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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Why Aren't You Losing Weight?

    When you are drinking liquids, what liquids are you drinking?
  2. I use www.thedailyplate.com but most people seem to prefer www.fitday.com. I would switch over to fitday but thedailyplate has my weight history and I don't want to enter four months worth of numbers to fitday. I like seeing the chart with my weight and see how much it has gone down. It's a motivator for me. I've had two fills and had it unfilled right away both times. I don't tolerate fills well due to swelling. So right now I have an empty band and I still have plenty of restriction. Yeah, it does sound like you need a fill. I'll bet you do a lot better after you have more restriction.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    Yep, sure do. Next time you plan on being in town PM me and I'll give you my phone number. As for your Dad... It really isn't any of his business anyway. It's personal between you and your doc. I do understand about not wanting to eat in restaurants all the time. If your Dad is that critical of you it would just cause stress and the stress is going to make it harder on you when you do eat in public.
  4. Tomato an basil! LOL!! That one is my fav, the lemon pepper is 2nd, and the thai is so so. But I don't care for spicy and it is fairly spicy. One thing I have learned is that you have to stir it up a bit after you open it. It's firm on the edge of the can and mushy in the middle. If you stir it up it does taste better. BTW, when PB'ing the Thai flavor - do remember that it burns 10x more coming up than it did going down. I was pretty shocked too when I started tracking everything that goes in my mouth. I keep it on a spreadsheet. I track type of food eaten, Protein gms, calories, and weight. I've done so since the day of surgery. It keeps me on track merely by seeing the number of calories growing throughout the day.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Don't know why...

    I'm happy for you that they work. Sometimes it is really hard to find what works for you. That 'trick' of what works for each person is hard to find at times. You are the first person I have seen that said the CDs work. Everyone else feels they are a waste of money. It is extremely unlikely that I would ever give Sandy a penny. Her misrepresentation of the facts, the game playing, the power issues, the control issues, the horrible attitude, and the way she treats others is a big factor. She does not deserve my business. I wouldn't purchase products from someone in real time if they are a Sandy-wannabe, why would anyone put up with it on line?
  6. BTW.... what is an example of your typical daily diet?
  7. It's easy. I shoot for 600 calories daily I thought I'd tell you how you can do it. Breakfast: Matrix 5.0 Protein shake 120 calories, 22gms protein Snack: S/F Jello 5 calories Lunch: Tuna Sensations 130 calories 18-21gms protein (depending on which flavor) Snack: Celery sticks, carrot sticks, bell pepper slices, etc. Dinner: Your choice. You have 300 calories left for the day to eat as you please. Protein source, veggies, fruits, whatever you like. If you will notice there are no items above with processed sugar. Sugar merely makes you hungry and then you crave more sugar. It becomes a cycle that is hard to break. Replace all sugar with a protein source and you won't get the blood sugar spikes that make you hungry. If you are still hungry after the above menu then unlimited veggies to munch on. Most people don't want to stick with 600 calories daily and that's fine. Some want to lose it slower and I don't blame them. But I'll be darned if I am going to maintain mega huge fat cells. I am serious about it this time, I am strict with myself regarding food choices, I exercise and I just passed the halfway point of my goal weight. Surgery was four months ago today. I am no longer "morbidly obese". Now I am merely "obese". HAHA! It can be done but I'll tell you, the first few days are hard because you are drinking your meals. Head hunger is pretty tough but after you get used to it, it honestly is not difficult at all.
  8. Jason... You are doing GREAT! No worries about the fast weight loss because it usually happens to everyone in the very beginning. Take full advantage of it now while you have it. Soon you'll be hungry and wanting to eat everything in site. I too try to stick to 600 calories a day. I find it very easy to do. As long as you are getting basic nutrition more calories merely maintains fat. My thinking is this, everyone is pretty clear that the first 6-18 months after surgery is the easiest time there is to lose weight. I'm am taking advantage of that concept vs. maintaining fat cells.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    this is so hard

    Ohhh, might want to check out this link before buying anything from Sandy. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/dont-know-why-t32697.html
  10. LOL! I fully relate to your concerns but I promise you, by the time you can eat real food you WILL! So enjoy the honeymoon phase and take full advantage of it because it isn't going to last. Lose weight now so you can get a big huge kick start to your weight loss. You might gain a few pounds after your hunger comes back but just remember that this time isn't designed for weight loss, it is designed for healing. If you do happen to gain a little, that's okay. We don't diet anymore, we incorporate a healthier lifestyle.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    new and seeking advice re removal

    I can't say I was depressed but I can tell you that I had a horrible time the first month. One moment I'd think this was the best thing I could have ever done and a split second later I was in tears wondering what I just got myself into. It was a rollar coaster of emotions. It's normal and the way things are supposed to be. I have a friend that whizzed right through surgery, was excited about everything and the day she scheduled her first fill she was teary and upset. She'd be laughing one minute and break down in tears the next minute. Wanted to cancel the fill appt because she just knew she would have a cold. A WEEK BEFORE THE FILL?? Finally had the fill and now she is back on track and doing everything right.
  12. WASaBubbleButt


    Cut out ALL sugar, it will just make you hungry. Keep your protein up. What stage are you in regarding your prescribed diet?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Baby Food??

    I would request a copy of the diet so you know what to buy. You will not want to go grocery shopping on the way home from the hospital!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Baby Food??

    What did your doc tell you to eat? You should have received a detailed diet and instructions. But sometimes they just give daily quantities. We would need to know what the daily quantities are before we could break it down for you since each doc is different.
  15. Since you have a desk job, sounds great to me! If you had a job where you were lifting and walking all day that would be different. But a desk job, no problem.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Band has slipped

    Something I have always wondered about... thinking back do you recall any sensation that would suggest you were feeling the stitches pop? Or adhesions breaking? Supposedly one cannot feel this but since you have been there, in thinking back do you think you felt it?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Band has slipped

    Leatha... Did you know something was wrong when you slipped either time? Did you have symptoms?
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Eye Opening Information!

    Not true. http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/acid.asp
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Reporting Inappropriate Posts

    JMHO... I still don't think there is enough spam to justify policy changes but again, that is simply my opinion.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Reporting Inappropriate Posts

    A lot of people find this forum right before or right after they are banded. When someone has a question and they need an answer at 10PM, they really need that answer now. I don't think there is enough spam here to make it worthy to put new policies in place. The mods are great about removing it quickly. I just write a post saying "already reported" so everyone doesn't slam them with reports. (Not my idea, I saw the suggestion elsewhere) If spam was hundreds of times daily I might understand new policies but people really need to ask questions immediately if they think they are in trouble. JMHO.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Band has slipped

    My NP charges $100 w/o fluoro, a doc in Flag charges $200 w/fluoro.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Don't know why...

    Oh, there was a time when I did fall off my shoes. But I still like looking good. I want to go back to that, and I will. 45 more pounds and I'm there! Well, I'll be close anyway. That's the goal I think will get me there. I'm tired of seeing my reflection and thinking, "Big fat cow." I want to be proud of myself again. It isn't for anyone else, it's for me.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Baby Food??

    It depends on if you are on full liquids or Clear Liquids. Clears usually come first and if you can't see through it, you shouldn't have it as a general rule. Full liquids... anything that goes through a straw you can have.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Don't know why...

    When I was thin I enjoyed looking good. I loved the spiked heels, hose with the seam up the back, black dress... the works. Even if I was programmed that way, I still enjoyed it. It wasn't to attract males, I have one. I just enjoyed looking good in that little itty bitty black dress.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Don't know why...

    Honestly, that will never happen. It's always everyone else.

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