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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    It isn't a matter of guilt, it is a matter of ... okay, here is an example. The person that made it a "point" to say that gays are human too but their sin is hated. Who needs to make gays feel like it needs to be pointed out they are human? It's a matter of society not accepting them, that just isn't guilt. What about laws people have attempted to have put in place where gays cannot rent an apt if the owner is a bigot? How about laws that don't protect gays the same way they do everyone else? THAT is what I'm referring to. Please explain to me in all the research you have done on gay folks, what are the hormonal differences in gays vs. straights?
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Why would a gay person care what your religion tells you to believe? You can't even prove your religion (or that of anyone else) is true. Why would you even offer an opinion on the topic?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    LOL! No need, I think it is pretty obvious.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    That sure explains why this thread is disrespectful. (oye veh)
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Just as the thread doesn't speak for all Christians, neither do you. A great many people honestly do believe as the OP states.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Mark... Well, as you know the Christ person hated 'em too. Right?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    AR Teachers wanting Lap Band

    I understand what you are saying. However, if you are paying $325 out of pocket in addition to what the state pays, you can probably get a better deal getting your own policy. Besides, premiums that cover bariatric surgery are in addition to what you are already paying. Actually, my insurance would have covered a portion of my surgery but with my deductable and copay, it was only a couple of thousand more to go to Mexico and in Mexico I didn't have to jump through insurance co hoops. No sleep study, psych eval, nutritionist, six month medically supervised diet, none of that nonsense. I did my research, finally picked out the surgery type and surgeon and the day I made those decisions I schedule surgery for six days later. If I had it all to do over again I'd do it the same way. Keep in mind, even if your insurance does change to cover bariatric surgery there could be a 1 year wait FROM THE TIME THE POLICY CHANGED to the point it would be covered. And THEN the six month medically supervised diet, etc. It all depends on the insurance company. So even if it did change, you could potentially be looking at an 18 month wait. Another point, many ins co's will cover bariatric surgery but not the Lap Band. Just because 70% of ins co's pay for surgery doesn't mean they pay for the Lap Band. TriCare is an example, they'll pay for bypass and that old crappy band that is not adjustable AND they cut out half your stomach but they won't pay for Inamed's band. So that 70% is misleading in a lot of ways. :cry
  8. WASaBubbleButt


    First of all I never claimed that Dr. Kuri has done only a few hundred lap bands. I did word that poorly, I should have put it in a different paragraph. I meant literally what I wrote, I wouldn't go to anyone that has done less than 500 bands. But I didn't intend to imply that Kuri has done fewer than 500. Dr. Kuri's patients as of the last couple of months are the ones that explain this is a newer policy the office has. After you get there you are asked to sign a form authorizing any of their surgeons to do the procedure. Just because Kuri taught Ortiz the procedure, how does that make him better now that Ortiz has done thousands of bands? Understand, I didn't go to Ortiz but I do know of him. I had it down to two Mexican surgeons after I decided on Mexico. Ortiz and Aceves. I opted to go to Aceves.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    That's not a diet for life, that's a weight loss diet. Maintenance is double that.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    AR Teachers wanting Lap Band

    Keep in mind, there are a TON of people that have no insurance. That 70% stat wouldn't cover all those folks. That probably brings that 70% figure of who has coverage for obesity down to about 30%. So all in all, at least you have insurance. I'm not being hard hearted here, just realistic. I've seen people write about getting 2nd and 3rd jobs to pay for banding, one girl sold her home to take the equity, people get financing and pay 19% interest, my friend used her savings (as did I)... the list goes on.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    I think you might be surprised at what the total calories and fat/carb content is in this day. I entered the above in a website that calculates fat, calories, etc. I used low fat for things like the turkey sausage, etc. Here is what it says, but keep in mind I didn't know what brands, etc. you are using. Total daily calories: 1451 Calories from fat: 519 Saturated Fat: 19gms Cholesterol 287mg Sodium 5118mg Carbs: 153gms Fiber: 11gm Sugars: 38gms Protein: 83gms Vit A: 67% Vit C: 89% Calcium 53% Iron 64% You should be getting one Fiber gm per 100 calories, the carbs are pretty high up there as is sugar. But the Protein was good! Usually 1400-1500 calories is more considered maintenance than weight loss. Have you considered tracking everything you consume on something like Fitday or thedailyplate.com? I think you might be surprised at the fat and carbs in your diet. Also, I agree with you a fill is a great idea!!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    can you feel your port??

