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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. sleep quality of insomnia patients can improve with moderate exercise, a study found. * Improves mental health. * A study found that exercise reduces migraine suffering. * Reduces the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems. * Helps improve survival rates of patients with cardiovascular diseases significantly, as this study found. * Stimulates bone growth (high impact aerobic exercise), reduces risk of osteoporosis. * Increases stamina or endurance. Aerobic activity increases the body's ability to store energy molecules such as fats and carbohydrates within the muscle. * Increases blood flow through muscles. * Improves muscles' ability to use fats during exercise, thus preserving the intramuscular glycogen. What is Anaerobic exercise? The aim of anaerobic exercise is to build power, strength and muscle. The muscles are exercised at high intensity for short durations. A short duration usually means no more than about two minutes. Anaerobic means without air. Anaerobic exercises improve our muscle strength and our ability to move with quick bursts of speed. When thinking of anaerobic exercise, think of short and fast or short and intensive. Anaerobic exercises include: * Weight lifting * Sprinting * Intensive and fast skipping (with a rope) * Interval training * Isometrics * Any rapid burst of hard exercise Oxygen is not used for energy during anaerobic exercise. During this type of exercise a by-product - lactic acid - is produced. Lactic acid contributes to muscle fatigue and must be used up during recovery before that muscle can be subjected to another anaerobic session. During the recovery period oxygen is used to give the muscle a "refill" - to replenish the muscle's energy that was used up during the intensive exercise. Overall, anaerobic exercise uses up fewer calories than aerobic exercise. The cardiovascular benefits of aerobic exercises are greater than the cardiovascular benefits of anaerobic exercises. However, anaerobic exercise is better at building strength and muscle mass, while still benefitting the heart and lungs. As you build more muscle you will burn more fat, even at rest. Muscles burn more calories per unit volume than any other tissue in the body. A muscly person burns more calories than a non-muscly person, even if while he/she is resting. This study found that resistance training may aid in weight loss. How Does Anaerobic Exercise Work? When a short, intensive burst of activity occurs there is a temporary shortage of oxygen being delivered to the working muscles at first. The production of anaerobic energy creates a by-product; lactic acid. As mentioned above, lactic acid causes muscle fatigue, which is the reason the session cannot last long. However, after regular training the person's body becomes better equipped to handle lactic acid. After several practice sessions the body becomes better at getting rid of lactic acid - it also learns how to produce less of it. The body also produces buffers that postpone the onset of fatigue during an anaerobic session. Anaerobic exercises offer the following benefits: * The exerciser gets stronger * The exerciser experiences growth in muscle mass * Strengthens bones * Strengthens and protects the joints * Helps control bodyweight * The exerciser can withstand a greater buildup of lactic acid and other waste substances, and can eliminate them more rapidly What is agility training? Agility training aims to improve a person's ability to speed up and slow down, change directions while maintaining balance and control. In tennis, for example, agility training helps the player maintain control over his/her court positioning through good recovery after each shot. A crucial skill in tennis is to be able to position yourself in the court so that you can hit the ball to maximum effect. Agility does not only help the tennis player get to the ball more effectively and set up for a better shot, it also gives him/her better balance in order to hit the ball. Agility training is practiced extensively by people who practice certain sports where positioning, coordination, balance and the ability to suddenly change posture and speeds are essential. Agility and coordination are two key attributes for a successful soccer (UK/Ireland: football) player. Such compound movements as dribbling, turning, passing and intercepting require a wide assortment of balance, coordination and other skills, such as the ability to accelerate and decelerate quickly. A good soccer player also needs excellent special awareness and accurate timing. Soccer players often practice improving their ability to change the direction of the body abruptly, or shift stance without losing balance. Agility includes speed, strength, balance and coordination. The following sports are known to require agility (there are many more than on this list): * Tennis * Soccer * Rugby * American football * Squash * Hockey * Badminton * Volleyball * Basket ball * Martial arts * Boxing * Wrestling Yoga and Pilates Some exercises include a combination of stretching, muscle strengthening, balance, etc. A good example is Yoga. Many experts say stretching is an exercise in itself. Yoga exercises, or movements, improve your balance, flexibility, posture and circulation. Yoga originated in India a long time ago, and is aimed at unifying the mind, body and spirit. Modern yoga - the type of yoga practiced by most people in western countries - uses a combination of meditation, posture, and breathing exercises. Yoga can be tailored to meet the needs of individuals, such as those with arthritis, asthma, or certain body pains. Pilates is similar to Yoga, but it focuses more on the core abdominal and back muscles. Some facts about exercise and lack of exercise Most of us know how beneficial exercise is for our health. It is surprising, however, how little many of us know about the dangers of being unfit. In Western Europe, North America, Japan, Australasia, and much of the rest of the world, the number of overweight/obese people is growing alarmingly fast. * The UK has a population of 61 million. 