the province of Gaulontinis, not the province of Galilee. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jeremiah 3:12 ...I am merciful saith the Lord and I will not keep anger forever... Jeremiah 17.4 ...Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall be forever. Is he unable to make up his mind? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Resurrection stories are whoppers. Not even close. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If God created me, he created me knowing exactly what I will and will not believe. Yet before he ever created me he know I would not believe. So he sends me to hell to suffer an eternity of punishment for not believing in him. Do you see the problem with this one? Just once I'd like to get an answer to this one without, "We just don't know." "We are mere humans and we cannot understand." Seriously, what's so difficult about this one? It's not that tough to figure out. God is mean and heartless. Isn't this kind of sadistic? Lucky for me, I lack belief. ;o) Along the same lines, if God made me knowing full well what and who I would be and what I would and would not believe, why does he become so angry when I do exactly as he created me to do? Lots of emotion from a God that made me knowing full well what I would do. Does it surprise him? So why all the anger? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then you have all the mind numbing thoughts such as... if God can do anything can he make a rock too heavy for him to lift? Can he create the impossible for himself? If not, how is he able to do anything, see anything, and create anything? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Then the trinity issues. He sent himself down to be his son to forgive the world. Did he sacrifice himself or his son? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If being hung on a cross is a horror (and it is, it was a standard practice to execute bad guys way back when) and if that is the ultimate of horror and pain, why not give him a typical medical condition that hurts more and lasts years? Like cancer? People suffer wayyy more on a daily basis. So how bad is a cross hanging in comparison? Jesus loves those who have pain. Why not give himself some doozy of a kind of pain instead of something that is done and over in a matter of days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If homosexuality is a bad thing (and the bible really does not make it clear that it is a bad thing, it's all in interpretation. Personally I do not believe the bible says homosexuality is a sin) then why did God make furry homosexual animals or other animals such as dolphins gay? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ God makes it quite clear that the sons shall not be punished for the sins of their fathers then he destroys an entire household for the sin of the father. You do realize, of course, that if the Christian God were alive and human today making the claims, promise, threats, etc., he'd be put in a rubber room never to be seen again. :thumbup:/ I don't mean that as a slam, I mean it literally. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have better examples, such as the Tree Eve ate from type, but honestly I haven't thought of these in a long time and I'm drawing blanks. Probably tonight when I go to bed a ton of them will flood my wee brain. ;o) One thing I would suggest is to do some serious ... really serious research in the history of Christianity. Not what you are spoon fed by church leaders but really get out there and do the research. I haven't really gone far beyond Egyptians and Hindus (while Hindus really did steal most of their material from Egyptians, too). Seems to me maybe this information had one starting point. Isn't THAT the true religion? I'm not referring to the "actions" of the people. I'm not here to knock Christians because those in history used their religion to harm others. I'm not referring to that. I'm talking about getting down to basics and finding out the actual origins of Christianity. Might not be the same as what you think. In saying that I am not suggesting you not be theist. I would never dream of telling someone to hold or not hold a given belief. It is personal choice. But if I am correct and Christianity is not the original religion, which one is? It's actually a fascinating topic when you let go of the "what if I realize it might not be a true religion," and seriously learn about the origins of the belief, it can be quite fascinating, eye opening, logical, and maybe there is a superior belief that makes more sense? Or, maybe not. Just know that if you start exploring these issues it might shake your faith. If you honestly love your faith and value it, just keep on keeping on. Nothing wrong with it in the least. ALL people take what they want from religion, the bible, spirituality, etc. and dump the rest. It's just how it works. BTW, I'm too lazy to proof read the above. Just consider the typos my usual. ;o)
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Doctor Recommeded Against Lap Band

