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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    You know, I think that might be an answer to something I was just thinking about. I *just* finished running 2 miles. Not quite as easy as walking/running/walking/running. I found myself kinda hunched over just a little bit. It was bothering my back. If I put some weight on my back so it pulled my shoulders back a bit I think that might help. I had really good posture when I stopped running 4 months before my sleeve but I see I have bad habits I need to break once again. ;o) Thank you!
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    Yeah, it has hills, valleys, the works. It is pre programmed for various types of incline. If I add 20# of weights can't I calculate calories from 127# to 147#?? HAHA
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    My surgery date with Dr Aceves June 17th!!

    Congrats! This surgery is so cool, it's not like the band at all. The band is an absolute horror. It's a great way to lose about half your weight short term. The sleeve, it rocks. I did put off doing the sleeve because I was afraid it would be just like banding but now that I have one, I wish I would have done it a long time ago. You'll get lots of good info about the sleeve and how it all works here. Congrats on getting your life back!
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    My surgery date with Dr Aceves June 17th!!

    I don't post on OH about this place, I don't want the Alvarez paid posters coming over here ruining it by talking about how Alvarez smells, or starting threads on how good looking he is when they run out of material to discuss and threads to start. I hate OH, it sucks so bad. Did you see that thread where someone was trying to verify his sleeve training and it was all a scam? She was attacked for asking an innocent question, why couldn't she verify his training? She wasn't slam dunking him, she wasn't asking anything out of line. No sleeve training but an experimental lab on a pig? Heh... I laughed about that one. I already knew about it. I researched everyone all over again when I wanted to revise to a sleeve so I already knew his stats were bogus and his training did not exist. His training was from Jose Rod, watch one/do one. Yeah, that's not the kind of training I wanted from my doc. That's not the only thing on his CV that is misleading. You know, we are going to have our own LBT sleeve board soon! Alex is opening it up probably this week. He had stuff going on and was unable to get it up and running the last couple of weeks but I think things will be moving this week.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    I don't have to go back anymore. When I was banded I was there all the darn time. Fills, unfills, try this drug, try that technique. I've been sleeved almost a year (6/3/08) and I've only been there once in the last year and that is when I went with a friend for her band fill. I did go with a friend for her plastic surgery but I didn't go to the hospital. I'm going there the end of the month for my 3 month check up. ;o))) I just want to get a barium swallow to see how things are going.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    I'm 5/5. Sometimes I wear a 6 depending on style/brand but usually a 4. Dr. Aceves wants me to gain but I really don't want to. There is a certain regain (about 10%) before the end of the first five years and this way I'm covered. Even if I do regain I'm still good to go. Since it's not really difficult to maintain I'd like to keep things the way they are. It's funny, all those months and months of asking... Dr. Aceves, am I done yet??? He'd say no, just a few more pounds. Just a few more. I can't count how many times he said that. Now he's suggesting I gain. HA! NOT going to happen!
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    For lack of a better place to put this.... I just invented something good. A BLT no-bread sandwich. I used a huge Romaine lettuce leaf, filled with bacon and tomato, and folded it over like a tortilla. It's very good!
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

    I need to talk to Jacqui to see how I can increase calories burned on my treadmill. I'm thinking of using 10# weights for my hands, with an incline, and a pretty good speed. Not sure how else I can do it. I hate weight training, hate it with a passion but I don't mind my treadmill much at all. I really felt good yesterday and as Denise says, I've really noticed a difference in my mood with just one session. I feel good this morning, much better than the past few weeks.
  9. Damn. Although I have Patty blocked it shows that she posted, I just can't see what it was. I knew she'd come in here and poop in this thread. Sorry about your thread, OP. There is a way to start a private board and it's by invitation only. Maybe we could do that if you are interested in continuing?
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Insurance in Mexico

    Last time I was there it was $3.00/day. The pharmacy is Pey Pharmacia. DO NOT use Almater farmacia, it's verrrry expensive. Pey is where I get everything. The staff will show you where it is. Pretesting... around 1PM. You guys have to take lots of photos!!! We want to see!!!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Should I tell my co-workers?

    I had fun with the reactions to Mexico. They would look at me in horror and I'd return the look asking how much research they have done on the topic. Do they know nothing about the world outside of the US? Then I shake my head and make some snide comment about how crappy our schools are about teaching cultures and ANYTHING outside of the US. Then I'd ask them specifically what they know about the topic. That usually shut 'em up. I just turned the tables on them. But I have a pretty strong personality and people don't give me a ration of crap easily. ;o) In real time I have a very soft voice but a big attitude. I love to confuse people.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Insurance in Mexico

    Yep, I've started parking there. It's the AAA Long Term Parking Lot. I park there and walk across the border but Ernesto will pick you up there. I would suggest getting there about 30 minutes early and taking full advantage of the Duty Free Shop across the street. Fun stuff there.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    My surgery date with Dr Aceves June 17th!!

    You shouldn't take it on a regular basis (1 every 8 hours) for more than 5 days at a time, it's really hard on your stomach. I just stock up on it for headaches and such. I was only responding to our honorary sleeve brother's question. ;o) Rosebud... don't I know you????? ;o)))) I think I do!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Insurance in Mexico

    I would imagine so, you could call Nina for sure. But I am guessing it's no big deal. Expensive, but doable.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Nonono.... being fat... that's different. Being a prostitute is WAYYYY bad!
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Insurance in Mexico

    Mexicali is a little different, it's not like it is TJ or Juarez. The police officers are paid a fair wage and they don't typically behave like TJ police officers. If I was in trouble, lost, whatever... I'd walk up to a stranger for help in TJ before I would DREAM of approaching a police officer. In Mexicali it's a very different world. Half the police cars say, "Tourist Police" so you know they speak enough English to get by and their main focus is to be available if you need something. In Mexicali I would approach a police officer, not so in Tijuana. If you want a real treat, check out Nogales Police officers. Now that's just some damned spooky stuff!
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    My surgery date with Dr Aceves June 17th!!

