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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    When did your pain end completely?

    You might get a twinge of port pain a few weeks after you think you have healed. I'm on week 15 and just a couple of weeks ago I was a bit uncomfortable due to port pain but it was gone in a couple of days. I'm not really sure what causes that but others have mentioned the same.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I have read similar studies but not that one specifically. There is no doubt in my mind that homosexuality is not a choice people make and stick with it. It just is. We simply need to narrow down all the information we have and discover why. Not so that we can change anything, gays don't want to be changed regardless of how others believe they should be living their lives. There are brain structure differences, hormonal differences, lots of things. Many of the hard core Christian types don't want to read the scientific evidence because it will mess with their theory that gays just want to have kinky sex. They don't want facts and truth, they want to push their agenda. They can't even prove their own God exists yet they expect others to live according to their beliefs anyway and life just doesn't work like that. These are the same people that know "a" person that isn't gay anymore thus they have proof, the heck with the other 99.99999% of the gay population, they know one person that "changed" thus everyone can.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Yeah, you are a pain in the ass but you are the good kind of pain in the ass. I'm rabidly anti-Bush as well. Yet I am still Republican. I vote according to the person instead of the party but I am still Republican. Although, I am a registered lib. I am an atheist, through and through. Couldn't be true to myself and refer to my beliefs (or lack of) as any different. There are a few folks I've invited to the forum I frequent. I think you'd do well there. Some would merely be chewed up and spit out, they wouldn't enjoy themselves and so what is the point of inviting them? You can hold your own. Once folks realize you aren't out to convert anyone, they would love you like a family member. Between holding your own and fighting opinionated people, I honestly think you would enjoy yourself. We have several theists that are family over there. I honestly believe you would be one of them. I also think you would be challenged, just like I told LauranD and TOM. It takes a certain kind of person to enjoy that forum, I think you would be one of them.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    AZ Bandsters Brunch this Saturday!!