    I had the links at one time from Inamed. I had the links to their web pages. Then they removed the numbers and replaced it with something to the effect of ... banding shows almost as much weight loss as bypass. Dr. Curry may still have access to old website pages, he's on OH LB boards. I think there are a few reasons for more slips. Newbie doctors going through their learning curve. US doctors changing the post op diet vs. what the seasoned doctors use as well as the manufacturers suggest. People not understanding the reasoning for the post op diet and therefore not doing it (non compliance). Band mills not telling people what they need to know to be successful.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    According to a PM... 2 months ago.
  15. Same question with Lilleth. Where did she come from?
  16. That still doesn't really explain what rational science is regarding faith.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Doctor Recommeded Against Lap Band

    No, not really. The studies such as Inamed are more comprehensive and over a longer period of time. Five years ago of those that were banded < 3% were slipping. Today of those banded > 7% are slipping.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Oregondaisy's turn for sleeve surgery

    Just don't consume dairy for a few months and you'll be good to go and it will be a non-issue. I'm with Elisabeth on this one. Lactose intolerance is usually short lived, an hour or so. I suspect something else was going on with you or... a combination of a couple of things.
  19. No, I was just about as clear as I could be. I asked you to explain how rational science plays a part of faith. Not sure how much more clear I could be. I was just kind of surprised to see that statement coming from you, that's all. Attempting to prove a theory is a far cry from proving that faith is based on fact. One is science, one is faith. If I wanted to discuss my lack of belief I would have made it clear. I was asking about your comment. Nope, no desire to take this to PM.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    No, Obama did come out pretty early on saying this was media hype and fear. He was responding to the BS of the media and he was right. Hillary... gahhhh... I still agree with the citizens of Mexico, it was all about the dollars in aid from other countries and we fell for it. But then we always do.
  21. Please explain how rational science plays a part in faith?
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Doctor Recommeded Against Lap Band

    Agreed. Don't agree. We don't typically go to doctors so we can tell them specifically what we want to hear and if they don't tell us what we want to hear by gosh, we are going elsewhere! We go to doctors to ask for their advice and opinions and we make the decision from there. If my doctor is seeing better results from a different procedure I darn sure what to know. I don't want her patting my head telling me what she thinks I want to hear. I don't agree that bands or bypass are the way to go so I'm not suggesting bypass is a better option. It's a personal decision based on many factors. But isn't it better that the surgeon was honest? She gave her honest opinion. If she thinks another procedure is superior to banding, why not hear her out? Banding is the easiest procedure to do. If she has a good track record with a complicated surgery like bypass and she has a lot of experience with bands, what's wrong with the fact that her experience is that another surgery type is better? Would people prefer dishonesty?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    It didn't strike me as the gov't doing it, it was Obama that came out early on and told people to relax, it is not as reported. It was the media. I don't know, maybe not that bush is gone they don't have much to report. ;o)
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    swine flu

    Completely agree. As of this morning, the end of the "epidemic," 48 deaths in MX. Our own influenza EVERY SINGLE YEAR produces many many many thousands of deaths. Dr. Oz puts the number at 36,000. Who really has the epidemic here, the US version of the flu or the MX version? It's interesting to note the following.... We all know how seriously corrupt the MX gov't is. We know they will do damn near anything for a buck. Isn't it intriguing how they are collecting millions upon millions of dollars in aid from countries (including the US) due to the swine flu? What do you suppose the MX gov't will do with all this money? Again, their flu kills 48 people, our flu kills 36,000. Yet we are sending them money in aid because it's so severe. And our own media has gone nuts over this, far more media coverage than our own flu which appears to be about 750x worse.
  25. Quite impressive that you can turn religion and belief on and off like a light switch. ;o) I could never do that myself. I can change my mind quite easily when given absolute proof, but changing my mind repeatedly over faith... that's the light switch type thinking. I am sorry that it requires religion for you to have warmth and light in your life. Not so for many of us. My life is great without faith. BTW, small correction here. Not all atheists insist there is no God. That's a hard atheist and if they insist there is no God I would require proof of this claim. My stance is that I lack belief in this God or any other God. I do wish that you can find a life of warmth and love from living life as well as your faith that there is a God.

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