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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    Isn't it interesting to see the perspectives of those that have worked with the children that have to live with the choices of their parents? I've taken care of 2lb drug addicted children, children prostituted out for drug money, children so severely sexually abused that they will never have children of their own... and all in the name of making sure we don't force personal responsibility on people. Obviously, I am not referring to the MR gal you are speaking of. I'm talking about people who make a personal choice to put themselves in a position where they might make decisions for themselves that they would otherwise perhaps not to do.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    BTW, I'm not going to turn this into a race issue. I don't give a crap if someone is black, white, purple, or green. The issue here are drug abusers, regardless of color.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    I'm happy for your friend that kicked drugs and is raising four happy, healthy children. But I disagree that she was somehow not responsible for any of her actions while actively abusing illegal drugs. If she would have consented to this program it would have been of her own free will.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    I didn't claim you did say that. I was comparing your logic to a different kind of situation. I think it is ironic that we have no problem with them getting preggers and raising a child while supposedly incompetent but it's not okay to use sterilization because they don't know what they are doing. So if they do something illegal while under the SAME influence, that's bad. If they do something of their own free will under the SAME influence then they are not responsible. What's the difference? How do you know they are unable to understand the future ramifications? Sounds to me more like they'd rather have drugs than future children. There are drug abusers all over that are fully functioning working adults. They just want their drugs. They work to support their habit. Being a drug abuser is not the same as being mentally retarded. They are making their own choice. Might they regret it later? Could be. I regret what I have done to my body with food and many of those effects will never be able to be repaired. Doesn't mean I didn't know what I was doing while I was doing it. It means I made some decisions yesterday that I regret today. It's mine, I own it, I am responsible for it, it's my problem. I disagree that it is the wrong thing for the right reason. I think it is the right thing for the right reason.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Very true, we have kids in school using outdated books that are falling apart yet we are paying BIG bucks in taxes to keep dead bodies functioning. Welcome to the US! :welldoneclap:
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I have had a POA for years, it's the kind that is good regardless of my medical condition and I have a non-family member that is my POA. I don't want my family going through what TOs family did. It was more of an issue when my Mom was alive but still, there is no reason for them to have to be responsible for pulling the infamous plug.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    SMoothie/protein drink recipes