24 million of them are overweight/obese today. Experts say it will not be long before 25% of the UK's population is obese (not overweight, just obese). The USA has already reached that figure - in Tennessee and Alabama over 30% of adults are obese today. * 9,000 premature deaths each year in the UK are because of obesity. Obesity significantly reduces the lifespan of a person. * Physically active people have a much lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and many types of cancer. * 30% of heart disease deaths in the UK happen to people under 75 years of age. * Vigorous exercise can help elderly people avoid disability, a study found. * Women who do not exercise regularly have more complications during and after pregnancy. This article explains why women should be encouraged to exercise during pregnancy. * Exercise improves your mood. * Physical activity after the menopause reduces breast cancer risk, a study revealed. * Regular exercise improves your sex life. * A study found that exercise makes you eat less by suppressing appetite hormones. * Exercise improves your confidence. * A study explains how exercise can reduce cigarette cravings for people who are trying to quit smoking. * Exercise helps you live longer (mainly for the many reasons listed above). * Even some cancer patients can benefit from exercise. A study explains how exercise can help non-small cell lung cancer patients. Finding the time to exercise Many people who do not exercise say they do not have the time. However, it is possible to increase the amount of time you are physically active, even if you are extremely busy. For example: * See how many trips you take by car and decide which ones could be replaced by walking or cycling. This does not have to be a black or white measure. It could include parking your car half a mile from your destination and walking the rest of the way. Traffic experts throughout most of the world say that the majority of car trips are very short ones. * If you are using public transport try getting off at an earlier stop and walking the rest of the way. * A study found that interactive video games - such those played on the Nintendo Wii - may raise heart rate and provide exercise intensity levels high enough to meet federal physical activity guidelines. * When you are in a building and want to go upstairs, try walking it, rather than taking the elevator or escalators. This does not have to be a black or white measure - you can do half and half. * There are several gentle exercises you can do while watching TV. Especially when the adverts are on. * If you do not have time to exercise but have time to watch TV, think about how much of that TV time could be replaced by some physical activity. Most people say they do not have time to exercise, but we are all watching more TV than ever before. Even short bursts of 30 second exercises are good for improving metabolism, a study found. * Migraine - there are many safe exercises for migraine sufferers. * If you do housework, see if you can do it a bit more vigorously and turn it into an exercise session. Tips on adding exercise to your routine Experts say that for a physically inactive person to become active, and remain active for the long-term, the activity needs to be convenient and enjoyable. The activity needs to be something you can easily fit into your routine for several days each week. Even if you end up adding just 30 minutes of physical activity to your day, that is fine. Some of the examples below are the easiest to fit into a daily routine: * Go for a brisk 30-minute walk five times each week. Ideally, it should be done in one session. If you can't, two 15-minute sessions would also be good. * Walk you dog more often. If you do not have a dog but know a nearby friend who has one, offer to walk it for him/her. * Find out whether there are any swimming pools nearby. Try to add some swimming to your weekly routine. This does not have to be every day. * During your lunch break at work go for a walk. * Join some exercise classes. * Join a martial arts club. Beginner's sessions can be gentle and fun. * Beginners must remember that the secret is "little and often". A little bit every day is great - one big session once a week is not. Make sure your progress is gradual. Make sure you drink plenty of Water during and after you exercise. Check with your doctor if you are not sure about your health. * Experts say an exercise program should include both aerobic and anaerobic activities. This is true. However, if you are currently inactive, anything is better than nothing. Some advice when you start an exercise program When people start an exercise program they may experience various emotions, from elation to anxiety about not being able to keep it up. Remember the following tips which may help you achieve long-term success: * Remember why you started People start exercising for many reasons: weight loss, health, vanity, the doctor told them to, and to recover from an illness. Keep remembering why you started as this will help keep you motivated. * Do everything at your own pace Humans tend to be competitive animals. This is great for the winner, and those who come second or third. However, being competitive in the wrong way can kill motivation. If you have to compete, compete with your past self. Compare your performance today with your performance in two weeks' time. Check your weight, heart rate, blood pressure - then take it again in about three weeks and see the difference. * You have to like it For long-term success the activity has to be something you enjoy. There are so many activities to choose from. Perhaps there is an activity you really enjoyed when you were a child. * Join a club with a friend If you join a fitness club with a friend, or exercise with a friend you may enjoy the sessions more. Some people prefer not to have the stress of someone else around. This depends on you. * Experts can be very useful A study found that exercise and behavioral intervention improves fitness and lowers systolic blood pressure. * Variation Every few weeks change your exercise program. This is important for your motivation and also for best results. The body improves faster if you change your program now and again. This does not mean you have to change walking/running to something else. It could mean changing your speed and distance, and pacing yourself in a different way, perhaps altering your route. * Be realistic about your goals Some people are motivated by goals, others find them stressful. If you need goals make sure they are realistic - and work towards them. * The longer you keep it up the longer you will continue to do it After a few weeks your exercise routine starts to become a habit. Even if you find it a bit of a chore at first, remember that after a few weeks it will really become a habit. Written by Christian Nordqvist
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Swine Flu Update

