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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    what to do when something is stuck

    I'm still a believer in the juice, unsweetened. It's the acid that seems to do the trick. Do the tablets have the same acidic content? I'm not sure, never looked at a label.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    what to do when something is stuck

    Take a very deep breath and hold it. That changes the position of your band and sometimes things will slide through. But keep the pineapple juice on hand too.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Who Drinks soda?

    I haven't experienced childbirth either, and I don't wanna. Between a vasectomy, the pill, an IUD, and diaphram..... Okay, maybe not all that but I still don't trust a vasectomy, even after 20 years. Signed, Not Taking Chances In AZ
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Feel like a bulimic...could use some help

    Okey dokey...........
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Who Drinks soda?

    Nooooooooo, headaches and migraines aren't the same thing at all. It's like comparing period cramps and childbirth.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    PB Question - Just had one! Help!

    You might still be able to eat it, each person is different. I would guess that canned is better than fresh for a bandster but you won't know if it works for you until you try it.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    What Peeves you?

    I just thought of another pet peeve of mine. Patients who exaggerate. Someone quits drinking soda and they get caffeine headaches but noooooo, it's a MIIIIIIIGRAINE! Someone has a hangnail and they claim they almost lost a finger! Someone comes in complaining of a raging infection and they MUST have antibiotics. They have no fever so then they claim their usual temp runs verrrry low so 98.6 is extremely high for them. (this one is common) When they have no fever we draw a white cell count and it's normal. Guess what? That runs low on them too so a "normal" value for everyone else is 'freak'en HIGH' for them. You'd think they would be happy that they aren't sick for goodness sakes. Some claim they barfed gallons and gallons of blood. Makes this nurse wonder how they are still alive let alone walking and with good color. People exaggerate all the time, how stupid is that? Someday they'll be telling the truth and nobody is going to believe them.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Who Drinks soda?

    Going off caffeine won't give you a true migraine. If you have a *true* migraine it isn't from a lack of Dew, it's from something else. But giving up caffeine will give you a heck of a headache.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    i have been crushed!!!!

    This sounds harsh but it's true. When it comes to this surgery if you want it badly enough, you'll find a way if insurance doesn't approve you. I've seen people get 2nd and 3rd jobs, borrow money, get financing, sell off belongings, and one lady sold her house for the equity. If someone wants the surgery badly enough, they find ways. Besides, financing isn't as bad as it seems. Just the money saved in fast food and grocery bills often times pays the $150 monthly payment. It would have for me in fast food alone. I just used savings and paid for the surgery in Mexico but others have to really jump through hoops to get the financing.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    need a talipia recipe

    I'm with you, I don't care for strong fish flavor. Try Orange Roughy. Buy a lot, it shrinks a lot!
  11. A friend and I just went to Mexico last week. We both happen to live in Phoenix and we both have the same surgeon. He was there for a fill, me - for tests. It was really interesting to compare xray films. He has pretty severe pouch dilation and I still have the same newbie pouch. Mine is shaped like a tube and his is shaped like a full, overstuffed colon. No fine contours, no smooth edges, they are lumpy, stretched, and painful looking (although it is not painful in the least). My esophagus and pouch are small, smooth, and straight. Here's the thing... he had a fill and had great restriction. After a week or two he lost all restriction and was eating anything he wanted. Thus, he went to Mexico for his fill this time vs. the NP that does not use fluoro here in Phoenix. He wanted a more accurate fill. Turns out, he did have an accurate fill. In a 10cc band the doc hardly put any saline in because he didn't need it. Turns out he was filling his esophagus, or... as the doc explained he was using his esophagus as an extended stomach. My friend is in total denial. He swears the dilation is because he grabbed what he thought was apple juice and it was really a diet coke (suuuuure). He claims he took one swig and that caused all these problems. So I asked the doc right in front of him if ONE swig of carbonated drinks could cause these problems. The doc said no, not one swig. Impossible. This happened over the course of a couple of weeks from repeatedly eating too much food. My friend still swears he doesn't overeat and it was from one swig of Coke. We went to lunch on the way home from Mexico, he ordered too much food and ate it all. I ordered half of what he did and he finished first. He drinks with his meals. Yet he still swears it was from one drink of Coke. My pouch is the size of a small plum. I suggested he get an actual plum and set it on the table next to his food. If he is eating more than that, he's overeating. He won't do it and why??? Because he's not overeating. Suffice it to say that he's on full liquids for a month to try and get his pouch and esophagus to shrink down to normal size. But you know what? He'll make it or he won't. It's his choice. He can stuff himself like a T-day turkey or he can follow the rules, either way it is his choice. He's a big boy and able to make his own decisions so I'm not saying a word from here on out. He has another 150lbs to lose and it is his choice if he loses that weight or not.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    PB Question - Just had one! Help!