    Most Protein drinks are horrible but not all. Really, the best thing to do is to find what you do tolerate. Something like Body Fortress, Matrix, those drinks in a tube. smoothies are loaded with calories and that is the very thing you are trying to avoid. Too many smoothies and you'll be working around your band. The better you make your smoothies taste the more calories they will have. But I do have one that I used to make. Keep in mind, if you are on Clear liquids after surgery a smoothie is not workable. 5 large frozen strawberries 1 large handful of mix frozen berries (blue, red, and blackberries) 1 container Dannon Lite Yogurt (strawberry or plain) 1-2 oz Water Make sure the fruit is frozen, put all in a blender and this tastes like Jamba Juice' berry Fulfilling.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    There is quite a bit more to that story. There was a lawsuit (I don't recall what it was for) that Terry, her parents, and her hubby all profited from. If he would have divorced her immediately he would have been able to keep Terry's and his money. He didn't. He used his share of the lawsuit money for extensive testing and therapy, even unconventional therapy to try to help his wife. He wiped out every dime trying. After that money was gone (parents kept their share) the parents offered him their share of the money if he would just walk away. He declined, he then used personal money to finance the legal battles so he could do as his wife requested before she "died" and pull the infamous plug. Money was not a motive for ANY of the family members, it just wasn't. The parents thought she was still a living person with a working brain. The husband did not. THAT is what it boiled down to, certainly not money.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    When I first moved to AZ I knew bugs were big, I just didn't know how big. First house we lived in was in Mesa, a burb of Phoenix. I went to get window cleaner out of the cupboard under the sink and I no more grabbed the Windex and I saw a sewer roach. OMG! Those are seriously disgusting, they were as big as I was at the time (120lbs). They ARE! I flew up on a counter and sat there shaking, not knowing what to do. I called my boss, hubby was out of town. He informed me he was not coming to my house to kill a bug. He told me to kill the darn thing and go on with my day. What kind of man was he anyway???? Weenie. I sprayed it with Windex thinking that would do the trick. Yeah, that was wrong. I got a fly swatter and beat the hell out of this bug. It just stared at me. I'm quite sure it was laughing at me. Finally I went and got a tennis racket and beat the hell out of the bug. I heard it crack and it died. Ewwww. I realized then that I survived the infamous sewer roach. You see, in AZ we don't get a lot of rain. When people have grass they order irrigation, and Water floods your yard to water the grass. WE DIDN'T HAVE GRASS! We had desert landscaping. When irrigation floods yards it floods in mega sized sewer roaches. My yard too! Okay, I survived a sewer roach. I realized then that I could live through that but NEVER a mouse. A few weeks later my dog kept gazing at the kitchen cupboards. I kept looking and couldn't figure out what the heck she was looking at, there was nothing there. Finally, the day came. She was staring at the cupboards and I opened the door to show her nothing was there and a mouse ran across the shelf. I did as any female should do and jumped on the counter screaming. OF COURSE hubby was not home. Figures! I form a plan, I'll go to Home Depot and get a Humane Mouse Trap. I do, I get the damn trap and put it in the cupboard. WHACK! I hear the trap go off. Slooooooowly I open the cupboard and realize there is a LIVE mouse in the trap. I scream. Of course. It's MOVING! I take it outside, get my neighbor, he lets the mouse out. Okay, I'm cool with this. I have survived AZ! A sewer roach AND a mouse. I'm seriously rethinking living in the middle of Nowhere, AZ. I realize I can deal with a bug, I can deal with a mouse. But I can NEVER deal with a lizard. A few weeks go by, bug and mouse free. I'm feeling confident. Life is good, AZ isn't so bad. I come home from work and something catches the corner of my eye. I look, I look again. A damn lizard is hanging upside down on my living room drapes. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I scream, of course. The slimey damn thing is between me and the door. I can't get out of my house. I'm essentially locked in. Where is my husband? Out of town, of course. I'm on my own. The hell I am! I call my place of employment, it's just down the street. I was running a care home and many of my patients were VN war vets who were mentally ill. I call work, I beg to speak to Gary, a patient. He's fine physically, but he's bipolar. He's still my bud. Gary gets on the phone, I'm trying to be relaxed as I speak. He tells me to calm down and tell him what his happening. I do, calmly I tell him there is a LIZARD hanging upside down on my drapes. He still doesn't understand. He too, believes someone just broke into my home. I finally scream, THERE IS A DAMN LIZARD HANGING UPSIDE DOWN ON MY LIVING ROOM DRAPES! Finally, he hears me. He comes over, opens the front door and starts laughing at me. I am sitting where I belong, on my kitchen counter. He is STILL laughing. He walks over to the drapes, picks up the lizard, takes it outside while I am reminding him to take it FAR FAR FAR away and lets it go. You know, I really like the weather in AZ. But the critters just creep me out.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    HEY! That thing MOVED! It was walking across the livingroom right to me! I just HAD to protect my beloved Shih Tzu! I saw it, it was walking!
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Actually, QT... I think you are very cool. You don't force others to live by your beliefs. I fully respect your choice to have your beliefs. I merely don't share them. My main point is not that I think Christians are bad, I don't. I DO think it is bad when they feel the need to point out that gays are human. My sissy is gay, I've seen what she has been subjected to because others feel she should follow their beliefs. It has been an eye opener. I don't like that. If you don't push your beliefs on others, kewl beans!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    Picture this, the date was 12/31/1999. Everyone was terrified of the Y2K bug. Remember that day? I was home verrrry ill with pneumonia. I fell asleep on the couch watching TV. Woke up just as the sun was setting. When I went to sleep it was bright and sunny, when I woke up it was dusk. Woke up with the light of the TV only. I looked on the floor and there was a spider crawling towards me that was at least 6" across. I was wearing hubby's Tshirt and my underwear. My dog was starting across the livingroom floor towards the spider. I panicked! I grabbed the dog and went running out the only door between me and the spider. Keep in mind, I live in AZ. Spiders here are HUGE! Cockroaches are the size of my open hand! Bugs are gross! I go running out the front door, dog in hand, screaming at the top of my lungs. Remember what I am wearing. Neighbor comes running over thinking someone broke into my house. I tell him there is a spider the size of a huge book in my livingroom. He runs into the house to catch the spider before it is gone behind a couch forever. He comes out with my dog's stuffed toy, a Y2K spider.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    That is EXACTLY what happened! It was horrible, just horrible. Darn good thing I have a 6' privacy fence. Ohhhh, the horrors.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    We disagree. Being mentally retarded is not a choice. It's the cards someone was dealt by being born. Using illegal drugs is a choice. If someone is driving drunk and kills a family is it their fault they were drunk? Or is it just something the family has to accept as they die? According to what you are suggesting then we should not punish someone for killing a family driving drunk, they didn't really know what they were doing. I see a clear difference between telling a mother what she can do with her body and letting her make her own decisions. How far must we go to protect people from themselves? Seriously, just how far shall we go? I'm talking morality here, not law. I'm not pro-abortion by any stretch. I hate it, I won't participate in it, I won't assist with an abortion. I won't have anything to do with it. But I also won't stop someone else from getting an abortion. For ME it is wrong, it is not wrong for everyone and I won't be a part of telling someone else what they must do with their own body. I see both sides of the coin. I respect the rights of another to end a pregnancy, I just won't have anything to do with it. Never have and never will and there is no law that will make me do so. This is, of course, assuming Mom's life is not in jeopardy. However, I've yet to be a part of that scenario.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    But look at what they write, it's a given if it is a gay person they make it a point to explain gays are human. It isn't your job or the job of any xtian to hate the sins of another. It is your job to deal with your own sin. Not everyone agrees homosexual behavior is sinful. That is based on a 2000 y/o myth. Not everyone believes as you do. It's insulting to point out that gays are human. I made it a promise to myself to bring this up each and every time I hear this from here on out. I'm sick of it. It's like saying a dog has a few rights, so do gays. *I KNOW* gays are human. There is little need to point out the obvious and only xtians do this. As for a xtian being a sinner like "everyone else" that is a bunch of hooey. I'm no sinner. Sin is a xtian concept, not an "everyone else" concept. You sin, I make mistakes and strive to do better. We do NOT all sin. Christians sin.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    How is anyone violating the rights of another? They are not recruiting, they are offering a fee and paying the patient for the service. Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything so rights are not an issue here. But, if you want to talk about rights what about the rights of the drug addicted babies? Why don't they have the moral right to be born without mental retardation?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Paying Drug Abusers to be Sterilized