    From the WHO: Mexico. But both counties have no new reported cases since the last WHO update. Good news! ;o) Although it hit the US harder (more confirmed cases) there were more deaths in Mexico. US reported cases: 13,217 Mexico reported cases: 5717 US Deaths: 27 Mexico Deaths: 106
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    All the more reason for the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. There is no aftercare, none. If you do have a complication you can go to a surgeon, GI surgeon, or a bariatric surgeon. With bands you have to go to a bariatric surgeon and they are kinda pissy, if they don't get the surgery business they do not want to do the aftercare because the money is in surgery, not aftercare.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    Wait a minute, I know who your surgeon is! Orris/Debarros? I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I have heard nothing but complaints about that practice lately. Berger in Flag is great! Don't be quick to jump to erosion, you'll need an upper endo to find out for sure. But you do have symptoms of band intolerance as well. Hopefully it isn't erosion so if you choose you can revise to something else at the time of band removal if it comes down to that.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    May I ask who your surgeon is? People should be warned about him and besides, we are both in AZ and I want to know who it is. Dr. Berger in Flag is wonderful, he will see anyone banded anywhere. If you are self pay there is Aceves in Mexicali, 50 miles west of Yuma.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    Green's passing.

    Yeah, we chatted often. If not by email then phone. I will miss her a great deal. I will miss her posting style, her personality, and her intelligence. She was special people.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    No good place for this

    Ohhh, I like this! Alex, does this work for various pages of a thread? If a thread is 10 pages long and I want to respond to something from page 3 and 9, will it still work?
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Soon to have the sleeve

    Congrats! This is a good thing, the emotions will go away, you'll be fine! Let us know as soon as you can when you come back to your room!!!
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Relief of Post-op Gas

    Elisabeth is correct, the pain from the existing gas is relieved by burping and farting. You are talking about one issue, she is talking about another. One needs healing time, the other needs to be expelled from the body. When they do this surgery there are pockets of gas trapped in various parts of the gut and it is eventually absorbed into the GI system and burping/farting does indeed help relieve the pressure which is what she was referring to.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Eating Out!

    I think we are farrrr more aware of the quantity of food we are eating than others. People really don't pay much attention. I do, now I do.... I'm shocked at the amount of food people stuff themselves with. But before WLS I never paid attention to what folks were eating. We do get pretty wrapped up with what others think and in reality, everyone is always on a diet. If you don't eat much and someone notices, "I'm cutting back on calories a bit" is totally doable.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Is there alcholol at all after the Sleeve?

    Nahhh, not true. I will tell you that it can kill weight loss. Just one glass can do it and cause a stop in weight loss for days.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    My concerns so far

    Congrats to you! Ghrelin is a hormone and when this hormone is removed it does create a chain of hormonal changes throughout the GI system. Ain't it grand? ;o) Nah, not necessary. The problem with the Water in Mexico is not as you think, it's a matter of the water getting IN the GI system and that's not a problem with showering and washing your hands. People NEED to wash their hands the old fashioned way with soap and water. They NEED to shower and do as the doctor tells them. Not sure about other doctors but Dr. Aceves tells them to use antibacterial soap, don't scrub, gently wash the incisions over the tape and let the shower head gently rinse the soap off. I think it's really important for people to follow the doctors instructions and not put anything on the incisions such as neosporin. Dr. Aceves specifically requests people NOT do that. No ointments, no topical anything. Just plain soap and water. Other doctors may have differing opinions. If your theory was correct we'd be having a lot of infected peers coming home from Mexico, we don't. No, they can't. Basic infection control is washing your hands. Congrats on your fantastic weight loss! You are doing a great job!
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Last Minute Advice/Suggestions?

    Nope, that's what I mean by picking up the US towers. If you aren't picking up the US towers, and you probably will, just go outside. *Most* do but not all.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Last Minute Advice/Suggestions?

    Most people have no problems while in MX using their cell. It's better at the hospital than the hotel but I usually pick up the US tower.
  15. Hey Vegas... I just noticed, you leave tomorrow for Mexicali! Congrats for your date almost being here!
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Is it self doubt?

