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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    ok ok!

    Do you have TriCare? TriCare doesn't pay for a Lap Band yet, just an ineffective band that is not adjustable. I know very little about military insurance, just what a friend was going through.
  2. I know about this situation, you and I have discussed this a couple of times previously. But that isn't the same as a thread title warning people not to go to Mexico. Especially considering most posting in a poll asking where surgery was done had their surgery in Mexico. I will stand up and speak my mind each and every single time someone portrays and entire country as being bad because of a single bad experience. I'm sorry the OP had a horrible experience, that isn't justification to slam an entire country. There are enough reasons to hate out there in this world today. To blame a country for a single person's actions is wrong. I'm quite sure a Mexican has had bad medical care in the US. Would we just sit back and pat their heads if they were posting on the internet to be wary of all US doctors and health care providers as though they are all bad? Hey, *I* am in medicine and I bust my back side to do things the right way. I work really hard and I don't take shortcuts. I do things the way I would want them done if I was the patient. I would be offended and rightfully so if I was blamed for the actions of one idiot. Whether it is right or wrong is beside the point. With humans being in medicine people have to do their work, they have to research. The days of just trusting your doc are long gone. Sometimes we have little choice such as in an emergency. But having an elective procedure vs. emergency treatment means doing the leg work, doing the home work, researching everything possible. Perhaps it is not a matter of being defensive, perhaps it is a matter of correcting a wrong. A very big wrong. Let's go after the really bad doctors in ALL countries. Let's make people aware of the mistakes of really bad doctors. Let's educate people. Let's show them HOW to research their doc. But... let's tell them the whole story, not the side told in anger and frustration.
  3. I never claimed otherwise and I never suggested you not warn people of the bad docs in Mexico. That simply isn't true and you know it. I have been very clear that I too, have warned people of your doctor. Your slams aren't going far with me. My only point is not to paint the entire country with the same paintbrush, do your research, and don't go by price alone.
  4. Well, I did my research and I knew my doc's track record. I knew your doc's track record as well and there have been posts here where I tried to warn people. They can choose to listen and verify or not. But many people will choose price over quality. You can't protect people from themselves sometimes. Complications can arise as they did with you but most don't write off an entire country because they picked one of the worst surgeons available. It's bigotted to blame an entire country because of one bad surgeon. Actually, your point was quite clear. You wrote: This simply isn't accurate. We are NOT in bad shape if we did our research and did not pick the cheapest doc available. I mean com'on, your doc has one of the worst track records around, he has no respect from his own peers yet YOU chose HIM! He didn't choose you. This is also not accurate. Typically the same docs that won't touch a Mexican banded patient will ALSO not see patients banded by American docs. If Dr. American A bands me, it is quite likely that Dr. American B won't follow up since he didn't do the surgery. So it is NOT just about Mexican bands, it is about bands placed by someone other than the treating MD. If you have complications from ANY surgeon, good luck in finding any other surgeon to fix the problem. To make blanket statements like this is simply inaccurate and misleading. I didn't take a risk with my life. *I* did my work, *I* did my research, I didn't choose the cheapest doc. I did have complications (unrelated to my surgeon) and my surgeon and my US doc were right there with me the whole time. They both do whatever is necessary and in my best interest. I drove to Mexico and verified credentials, I had a friend who is a trauma surgeon call lots of his MD friends in Mexico and ask them who THEY would go to if they were looking at being banded and they ALL said Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I joined the doc's egroup and asked many questions of tons of other patients and asked what their opinions were. I verifed, checked, researched, and turned every stone looking for dirt on my doc and I couldn't find any. Know why? Because HE is good and HE takes care of his patients. I found people with complications and asked what they did, what the doc did, how everything was taken care of. I already knew these things before I had surgery. In all fairness you really have to take some of the blame here. You didn't do your work. You didn't act as a good patient taking care of yourself. If you would have done even minimal research you would have known what your doc was about before surgery. Instead you choose to blame an entire country for the actions of one really bad doctor. The doctors in Mexico are just like the doctors in the US. None of them have a legal responsibility to follow up. A doc can (and they do) fire people as patients all the time. And they are allowed to do so. You seem to be under the impression that all American docs are goodness and light and all Mexican docs are evil and greedy. I have news for you, people are people. The good docs regardless of country depend on reputation for future business. They HAVE a good reputation because they follow up and take care of problems. The bad doctors survive on being the cheapest. It is up to the patient to do their research, to pick a good doc, and to secure follow up care in the US before having surgery in Mexico. We are to take your word for this, right? Have a band placed by a US doc and see how many options you have for other bariatric surgeons to follow up on your care. Just because you disagree with me does not make me hateful. Just because I pointed out the fact that you didn't do your job as a patient just as your doc didn't do his job as a doctor... this does not make me hateful. You may not like what I say but that is a far cry from hateful. *I* am not the one painting an entire country as evil and greedy because of one experience regardless of the skill and care of other docs within that country. I am sorry you have had to experience this. Sincerely, I am. If I could change it I swear to you I would without a 2nd thought. But honestly, the time for research on ANY doc, regardless of country, is before the surgery, not after the complications. There are plenty of docs within the US that I wouldn't go to. But if a US doc did something stupid to me that does not mean I would tell everyone to avoid ALL US docs. My only concern with your post is that you don't tell the entire story. You don't know for a fact that the infection came from this doc. But let's say you do know for a fact that the infection came from Mexico. Why slam dunk every Mexican surgeon because you didn't pick the best surgeon to begin with? I have a hunch your infection did come from your surgeon just because I know his track record. I would give you the benefit of the doubt over him any 'ol day and I don't even know you. My issue is with claiming it is dangerous to go to the GOOD docs because you picked one of the worst and cheapest docs in all of Mexico and the US. I don't blame you for warning people of your doc, *I* warn people of your doc. But just because you picked a crappy doctor this does not mean all Mexican docs are the same. That simply isn't fair and it isn't true. If you find that attitude hateful, so be it. I'm not likely to change your mind. But it doesn't change the facts, not even a little. BTW, I know nothing about the exact location of your infection. If it is the wound itself there are some great treatments you can use. If the infection is under the skin, you are left with antibiotics. Do some research on vinegar whirlpools. You will find that your type of bacteria cannot survive in vinegar, such as 2 cups of vinegar DILUTED in a bathtub with Water circulating with water jets two times daily. The equipment to turn your bathtub into a whirlpool is about $100 at costco. I'm not suggesting you do this, just a point of research.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Perhaps the real question is to specifically ask which civil liberties have been abused here. I don't think the school's choice in scenarios was bright, but it wasn't wrong either. There are all kinds of xtians out there, everything from Fred Phelps to Grandma going to church on Sundays to Momma T. But the fact remains, xtianity is not exempt from whackjobs. They exist in every group including xtianity and atheism. Since the school was quite clear that they are not suggesting the scenario represents xtianity but instead, explained it was the right wing nut cases, I don't see the problem here. Some people merely have the need to play victim and push the agenda of persecution. If there really was persecution, it wouldn't be necessary to label everything disagreeable as persecution. They could point out the facts instead.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    ok ok!