    You can buy as much as you want and bring as much as you want back. Technically you can only bring a 3 month supply back per person. They've never said a word to me about it. They are really looking for narcotics.
  18. Keep in mind, this isn't a car. You are asking for the least tested, lowest studied band statistically available on the market. Really think through this. A great number of people are not losing well because the newer bands are big, mega big and people are not getting restriction for many months. I'm talking like 8-9 months. You lose the best the first six months after any surgery and if you don't even have restriction during those important months, weight loss will be slow.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Should prostitution be legal?

    Correct me if I am wrong but isn't BattiGreen fat? Doesn't she suffer her God the sin of her Gluttony? Why did she get treatment for her eating disorder but those that are addicted to drugs should be judged and hung? Any bets that her sins aren't nearly as bad as those around her? I can't stand her. I really can't. I hate the bigotry and judgment. There has to be some self loathing there to post the crap she does. That ignore feature is sweet!
  20. Yes, that's called Pascal's Wager but you are most incorrect! You do have something to lose. What if you are worshiping the wrong God? There are lots of God's out there and if you picked the wrong one, your back side is toast. There are other Gods that are much older than yours. Odds are not in your favor here. You see, the only difference between you and I in this area is that I believe in one less God than you do. For your sake I sure hope you picked the right God. I can at least say I tried to believe and just couldn't. You, OTOH, might be worshiping the wrong one.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Band to Sleeve People

    It would fall under a gastric restrictive procedure. BC/BS Fed does indeed cover the sleeve. There is another person on another board that has that ins and she was approved.
  22. I completely and totally relate to what you are talking about! I feel for you, I honestly do. I do not miss the band in the least!
  23. I do that, too. Well, some people have book smarts, some have common sense, some have both, some have neither. It's the nature of the beast. With that said, let's take a look at what you did write: You do infer that due to intelligence they have no room left for common sense AND faith. Not common sense OR faith. You do lump them in together so a reasonable person would suggest that you meant what you wrote. ;o) Maybe people with higher intelligence and/or education view things differently. They are not okay with hoping the impossible is true. You know, it used to be believed that Ra the Sun God would pull the sun around the world in his chariot and then science disproved that one so the people started saying... okay, a Sun God doesn't move the sun but all the other stuff we can't explain is due to a God. In my mind, my personal opinion only, I see people believing in a God because there is much that cannot be explained, merely because we haven't studied it enough. People swear they had a near death experience and it's based on what they believe. If they believe in a Christ, Christ is who they see. If they are Jewish and they believe in God but not Christ, God is what they see. Thing is, you can duplicate near death experiences by applying a very small electrical current to a very specific part of the brain. Same thing happens, what people believe in is what they see during these near death experiences. Usually people having a near death experience are under a tremendous physical stress. Probably because they are dying. ;o) There is a lot of electrical activity in the brain, the current thinking is that this is the basis of NDEs. But, people like to believe they really got to see God or Christ and they prefer this over reality. What is fact and what is desire is what separates theists from atheists. But again, that is my own personal opinion. To believe something that is quite literally impossible is a wish, not a fact. We *want* to believe there is a reason for all this, we *want* to believe there is something more out there. I do it too, I want to believe there is something that exists after death. I'd love to see my family, friends, my dogs, everyone someday. But I do not believe this requires a God running the show. Today we have employers telling us how to behave, what to say, what not to say 8 hours a day. We have political type folks telling us how to behave in society, who to give money, setting limits. We have society also setting limits. We have religious leaders telling us what to believe and how to behave. In reality I think some folks just can't fathom thinking they are on their own to behave in an afterlife. So a God MUST run the show. Again... your words: So do you have a topic for the pastor or not? Either it was a topic for the pastor, a slam to atheists, or both. I'm fairly confident it was a slam to atheists. The more you explain the more clear this becomes. No, you are manipulating and I won't let you get by with it. THIS is what I suggested you prove, this is the part of the quote you failed to post: See what happens when you paraphrase? You leave out all the good stuff and completely and totally change what I was responding to when I suggested you prove it. That's not the way it works. You made the claim, you defend your own claim. That's how adults discuss things. Otherwise I could tell you that there are purple flying monkeys out to take over the world, if you don't believe me prove me wrong. See how silly that is? When an adult makes a claim it is up to the person making the claim to prove their own case, not make wild claims and expect everyone else to prove them right. Now com'on, this is Middle School level debate rules here. Not post graduate debate. Straw man. Nobody claimed otherwise.
  24. It's not you, it's the band. Sounds like you might have first bite syndrome. What if you take two small bites before you sit down for dinner? Then you have the first bite over with before your meal and you can enjoy family time? Also, if you want to see if it is due to posture next time stand up for your meal. I know, sounds crazy but if you can eat and stand, it's your posture. It's hard to sit slumped over, you'll get stuck.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Band too tight? -OR- Eating too fast?

    I don't understand the mentality. They continue going to those meetings and most of them are fat, very fat. So why not actually do something about it instead of talking about it non stop?

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