    I'll bet you were feeling scar tissue the first time. It feels like a small golf ball near your larger incision. That's not the port. My starting BMI was 41 and I could not feel it. My BMI now is 33 and I can not only feel it, I can make it poke out. No worries about not finding it, your doc will find it under fluoro if he can't find it by feeling it. BTW, most people out of surgery do believe they can feel their port but it really is typically scar tissue that goes away within weeks.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Exercise,sleep and calories

    I know that I cannot exercise at all within about 4 hours of going to bed or I don't sleep at all. As long as I keep my work outs in the AM through late afternoon I'm fine. But anything later than that and I don't sleep. You know, your problem might simply be that when you exercise it speeds up your metabolism. You simply aren't used to a better metabolism. Maybe that is all our problems?? Just a guess.
  14. WASaBubbleButt


    How does that make him better than Ortiz? Experience is exceedingly important, I wouldn't go to anyone that has done less than 500 bands but Ortiz has done thousands of bands. With Dr. Kuri they started something new recently. AFTER the patient gets there they are given a form to sign saying they might or might not get Dr. Kuri for surgery. The form authorizes any of their sugeons to do the surgery. You typically find out who your surgeon is the day of surgery. I wouldn't be cool with that at all.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    AR Teachers wanting Lap Band

    The private sector is no different. I paid cash for my procedure as have many many others. ALL people that went to Mexico are a pretty good example.
  16. And fat is stored fuel. Each person has to do it their own way.
  17. My doc suggests 800 calories daily. The more calories you cut the faster you will lose. I think you might find that with time you'll stop losing if you are eating more than 2000 calories daily. Have you cut out all sugar?
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    LOL!! You know, I collect antiquarian medical books and they are really funny. Sad too, actually. Do you know why they started routine circumcisions in the 1800s? It was to prevent males from .. washing their penis quickly. :success1: They felt it was a clean issue as well as if they did this the baby would associate pain with his penis. They also believed the the reason 'cleaning a penis quickly' was so bad was because a male is only born with so much sperm. If he uses it all up before he gets married that was a disgrace to his future wife. Thus, it was a bad thing. For years I questioned why it was simply routine to circ boys and nobody could answer it. It was always, "We just do." It wasn't until I found so many of the same references in these old medical books that I finally realized where the practice started from. I'm not referring to Jewish babies, but others instead. Kinda like the Readers Digest letter from a woman who questioned why she cut the ends off her ham. She didn't actually know why she did it so she called her mother. Mom said she didn't know why but that is how her mother did it. Mom calls Grandma and asked why she always cuts the ends off the ham and Gma explains that is the only way it would fit in the pan. Same thinking I suppose.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Carlene... Very well said! Wish I could have summed up mine like that!
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Feel like a bulimic...could use some help

    Well, she also claims to be a band practitioner but according to the State Licensing Authority in her state, there is no such thing. If she is licensed as a nurse it is not under the name she gives out to everyone although she also claims to be a nurse practitioner. She does lead people to believe she works with/for Dr. Kuri but if you call his office, they have vastly different opinions on the topic.
  21. How about "Just visualize yourself as a thin person and you will BE a thin person!" Man, I meditated for weeks. In reality, I SHOULD have pitched the tapes and exercised!
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Why do gays have to recognize heterosexual marriage as a legal wedded union between husband and wife? See why your logic doesn't work? Whether or not you like it people are going to do things that you won't approve of. However, maybe the choices in another person's life simply aren't any of your business? What about a husband and wife that have anal sex? Want to have the sex police around to make sure nobody is doing that in case you think that is wrong too? What about sex between a man and woman who are not married? Want to outlaw that because YOU may not like it? What about a man and woman living together without marriage? Want to outlaw that because YOU may not like it? There will be a lot of things in this world that people do and you may not like it. But it doesn't make it your business. For 2000 years people have been trying to produce just ONE piece of proof that your God even exists and for 2000 years they have failed. That's why you have faith. If you had ANY facts you wouldn't need faith because then it would be a fact. But it isn't a fact that your God exists. Now, if you want to believe in your God I fully support your right to believe in anything you wish. You can believe in purple flying monkeys if you wish and I'll be darned if I will stand by and watch someone try to take that away from you. BUT! When you have millions of people trying for 2000 years to prove this God of yours is real and nobody to date and provided a single shred of evidence for this God, to attempt to force others to live by your BELIEFS and your FAITH is simply wrong. Your Christ didn't do it, you shouldn't either.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Mark.... I tried to pick out a favorite part of this post so I could add a "Hear hear!" but it's all my favorite. It's worth repeating so read the above again, people! It's great! A perfect example is that conservative Christians want to keep "under God" in the pledge. Why? I don't have a God and I am quite patriotic. So why do I have to acknowledge a God in order to say the pledge? That's silly. It's more conservative Christians attempting their stuff again. If we atheists say that we don't want their God in OUR pledge then they claim we are anti-Christian. Nooo, if I was anti-Christian I would behave like a conservative Christian does to atheists.

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