    If this is true then in all fairness, the pissy (but well deserved) reply belongs there too.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    You dodge the issue of your manipulation. That was my point. It wasn't necessary and to be quite honest, I was making a point with the child's play wording and amazingly, it worked quite well. Some people, that's all they understand and any other method zips right over their heads. I don't think anyone actually would worry about what you do with a prayer so there is little need to fret over that one. If I decide to meditate with my focus on you, would you be offended? Really? Most respect your right to do as you wish. You can point fingers at me all you wish, I don't care. Honestly, do you really think it matters to me? But let's face reality here, all I have done is point out your own behaviors and attempts at distortion and manipulation. If I sat back and attempted to tell people who is xtian and who isn't, you folks would have been most insulted. But when you pull those behaviors and I point it out, I'm merely being mean. Bah! If I did any of the things you guys have done you would be up in arms. But it's DIFFERENT when you behave this way, right? You were quite content when it was everyone beating up on Lauren. When the "pack mentality" went out the door all the sudden I am mean. Can we say projection? The ACLU doesn't jump out and defend anyone because there are no rights being violated. Perhaps your sense of fair play was offended, but the Bill of Rights does not promise you that you won't be offended. See the difference? I could use flowery words and pretty phrases and infer something that nobody can nail me on, but that isn't very honest, is it? I could go to church on Sunday (assuming weather makes me comfortable and it isn't inconveniencing me) and ask my pastor what my opinions are, would you hold more respect for that? I could manipulate the truth and distort the facts. Is that better? You may not like my methods but that doesn't change reality.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    IOW, nobody was calling you on poor behaviors? If you can dish it out you had best be able to take it. You know, like an adult.
  9. WASaBubbleButt


    I'd venture a guess that most slips are the patient's fault. But erosion... considering nobody knows what causes erosion, it's not a safe bet to blame anyone including patients.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Hmmm.... it wasn't shrill until the xtians started getting a dose of their own medicine. Perhaps we should use pretty words to hide behind, too?? When the numbers are a little more even then it is bad. See a pattern here?
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Oh Leatha, you give yourself far too much credit. You don't frustrate me, you amuse me. I would have thought you would realize that by now. Like it or not, the issue is simple. It is not your job to determine who is xtian and who isn't. Damn straight I am correct. If your God existed he'd agree with me and you know it. Cheers.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    As usual, you miss the point by a longshot. Why am I not surprised? It is not YOUR job to determine who is xtian and who isn't. MYOB comes to mind when it comes to that topic. I don't think you are a xtian, there. (sticks tongue at Leatha because that type of behavior seems to hit home) Neener neener!
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Oh for goodness sakes. What complete and total nonsense. What a horrible job at dirty, underhanded manipulation. Tell you what dear, you pray for Lauren and she'll think for you. K?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Quite frankly it isn't up to you and it isn't your decision to determine who is Christian. Just because your individual definition of xtianity means one thing, that most certainly does not mean all xtians will agree with you. You don't decide in this country or this world who is xtian and who isn't. It is yours to decide if YOU are xtian. It is between others and their God to determine the rest. Until your God comes to me and says, "I'm giving Leatha G the power to determine who is Christian," I say you are full of it.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Apology accepted.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    Well, I would have to ask how far back are we going to go to get these stats? If we are going to go back 100 years the Christians will probably be happy. If we go back 2000 years I'm not so sure they would be happy with the reminders of what their history holds. There are whackjobs in every group of people and Christians are not exempt from that rule. Christians wouldn't have batted an eye if it was the atheists portrayed in that manner and that is because the hard core type Christians are used to pushing atheists out of their way on their way to heaven. Atheists are expendable. But put a Christian in a bad light and OH MY GAWD! THE FREAK'EN HORROR OF IT ALL! Why is it such a shock to Christians to discover they have whackjobs within their congregations? Is this really news to them? The rest of us have known for a long time. These school officials are not downing Christianity, they are using the whackjobs within Christianity. So what the hell is the horror here?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    'Hostage situation' portrays killers as Christians