    Glad you found what works for you. I thought it would be Wendy. LOL She doesn't use fluoro but she is banded herself so she's pretty cool and 'gets' it.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    There, I totally agree. Her presentation was horrible. She should have explained how it all works and let YOU come up with the final realization. She wasn't really advocating for hubby, she was making her own job easier. There was no excuse.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    As horrible as it sounds, she was right. A sugar IV does prolong what is going to happen anyway. Consider this, when a person is dying of cancer their body is trying to fight the cancer by not feeding cancer cells. It shuts down hunger completely. The body fights cancer by not feeding the cancer cells. The problem is, when it does this it stops feeding the good cells too! That is why a cancer patient doesn't want to eat. They have NO hunger and often times, little to no thirst. It looks heartless, I know it does. It looks mean and cruel, but it isn't. It is the body speaking and those around the person feel differently. My Dad died of colon cancer but the reality is that he died of liver cancer. The colon cancer was surgically removed and he ended up dying of liver cancer. It's soooo hard to watch. It's likely harder on those watching it than it is the person dying. He didn't want fluids and I advocated for him. If he wasn't thirsty, if he was dying, why force fluids? It's a matter of what the family can withstand. I swear to you, it seems much worse than it is.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Because the Christians can't decide what being a Christian means. Most of us atheists figure that means someone who believes in Christ and that Christ is their savior. But we are silly, what do we know? I STILL want you to join that forum I wrote to you about. I think you would be dearly loved there. I have to admit, when I first encountered you on the boards I thought you were a pain in the arse. I have a TOTALLY different point of view now. I was just plain wrong. No way around it, I was dead, bare arsed wrong. I think you would thrive on that place I told you about. I do hope you join, I think you'd do quite well there. I think you would be a respected member of the community. I think TOM would be too.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Ahhh, but remember, surviving anything is better than dying. Momma T was a great example. She didn't believe in giving anything stronger than Aspirin for bone cancer, one of the most painful ways to die. She would remind people daily that her Christ person loves those that suffer. It's a "thing" that is passed from one generation to another. Jews are the same, they won't even close a dying person's eyes in fear it will hurry the process along. Sad.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I don't think it was a power struggle, I think it was what it was. Hubby was trying to protect his wife's wishes and the parents believed Gawd wanted them to keep their living daughter alive. Turns out, there was no way she was alive, half her brain was gone due to the lack of O2 at the time of her heart problems. Hubby was right all along. The medical staff knew it, why the judge didn't is beyond me.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Remember, she had no functioning brain. Her body was living well, her brain was not. Sadly, those people are a dime a dozen but we just don't have a family that is pitching a fit screaming GAWD! GAWD wants her to LIIIIIIVE! Big difference. There was nothing upstairs to feel anything. According to the xtian beliefs, she was long gone before the court battles ever began and was sitting in her front row seat in heaven. If there was anyone home upstairs I'd be the first one defending their right to live. If they don't sign a DNR ahead of time, they MADE their decision. But there was nothing to work with regarding TS. Sad, yet true. Dying of slow dehydration is not a bad thing as most would believe. They picture themselves dying of dehydration and can't imagine a worse death. That just isn't true. Most cancer patients actually die of dehydration. The brain produces chemicals that make it totally pain free in a case like TS, assuming she could feel anything. And she couldn't.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    And, in all honesty, a lack of education. :straight
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    No worries, I never thought you had anything to say to begin with. :) :)
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Actually, the state does the evictions before you buy the deed.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I'd have a bit more respect for those church-goers if they would read their own good book (cover to cover repeatedly) vs. having someone else dumb it down for them.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Not everyone does. Some people wait to the end of the year to pay taxes. They really believe they'll have it at xmas time.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Blah blah blah...yammer yammer yammer. ::: Yawn ::::
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Oh, one other issue. Consider people that die. They leave their homes to their kids. Who will fight over who pays taxes more than greedy children? It's a great source of income. Fights speak louder than inheritance.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    You are in soooo far over your head it is almost sad how much you don't realize it.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    You want me to give up my investment secrets? LOL Look in the smaller counties where there is no mortgage co or the bigger cities were errors are more likely to be made. I disagree that these locations are rare. Are they a dime a dozen? Nope, but they are not rare either.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Umm, no. We use logic and common sense. See why we got over you a few pages back?
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Absolutely, I agree with everything you have written. You get some young couple that wants to buy a home and they don't realize they are in over their heads before they ever sign the papers. I have NEVER been one to take advantage when there is a way out for the original owners. If I have reason to believe they can make good on the deed even after the six months is up, I expect them to cover every bloody dollar I have invested. If they can do that, I sign it back over to them. It's just the right thing to do. Amazingly, that has only happened once. I don't want to take someone's home away from them. If they just need more time, cool beans. I give it to them. But I do want to be reimbursed. The state is ONLY looking at short term dollars. They are not looking out for the citizens of TX, they are looking at having taxes paid on time. Sometimes that just doesn't happen. So I disagree with TX on how they do things, but if that is how they are going to do it, I'll play the game too. But I do pride myself that I don't do it in a heartless manner.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    It isn't amazing that what you say is indeed spew. You dodge the harder questions and pretend they didn't exist. You repeatedly claim others wrote things they didn't. You rarely defend your own comments and then you blame your faults on everyone you post with. I never claimed there was a gay gene, actually.. nobody did. Yet you continue to stomp your feeties demanding we prove things you claim we said. Truth is, we never made those claims. It's merely your best attempt at debate. We got over you, maybe it's time you do the same.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    http://phoenix.about.com/od/govtoff/qt/proptax.htm It varies and depends on a number of factors. I think you'll find that you guys have it worse.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    What's the worst thing someone said to you?

    See, I don't see anything wrong with the above, it's true. I was six weeks out of surgery and a friend wanted surgery too. I made it a POINT of saying "us" vs. "you" because I didn't want her singled out or to feel singled out. I still don't. She's lost 10 of 250 pounds, I'm 50% at goal. I still refer to "us" vs. "you" even when I'm not in that group. I never want her to feel it is her and only her, I always refer to us.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Exercise,sleep and calories

    Not always true. Remember, stored fat is stored energy. What you don't consume in food calories will come from stored energy. Fat.

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