    Body Dysmorphia, it's horrible! We work hard to get to goal and we are the last to see it. ;o) You have done a great job losing a lot of weight, a ton of weight! Congrats to you for that. As for exercise... yep, it is lazy and I think it is something most of us go through to varying degrees. Exercise isn't a choice it's just something you have to do. It is like cleaning the house... nobody wants to do it, you do it because it's just something that needs to be done. Nobody WANTS to go to the dentist, we do it because it's a necessary thing to do. So is exercise. If you need motivation consider this. When we are at our biggest we have the most muscle mass because it takes a lot of muscle to carry a bigger body around. When you lose a large quantity of weight you WILL lose muscle mass, it is going to happen so the key is to try to maintain as much as possible and you do that through Protein and weight training. The less muscle you have the slower you will lose. And much of the weight you have lost will have been muscle and not fat. Did your doctor tell you to exercise? I'm sure he did. If your kids were told to do something by their doctor and they just didn't want to, wouldn't you be annoyed and make them do it if they really needed it? Well, you really need exercise. ;o) When you exercise you lose fat and not muscle, you lose more inches than when you don't exercise, you get more energy, you lose faster, you get healthier. Lazy is not acceptable, get out there and do it. Start with 10 minutes of walking a day, POWERWALKING. Put some work into it. Each day add just one minute. Before you know it you will look better, you will feel better, and you will have more energy. Get out there and get it done!
  17. Have you guys finally opened a FCUSA in New Mexico? That's where it is seriously needed.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    My concerns so far

    Ahhh, yes, I did misunderstand. I thought you meant that you needed more calories to burn fat. I didn't understand what you meant by that. You'll find that you can get the foods in that you need to in order to meet your caloric needs. Maybe you'll have to increase the number of meals you eat a day. Is that bad? ;o)
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Since you asked...

    The difference is huge. On LBT it is a box within a box. Here it is like OH format in a long thread where the conversation is squisheled to the right each time there is a response. The LBT way is so much nicer and easier to follow.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    My concerns so far

    Fat *is* stored energy. You consume Protein to maintain muscle mass, not additional calories. You are comparing an existing body builder with an obese person trying to lose weight. The LAST thing we need is a plate of pasta. We need high quality carbs with limits. You already have a great deal of muscle in all likelihood. You are male and you are carrying around excess weight. Your job during weight loss is to maintain your current muscle mass. We do things MUCH differently from a body builder. We are looking for two very different goals. Ignore everything you hear from a body builder! We are working for very different things. Bodybuilders do not have a great deal of stored fat, we do. Our diets are very different. The more calories you consume the more you have to burn.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Green's passing.

    I knew the time was nearing when she wasn't able to take phone calls anymore or respond to emails. She will be missed a great deal and you are right, Mark is a gem!
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    My concerns so far

    Are you aware that you do not malabsorb much after about 1.5 years with bypass? There is something called Villa in your small intestine and that is what absorbs calories and nutrition. When people are bypassed their body begins to compensate for the bypassed intestine by growing more villa. So you start absorbing fat and calories again but sadly, not your Vitamins. That's why WLS really *is* all about a life style change. Why would you need to increase calories because you are burning fat?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Fast food

    ;o) Check out this link when you have time to watch a documentary: Super Size Me/Documentary - Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery (VSG) Forum Gahhh....
  24. BTW, where in the rules does it say that you will never have unpleasant interactions? If you consider someone disagreeing with your POV as unpleasant, you might want to brace yourself. Adults disagree, that's okay to agree to disagree. Not everyone is going to agree with everything you write, not everyone is going to agree with everything I write. It's how adults communicate.
  25. I am truly and sincerely sorry that a post on a message board upset you to the point that you had a sleepless night and need to go for a walk to shake it off. Honestly, I really am sorry. But please understand, those of us that went to Mexico or are planning on it have done a lot of research. We are forever getting snide remarks and stupid comments from those around us in real time that have no idea what they are talking about because they have never researched the topic. To repeatedly have to defend ourselves for going to a great surgeon with fantastic stats and a solid aftercare program... well, can you imagine how old it gets? Then to come to our support board and have it inferred that if we go to anyone that is not local we won't have a support system, we will be abandoned after surgery, or other posts that are dead wrong about having to change money to pesos and the banking systems... blah blah blah... it's not what a support group is all about. Shouldn't it be about truth? You just can't come here and infer things that are inaccurate because we did not make the same choice as you and then be in a huff because we point out that you are not correct and explain in detail how our experience was pretty darn good, too AND we have the same thing as you for half the cost. (Not referring to you specifically here) Do you have any idea how many people assume that because my doctor is in Mexico that he is a bad surgeon? Can you imagine the arrogance I hear when people make snide remarks about Mexican surgeons? Should I do nothing and respond with... nothing? Nobody is knocking you for your choices, not a single person has done so. All we have done is to explain what we got in comparison to what you got and it's the same. I'm not really understanding why this upsets you so much. Now, if it is a known butcher... yeah, I get that! There are butchers in every country just like there are good surgeons in every country and we should warn one another about dangerous doctors, clinics, hospital, bariatric staff. That's part of support too.

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