    You have to admit, it is a bit amusing to watch them collectively stomp their feeties over the supposed discrimination. I agree with you, now that they are getting a taste of their own medicine they don't like it one bit. I find it unusual how well the rest of us have taken it throughout history and now that they have to follow the same rules as the rest of us they can't handle it and they suddenly call it persecution. I say let them scream and yell. Pretty soon just like a spoiled child they will hush themselves and finally take their well deserved nap. The louder they yell the more they prove us correct.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Petite portions at Outback steak house!

    Yeah, I gave up Salmon when I gave up Catholicism. (Friday no meat nights) Gahhhhhhhh
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Last straw stories

    You know, I belong to several different boards and this is the one I post on the most but I tend to read the other boards. One issue I see time and time again is who gets surgery. The people that are always looking for someone else to pay for the surgery, they are calling every charity in town, they are calling food BANKS asking for monitary donations for banding, they are calling political types begging for changes in laws for freebie surgery... these are the people that don't get surgery. The people that are bound and determined to find a way to earn the money for surgery are the folks getting bands. I wasn't willing to do a six month medically supervised diet. No way am I waiting an additional six months. It's not going to happen. I paid for it myself so I didn't have to wait one more day than necessary.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    So Discouraged - Please Help

    Too many carbs. You don't need a bagel and pasta, you need protein.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Last straw stories

    I have a few different versions of "BubbleButt's Guide to Newbie Nursing" depending on my mood for the day. But one rule that is always in there is that we can live vicariously through our patients. We needn't experience everything first hand to understand the lesson. We *can* watch as others go through the motions of that experience, we can learn quite well from watching. When it comes to 800#, any patient that cannot wash between their legs, stinky fungus in folds of fat... Yeah, I will NOT be experiencing this first hand. If it takes surgery, so be it. I'll call myself weak and unable to do it on my own and get any surgery necessary.
  22. That is absolutely the cheapest place there is in Mexico to get a band. One should not depend on price alone, there are many other factors. Dr. Haucez is still practicing. When people look for price only, they get what they get.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Last straw stories

    Sure do. I was just telling a couple of people this story the other day. I was working at a hospital on midnights and we had a patient that was at least 800#. We didn't have a scale big enough to weigh her. She was in ICU, in a coma, and we had two hospital beds chained together to hold her. She needed to be turned every two hours. It was a tiny hospital and a small staff on midnights. We simply didn't have enough people to turn her every two hours, we weren't strong enough so we had to call the fire dept every two hours and have them come and help us. At one point she needed a procedure where a cath would be threaded through her groin artery. We couldn't even do that without the help of the fire dept. Called them again and they came out. One guy was on his knees pushing up on her gut fat and the other fire fighter was on the other side trying to hold her gut fat back so we could get to her groin. The guy on his knees was pushing up with everything he had, he was shaking and sweating trying to hold the fat up. Each time the fire dept is called the police come out with them. Two police officers were watching in horror, gagging and becoming ill at the scene they were watching. I realized that really big lady started out at my weight at some point, I mean.. she wasn't born weighing 800#. That was my moment, that's when I realized that she never likely thought she would be laying in a bed at 800#+ while a fire department was holding her fat up and out of the way. I knew GB wasn't for me but within a month of discovering the Lap Band, I had surgery.
  24. Again... A hernia repair does NOT require additional days in the hospital, it is a SINGLE stitch. Most people who have a hernia repair do not even know they had a hernia let alone a hernia repair. It's ONE stitch, that's all. Nothing more, simple, easy, piece of cake. You even point out that your doc said it is no problem. It isn't! It is not at all uncommon for obese people to have a hiatal hernia, obesity causes hiatal hernias many times. Where is the link you refer to that says you will require additional "days" of hospitalization due to a single stitch to repair a common hiatal hernia? Even those who are operated on JUST for the hernia are not hospitalized, it is an outpatient procedure.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    2 weeks post op help

    No worries, your band didn't fall off. Remember, your band is empty right now, there is no saline in it. Working with an empty band is like driving a car with a flat tire. You won't get very far. This is a time for healing and healing comes before weight loss. Stick to your post-op diet, don't cheat, and hang in there!

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