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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    But you see my point? You HAVE put food in your mouth that wasn't perfect food. Others do too, their choice might be pizza. Yours is something different. You don't stick to the perfect diet 100% of the time, none of us do. Nobody on that pizza thread suggested eating pizza daily is a good thing. That was my point. Now, with the veggie diet I would agree with you. I used to be vegetarian and if I could I still would. I gag when I eat tuna but due to band challenges about the only two foods that go down without barfing are tuna and Protein shakes. I just can't do other dead critter. I don't care for it anyway and just thinking about chewing chicken or beef to a liquid state makes me want to hurl again.
  2. WASaBubbleButt


    We absorb everything but we are so limited in quantity of food most docs suggest taking a multivitamin daily. I use Centrum adult chewables. They come in orange and berry flavor. Yumm... your post reminded me to take my Vitamin and I actually counted that I have 14 left so I can get berry in two weeks! LOL Don't get liquid and don't crush them, both are just gross. I mean really gross. You won't take them, you'll put it off until you forget it. Benefiber... I swear I poop every two weeks. Pooping is a challenge. When I take Fiber I stay full longer and I poop. If I don't take it I don't poop and I'm hungry. I vote for fiber!
  3. WASaBubbleButt


    A multivitamin daily.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    I never wrote you were wrong about your own food choices, not even close. What I wrote is that we need to keep in mind the population we refer to. If most of them COULD stick to a low fat, low cal diet they wouldn't have needed a band. They wouldn't have needed surgery at all. Not everyone can stick to such a diet. I've had pizza twice since banding. Once it didn't work, once I ordered it extra crispy and without cheese. A veggie pizza without cheese, not exactly dripping with fat. Some pizza is nasty with grease puddles in the middle. Not all pizza is that way. If pizza isn't your thing, kewl beans! But that isn't the case for everyone. Have you EVER put a morsel of food in your mouth since banding that wasn't low fat, low cal, and absolutely healthy? Ever? For you it might be one food, for another it is pizza. We are all different and we need to keep that in mind.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    And a lot of people who are losing quite well eat an average diet in moderation. I'm at four months and -60 lbs. I don't want to make a bandster diet impossible and for some people the diet the OP proposes would be impossible. For SOME they would fail at such a diet. I don't think banding means to give up all things people enjoy, it's a mindset about moderation and common sense. I think we have to be realistic about the population we are talking about. Not all pizza is dripping with fat. If your pizza is dripping with fat, I'd be finding a new pizza place.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    My doc is likely one of the most conservative docs out there. He's conservative in post op diets and fills. But I have to constantly remind myself that not all docs are conservative in that way and I recall one person that I was floored at her post. She was given the green light to eat solids at a week post op and a fill at 15 days. What are we to say? What else CAN we say? We can say we disagree and why but in the end it is between the person and their doc. I'm not going to tell someone to go against their docs instructions. I'm just not going to do it. I will refer them to the band manufacturers website, their dietary instructions, etc. But when a doc does what they do, it's between the patient and doc.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    Seems to me one of the problems the OP has is that in her mind it is a strict diet and no food unless it is low fat and low cal. That isn't how the band works. It's okay to eat a typical diet in moderation. If you don't want to that's fine, it's your choice. But most people with hundreds of pounds to lose can't stick to that kind of diet and that is why they were banded. The first few posts were reminders about food choices. I really can't understand OPs fit over the thread.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    So where is this pizza thread of horror?
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    If someone said go for it, I would HOPE someone else would correct that misinformation. Did they? Do you have a link?
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    We don't care. We know Teacher and we are seeing your posts today. Not a difficult decision.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    LOL!!!! Priceless! Wish I would have thought of that!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    Considering she is on line as we speak, it's a fair bet that she didn't leave as she said she did. There are no rules here that someone has to be banded for "X" number of days before they can post and offer opinions. That's what adults do, they discuss, agree, disagree, offer a new perspective, etc. Some people....
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    eating confessions

    The important issue right now is not a matter of losing weight, the issue is a matter of keeping their bands. I'd say a medical issue that big deserves a little reality.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Do Not Go To Betencourt Medical

    ???? I don't understand. What am I missing?
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    eating confessions

    Why would you do that? I don't understand. Why go to all the expense of surgery and then not follow the rules? We are talking a few weeks out of your life here. I really question people that can't make it for a few weeks, if they won't follow the rules at the most critical time of healing, why would they follow any rules later? I don't know why you bothered getting a band, quite frankly.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Pain in my left side 4 years post op. Anyone else?