    So what if they kick the habit? If I am a drug abuser and I am currently using drugs AND preggers, I am risking the health and the life of the child. This kid could be born mentally retarded because of MY actions. How is this justified if the person is 18 or older and they are making their own decisions? Nobody is forcing anything. Who has more moral rights, the child born MR or the drug addict's ability to multiply in the future? Whether or not they clean up their act has nothing to do with anything. They are actively using illegal drugs. They are actively harming their child if they are preggers. Who do we care more about, the innocent child or the active drug abuser?
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    Yuck. A snake with legs.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

  20. WASaBubbleButt


    Oh my, for those of you that may not be aware there is a newer website called Conservapedia. An article on the site: http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/wikipedia-foes-set-up-right-site/2007/03/02/1172338880787.html And the site: http://www.conservapedia.com/Main_Page The game... find the most ridiculous article you can and post it. I can't really do it because I have already been provided with quite a few silly links. It wouldn't be fair. Edit: It is an attempt to be like Wikipedia, just with a Christian twist, kinda.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    Okay, I have one. LIZARDS! YUCK! They are so gross and disgusting and vile and ... icky! My last two days for showers have not been great. Yesterday I realized my stomach is more gross than ever and today I go to get in the shower and saw something squiggle on the window. AAAHHH!!!! A LIZARD! I did as anyone should do and screamed. Since I was alone in the house that didn't really help, the lizard just turned to look at me. I was very proud of myself. I got a cup and a piece of cardboard, caught it, ran as fast as I could to the front door, threw it out the door and screamed again. It's getting hot out now and the lizards are coming out from wherever they squiggle. YUCK! Ewwwwwww, oh they are just gross.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Amazing, it's always some brand of Christianity promoting this thinking. Others just allow people to be themselves.
  23. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/soon-were-you-t31467.html
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Pay for the band! Poll!

    Swilson... Did you ever make good on your threats and follow up with the bar? I hope so. Please let us know how that turns out. Would you mind telling what you paid them for this letter?
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    LOL! Priceless!!! From the article: >>He explains: "The artist is one of God's children and while his lifestyle is questionable, he needs to be ministered onto."<< Perhaps this dude needs to work on the issues of his own people before worrying about the lifestyle of another.

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