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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Recipe Help Needed

    Wow... that's perfect! That is exactly what I am looking for. Thank you so much!
  2. Studies have been clear for a long time, the more one is up and around (walking) after surgery the less pain meds they will need and the faster they will feel themselves again. In the 1800s when a woman had a baby she was flat in bed for weeks recovering. That really was poor thinking. It increases the chance for blood clots and other various complications. The sooner one is up moving a lot, the better. Start walking an hour after surgery and don't stop!!!! One does not need to run marathons after surgery. But walking a LOT after surgery prevents that horrible tired feeling two weeks down the road.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Liquid Stage Recipes

    For pre-op diets I agree with you completely. For post-op I fully disagree. The harder the stomach has to churn and work to heal the more chance for tearing sutures. Clear liquids do not cause the stomach to churn and digest food. Full liquids do not cause it to work so hard. We only have one solid chance at this and to cheat when we are talking a month out of a lifetime, it just doesn't make sense.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Mushies Stage Recipes

    Peach Crisp 1 20 oz can sliced peaches 2 or 3 packets instant oatmeal in a flavor like brown sugar/cinnamon 2 or 3 tablespoons butter Drain peaches. Put in a loaf dish or something similar. In a bowl cut butter into instant oatmeal until crumbly. Sprinkle over peaches and bake at 325* about 30 minutes or until topping is crisp (or well done).
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    new and seeking advice re removal

    Inamed is pretty clear about this. It is intended to be forever.
  6. WASaBubbleButt


    Think of it this way, if you are thirsty you are already getting a little dry.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Mexico or States

    Oh I'm with you on Mexico. The care was similar to what I used to give at Mayo. At Mayo you don't wait an hour for a nurse. If you do, the nurse won't be returning the next day for a shift. I used my call light twice in the two days I was there. Once was when I busted open my IV and blood and fluids were going everywhere and I just didn't have enough hands to fix it myself. Another time was for a sleeping pill. Both times, they were there in less than a minute. I'd say 30 seconds max. They are very much into touch therapy too. If they are speaking to you, they have their hand on your arm or shoulder. Docs don't tower over you, they sit on the edge of your bed. They always make it a point to be at eye level vs. standing so the intimidation thing isn't there. If a nurse comes to check on you they don't just stand at the door and yell, "Do you need anything?" The female nurses will come over to you, lean over a little, put her hand on your arm and ask how you are doing and can they get you anything. Very motherly. Men are SUCH gentlemen! I couldn't believe it. I went for a check up a couple of weeks after surgery and I was outside after the appt and my doc happened to be going to his office. His office was just around the corner, way too short to drive. He asked if I wanted to come along (we were at the hospital). I wanted to see his office so I did. I had forgotten some of the old time "gentleman" rules. We had to cross a street, turn corners, etc. He kept changing positions so he was always between me and the street. Crossing streets meant he would hold my arm while we crossed. When I was in the hospital and was getting various tests such as barium swallows, etc., it wasn't a transporter or nurse (as in the US) that came to get me, my doc escorted me everywhere. It wasn't just him, it was everyone. There is a pharmacy across the street from the hospital there and I wanted to stock up on Tylenol, etc., since it is so much cheaper there. I was crossing the street and a man I didn't even know rushed to take my arm since I was crossing the street. At first I didn't know what the heck he was doing and I'm sure the expression on my face made that clear. He motioned to go ahead and cross, no cars were coming. I have no clue who he was. As soon as we crossed the street he let go of my arm and went his own direction. When it comes to simple manners there is a WORLD of difference between the US and Mexico. The hospital was shining, it was so clean when newbies talk of going there I always tell them to get non-skid slippers for walking because the floors are so clean and waxed that if you aren't careful, I can see how someone would fall on their butt and look like a butt. When I took my friend for surgery if I went to the nurses station to get something (ice, pillow, etc.) and especially if it was a male nurse if he saw me coming he would hurry and walk to me so I didn't have to go the whole 20 feet to ask my question. If I had any complaints at all it was that they came to check on me too often. Between my doc, his staff, and the hospital staff they never left me alone. But if that is my biggest complaint, I'll deal with it. LOL
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Mexico or States

    There is a doc here that charges $30K. I'm thinking he doesn't get many takers. At least nobody that owns a computer. :girl_hug:
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli Soup

  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli Soup

    I'd be afraid to try lettuce. Some people can eat iceburg but that's the only type. With that thinking I'd assume those same people could probably do parts of Red Leaf lettuce too.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Olive Garden Pasta e Fagioli Soup

    Everyone is different. Some can have pasta and some can't. Personally, I can't. But I still put recipes up thinking if others can do them then great.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    excessive fluid / coughing when laying down