    I couldn't even venture a guess. Dr. C??? Are you around?
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    No need to worry about this particular problem, it doesn't seem to be very common. Really, all you can do is follow the rules EXACTLY. Don't cheat on the post op diet, follow all the bandster rules. Keep in mind that many that comes here are only here because they have problems and need help/suggestions. Most people do very well with the band. You'll do fine! You watch!
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    At four months I have lost 60lbs, that part is good. Kind of at a stand still now, the scale isn't doing anything. I think it's my first plateau so I'm bumping up exercise. I can eat tuna sometimes and I actually ate an onion ring yesterday and didn't barf! Too bad the onion ring wasn't even a good one. I've had three fills and four unfills. My band is empty. Thanks for asking!
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Do Not Go To Betencourt Medical

    You are correct about Betencourt, it is the worst and cheapest place in Mexico. Sadly, this is one of those times that you do get what you pay for. Betencourt isn't a doctor, he hires doctors. They can't depend on reputation because they have one of the worst reps in Mexico. So they depend on people being attracted to their prices. He hires the worst doctors that work cheap. Or as someone told me recently, he goes through doctors more often than he likely changes his underwear. Going there really is taking your life in your hands. It's hard because this surgery is very expensive. When we are fat and miserable we will do just about anything to fix the problem of being fat. People like Betencourt thrive on taking advantage of people. They talk a good story and tell you what you want to hear. Honestly, we should have some sort of a tutorial on this forum for how to check up on your doc whether they are in the US or Mexico. I'm serious, many times we don't know how to research a doc outside of the US. It is different from the US. As for suing because someone gets MRSA... I'd have to disagree with you on that one. Oh, you can go to court but you aren't likely to win. People get MRSA all the time through the fault of nobody, it just happens. You would have to prove it was due to the surgeon and that's pretty tough to do considering that bacteria is very likely in the noses of most people anyway. In the case of your husband I don't doubt his is due to the surgery at all. ALL the docs that have worked for Betencourt have been horrible with horrific reputations. Ask any of the other Mexican docs, they are the ones removing the bands and treating the infections caused by all Betencourt's docs. The key is to do serious research regardless of doctor or what country they are in. My doc is in Mexico and I'd go to him again in a heartbeat but he has a fantastic reputation and he does a good job. There is a lot of good care to be had in Mexico just as in the US. Don't let the horrific reputations of a few bad docs turn you against an entire country. We have really bad docs in the US too. What drugs has your husband been on? Tried Vanco or Zyvox yet?
  20. Each person is different. I went back to work after four days, some need longer.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Help after operation?

    You'll likely be fine. You just move slowly and need time to get things done. That doesn't take people, it takes time. You shouldn't be in pain all the time, instead you'll be sore when you move. BIG difference.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Fave comfort food?

    LOL!!!!!!!! BTDT!!!! Only mine is Fritos! I barf on yogurt but I can eat a bag of Fritos. I totally relate!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    You are correct, people are watching. Com'on... let's face it. The xtians are watching the non xtians and the non xtians are watching the xtians. Namely, the atheists. I agree with your point, you are quite correct. I don't see you as another poster does, I see you as a person doing your best in life. What else can one ask of another? I am an atheist and I do my best. Might not be right be xtian standards but it is MY best and nobody has the right to ask more of me than that. Nobody has the right to expect more of you than the same because you are xtian or anything else. I get the point of your post and I fully agree.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience

    Wendell... You are so cool. You really are! And Krystal... you better answer his questions, he isn't playing games! :mad:
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience

    Can I make a suggestion? Would you just try something? Let us help you. What if... What if you come back here EVERY SINGLE DAY and post an update. Tell us how you are feeling. Tell us what is going on. TELL US everything. If you have a horrible craving, come here. We can be your shoulder to cry on, you can lean on us, you can scream at us, and we will always give you warm fuzzy hugs. What if you inspire others in your position to do the same. You are not the only one to have these issues. There are lots of people in the same boat. If each person in the same boat helped others in the same boat... it would be a healthy thing for everyone. If you can't depend on those who honest to God GET IT and understand completely, who can you depend on? We all have to help each other in our own way. I'm not a great person for on line things, my writing style is mean and cranky even though that isn't what is in my heart at all. I just suck at writing. Sometimes people who have seen my writing style call me and they laugh at me because I have a quiet and soft voice. It doesn't match my on line cranky style at all. So I try to pitch in and help with medical stuff when I can. That's my way. Maybe your way is drawing people to you that are going through the same thing. Be an example, be a leader. Work together and we all benefit. If we all pitch in and do what we are good at, we'd have all the support and information we need. Look, if you post daily and almost do an on line journal... you are holding yourself accountable but through us. Not sure if I am explaining my thoughts well but you need to be accountable to yourself and yourself only. You can do that through us. We can support you and you can support us. I used to post my daily menu on a fat board and I'll tell you, it made me stop and think before I filled my pie hole. I didn't want to admit that I ate something really bad and a lot of it. So I thought before eating. It worked for me. I barf on yogurt but I can eat a bag of Fritos. I'd rather post that I ate yogurt and not mention the barfing part than to admit I ate a bag of Fritos. We all mess up once in a while, it's the trends that are dangerous. By posting on line even if you don't recognize the trends, someone here will. Please imagine me giving you a really big huge mega bear hug!!!!! ((((HUGS))))

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