    Because it is fibrous and will get stuck. Would you miss it anyway? Gahhhhh!
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Purchasing New Health Insurance

    Most ins co's will not cover pre-existing conditions (such as morbid obesity) and they won't do WLS until the policy has been in effect for a year. While I agree it is a complete and total abuse of the insurance system and it raises costs for the rest of us, I'm not sure it would be considered fraud. If the person meets the criteria for insurance, it's just abuse, not fraud.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    A Link, Please?

    I can't find it, does anyone have the link to the surgical banding procedure? It shows how the stomach is sewn over the band, etc. A newbie is wanting to look at the video and I can't find it. Thx!
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    My Doctor Really Pushed for RNY

    A doctor that DOES the procedure should keep up to date on the procedure he does. If he doesn't keep up with the basics it is a safe bet to say he isn't keeping up with the new surgical techniques either and THOSE are the techniques that are cutting slips and erosions down to almost nothing. If he hasn't read the stats since 2001 then how the heck can he claim to be able to help his patients? The band was approved for use in 2001. A LOT of information has become available that this doc clearly has no clue about. I think the OP is taking risks by going to this guy. But, she doesn't. To each their own.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    My Doctor Really Pushed for RNY

    Never forget, people will swear by their surgery type and their surgeon the way they swear by their religion. When you find what works for you it is hard to assume that might not be best for everyone. He is simply not telling the truth about banding. He is pushing for bypass. His stats are not even close.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    How did you come up with your User Name?

    I swear my butt used to be big enough that I could stick a tray on the top and carry stuff around. Bubble Butt NO MORE!!!!!!!!!
  18. Have you gone, or are you thinking about going to Mexico for plastic surgery? Who are you considering? Any links? Thx
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    hair loss

    It is common and it will come back. In the meantime, female comb-overs! LOL
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Matrix Chocolate or Cookies and Creme?

    Ohhh, btw... the cheapest place I have found to order Matrix products is here: http://www.allstarhealth.com/f/syntrax-matrix_50_sustained_release_protein.htm They charge $5.95 for S&H regardless of how many products you order. A friend and I order our stuff together to save on shipping. I just ordered three bags of Matrix products (16lbs) and it was $5.95 total shipping. One bag of Matrix is $26.99 and that is over 70 servings per bag. Shipping is verrrrry fast, customer service is great. I love this place. AllHeath or something like that.
  21. WASaBubbleButt


    Lettuce is challenging for many people. I'd wait until you are a more experienced bandster before trying that. If you just HAVE to have lettuce, use Iceburg and only eat the thick, crunchy white parts. Stay away from red leaf or butter lettuce type products.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Matrix Chocolate or Cookies and Creme?

    If you have a mega sweet tooth, Cookies and Cream. I am a true Matrix 5.0 fan in a big huge way. I've been using the chocolate for months. If you like Chocolate milk then mix it with 6-7 oz of Water (vs. the full 8oz) and it tastes exactly like creamy Chocolate Milk. If you are a huge fan of sweets and like sugary tasting foods then it would be Cookies and Cream. Just got my C&C recently and tried it yesterday. It's far too sweet for me. I prefer the Chocolate. Chocolate: 120 calories and 22gms Protein Cookies & Cm 130 calories and 23gms protein Six of one, half dozen of the other in terms of calories. If you like Krispy cream donuts, get the C&C. If you like Duncan Donuts get Chocolate. LOL!! BTW, I don't want the calories and extra protein from milk so I have never tried it with regular milk. But I have tried the Chocolate with powdered milk and that was kinda gross. Water is much better. Not sure about milk in the C&C, never tried it. It already has as much protein as your body can absorb in one sitting anyway so adding milk for protein purposes is a waste. What you don't use, will turn to fat. So don't add milk for the mere purpose of protein. You won't absorb that much. With powdered milk it goes up to 200 calories and 30gms of protein. You can only absorb 20-25gms at a time anyway.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    i have been crushed!!!!

    A lot of people think they can't afford it but in reality, they can. The change in your grocery bill alone will often times pay the $150 monthly payment if it is financed.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Dr. C

    Dr. C.... Do you have any photos of a liver with a lot of fat on it? A lot of people have questions about why the LSD is necessary, I don't think they fully understand the reasons for it before surgery. If you had a photo of a normal liver and a liver with a lot of fat it might show WHY it is so helpful to do the diet. It would show how it gets in your way during surgery and how it is so much easier if the diet is done properly. If you do have these photos it would be so handy to refer to these when people try to understand these issues. Do you have any photos of these two types of livers and if not, might you be willing to catch a few photos the next time you have a case that applies? Thx

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