    That could be a couple of different things including heart related. You really should get it checked out.
  13. LOL!!! Notice I did not claim it was the SCHNAUZER that was smart (even thought that is exactly what I meant) as I would never insult a Shih Tzu that way. But Shih Tzu's really aren't the brightest in the bunch, eh? LOL A Shih Tzu's job is to be pretty, and prance. They are meant to ... well, prance. And then prance some more. They know what they want and when they want it and it is your job to figure that out. After all, you are the mere human. They will work and work and try to make you realize what it is you need to do for them. When you, being the mere human, appears slow or lazy, they will correct you. A Mini Schnauzer, OTOH, is designed to tell you what you want. They will inform you of that at each and every given moment. They will alert you to fire, flood, intrusion, or any other sign of impending danger. They will even let you know when an unknown bird is walking around in their front yard. Little is to be tolerated by a Mini Schnauzer. However a Mini Schnauzer understands humans in a way no other breed does. They know what you want when you want it and if they have the energy, they are the first to get it. I adore both breeds, my mostest favoritest breeds.
  14. They are both picky breeds. One is smart, one is spoiled. Okay, they both end up being spoiled but one is smart. LOL Honestly, they are both my absolute favorite breeds. I have a Shih Tzu that won't even tolerate Suzi the groomer. She only puts up with grooming because she knows she has to and there is no other choice. But that took 5 years to teach her.
  15. Carelene... A Shih Tzu and Mini Schnauzer? If so, my two fav breeds! They are perfect, I love the photos. Makes me want to pick them both up and hold them forever.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    What's the worst thing someone said to you?

    CJ... Fantastic post! Super fantastic post and a reminder for us all. Thank you.
  17. I LOVE photos of critters, can't get enough of them. KHolmes, I love that first photo! Priceless!
  18. OMG! Look at those eyes! He is just perfect! What a cutey! He has the "guilt" look. Meaning, you look at him and instantly feel guilty for not enough loves, hugs, snuggles, and tummy scratches! He is perfect, absolutely perfect! He darn sure has you guys figured out! LOL My dog isn't that smart. heh....
  19. You know what? When I come home from a horrible day at work and my patient died, life sucked, and my world is coming to an end, she's always there for me. She's the best cuddler ever. Well, next to your dog! LOL
  20. Ohhh, she's my baby. I'd do anything for her. She does anything for me so it's a fair trade, wouldn't you agree? Wanna see her? She is SOOOO cute! http://www.crazyfordogs.com/cgi-mine/pscripts/pow.cgi?which=crazyforDOGS&tc=162 BTW, this is a link that you send your dog's photo and bio and they post it for a week. A week's worth of fame! This is the baby after we made a 1500 mile drive to my home town in Iowa. The poor dear needed her pillows and her own bed after such a long drive. And the following is the little angel after we got to Denver where my sis lives. My little baby (all 8 pounds of her) met her 50# and 75# cousins and while my sis was at work and I was shopping all day, they were tearing up chew toys, stuffed toys, and tracking mud in and out the doggy door while taking turns chasing one another. See the pieces of the insides of dog toys on the carpet next to her? Yeah, took me all afternoon to clean and scrub carpets before my sis got home.
  21. I adore my four legged fur-kids. I can't imagine life without them. My Shih Tzu is on a diet right now. She's on R/D, a mega fiber, low cal dog food. This is a little girl that won't EAT dog food. It is my job to figure out what she wants for the day and get it. That might be chicken and brown rice, a burger, Chinese food, what have you. Amazingly, she is eating R/D. Only problem is that my baby has become similar to a tube of toothpaste. In the morning she has to go BAD! She can hardly make it to the door without R/D coming out her back side. She doesn't jump up or down from anything so I have to lift her up to whatever she wants to sit on. When I pick her up and put her on the floor in the morning it's like squeezing a tube of over-filled toothpaste. R/D starts shooting out her butt. Non critter lovers would be grossed out, I just laugh as I scrub. LOL
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    I have a theory on what happened. I don't think it had anything to do with my surgeon, I think it had everything to do with something else. Four days after surgery I knew I was supposed to keep Protein grams up so I tried the unzogly, Isopure. I refer to it as IsoPUKE! After taking a swig of it, it was soooo horrible that I barfed. I think that is the whole problem right there. If something is really horrible to me I don't just make a face and not try that food item again, I barf. I've barfed from that day on. I think I barfed before the band was set in place and that has caused problems since then. But that's just my theory and I can't back it up with a thing.
  23. Ohhh, I don't know. I can compare that with the 3#'er playing tug of war with my hair. :girl_hug:
  24. I have a mentally retarded Shih Tzu (brain damage before birth, qualifies her as MR), a neurotic 3# poodle that was so seriously abused before I got him that he is OCD and yes, dogs can be OCD and I didn't know that either. I have Pickles the Bunny and Rick the Beta. What use is life without pets?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    Sure, the tubing needs saline. It was my doc that explained this. When it comes it comes as an self contained unit. There is no air or saline in the band. Think of a straw and suck the air out, it flattens. My doc explained that they fill the tubing with saline during the procedure.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
