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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    eating confessions

    Amazingly, over 20 years of experience AS a nurse has taught me more than I ever learned in school.
  2. WASaBubbleButt


    I've been chewing gum for 40 years and I have yet to swallow it. I chew gum all the time.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Fast food question

    While I appreciate what they are trying to do I disagree with what they think healthy choices are. For example, KFC: Colonels Crispy Strips, 3 pcs 300 Calories That is 300 calories and doesn't include a side or a drink. That's a lot of calories. It also doesn't list trans fats that these foods are full of.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Fast food question

    I have a clone recipe for Wendy's Chili. I entered the whole thing in www.nutritiondata.com and amazingly, it's not bad at all. When I make it I use ground turkey instead of ground beef and it's an excellent recipe. I don't think Wendy's chili is bad at all. It's loaded with protein, it's very filling, and without cheese the calories are not bad.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    No, mine is due to band challenges. Not by choice. But, it happens to be working so I'm dealing with it.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    what can YOU not eat?

    Beef, pork, chicken, anything with yeast/flour combo, gooey cheese, pasta, mashed potatoes, eggs, and a few others. I don't eat any white carbs anymore so some of the above doesn't matter.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Slipped Band? Yes or No?

  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Do Not Go To Betencourt Medical

    Nope, there wasn't. I was reading the thread as she was posting.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    going crazy pre op?

    My big confession is that I would go to KFC and get extra crispy chicken. Noooo, that's not the confession. The confession is that I would eat the crispy stuff and give the meat to my dogs. IOW, we get your problem. LOL You will likely be able to eat 97% of the same foods after banding as before banding. You won't believe that and you WILL pig out before surgery. Just be sure not to pig out the NIGHT before surgery. People have a tendency to pooh diarrhea DURING surgery when they eat too much the night before. And also remember, what you gain today you'll have to lose tomorrow.
  10. Right after surgery you likely have a lot of swelling and the tablets/capsules might not go down. After restriction they might not go down then either. Each person is different.
  11. Lortab comes in liquid, Neurontin... not so sure it comes in liquid form but you can break open the capsules. B12 is small enough that it shouldn't be a problem but it can be crushed, Calcium comes in liquid.
  12. WASaBubbleButt


    That's what I do. I plan to give up fish eventually.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Another gas related question...

    Verrrrrry normal! You WANT to burp and fart up a storm!
  14. You are correct, not all meds can be broken or crushed. What meds are you on and I can tell you if they can be crushed/broken.
  15. WASaBubbleButt


    I've had patients claim to fall on a coke bottle. I'm telling you, people are stupid. I've had women explain that they don't have the slightest idea why they have bite marks on their breasts. I've had women claim they didn't know it was not cool to put a telephone (the whole thing) in their vagina. I've had men claim not to know that you should remove the aluminum foil wrapper on a suppository before ramming it up their back sides. I've had patients claim that the years worth of needle tracks on their arms, legs, and eye balls were from others holding them down and injecting expensive drugs in their veins. Strangers do this, mind you. And they do it often. Tell me, how often does the medical profession give adults a baby bottle of salt Water with a 6" nipple coated with KY jelly? Seriously, how often does that happen? ANYONE who works with people have stupid people stories. I have been in medicine for over 20 years and I don't know how the world doesn't know stupid people out number the smart people.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    Again, you continue insisting I write things that I don't. Nobody claims eating pizza daily is a good thing. My point remains, if someone eats pizza as often as you eat bad things, how is that a horror? It IS NOT! I never claimed you ate the whole "cake", not even close. I never claimed you ate foods like that daily. I never claimed pizza eaters eat pizza daily, weekly, monthly or otherwise. I referred to an example of when they eat it as often as YOU eat badly. It's okay for you to eat bad foods six times but it is a horror if others eat bad foods 6 times? How does that work? I consume about 600 calories daily. I have been slammed for that more than once. I got a band to lose weight too. So are we really that far off on what moderation means? I never claimed one was bad if they ate mud "cake" I was very clear repeatedly when I explained it is no worse to eat pizza as often as you eat badly. What is difficult here? *I* don't think either one is bad. *I* think it is okay not to be pefect every single day. I don't actually know what point you have proven to yourself or anyone. I say it's okay not to be perfect, it's okay to use moderation and common sense. I say it is not okay to eat pizza at 3 weeks post op, I say it is not okay to eat pizza daily. You'll have to explain to me where we disagree. I have never suggested that you go out and eat a pound of grease so if you want to eat a good diet, AGAIN we do NOT disagree.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    It's just like a minister. Some folks don't practice what they preach. They expect perfection from OTHERS.
  18. WASaBubbleButt


    They*Happen*All*The*Time!!!!!!!! You find true stupidity when being in medicine. Check it out: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=257985
  19. WASaBubbleButt


    If you can do it, that's what counts. Many times... well think about it. Some people are just plain stupid. And it is easier to make it simple and easy for everyone and to limit food to two choices vs. giving the stupid of the world a chance to think. I know, that sounds mean but it's true. I've had patients eat their suppositories, ram suppositories up their butt without removing the foil wrapper and they question why that hurts. They drink their enemas, and put contraceptive jelly on their morning toast. Sometimes you get to a point that you just make it easy for everyone instead of assuming some folks have a working brain. That's why I suggested that if you think you will fail at cottage cheese and yogurt to ask WHY *those* two foods. You seem to have a working brain and critical thinking skills. Not everyone has those abilities. In medicine people get lazy and instead of figuring out which people have the ability to think they just make it easy across the board.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    This forum is dangerous

    LOL!! Mud pie IS making bad choices! And eating pizza the same number of times is equally unhealthy. But that's okay, there are times it is okay not to be perfect. I never claimed that eating pizza 3 weeks post op was a good idea, never even inferred such. You are putting words on my screen. I never claimed eating pizza daily was a good thing. I was verrrrry clear when I wrote in moderation and using common sense. Same as when you eat mud pie.
  21. WASaBubbleButt


    Wow. Just a suggestion but you might ask your doc why this diet vs. a low fat, low carb, reasonable protein diet. The idea is to shrink your liver before surgery. A grilled chicken breast and low carb salad will do the same as your diet but it is easier to do. I would push your doc and ask why cottage cheese and yogurt. I really don't understand why docs do this. Same with Optifast. What's the use unless it is the doc selling OptiFast and making a profit from it. The idea is to shrink your liver and there are equally effective ways to do that without sucking down cottage cheese and yogurt. If you are okay with those two foods, kewl beans. If you think you will fail, ask why THOSE two foods are the only ones he will approve.
  22. WASaBubbleButt


    I have metamucil. DON'T get that!!!!! It turns into a gel that will get stuck in your band. I wait until I have about 3oz of water in a water bottle and just dump some in then guzzle quickly. Then I guzzle plain water as best as I can. Not a great way to measure! Next time I'll be buying Benefiber, it doesn't gel up the way Metamucil does. I've had it stuck before and PBing gelled Metamucil is horrible. Just awful and painful. And it takes forever to barf up. NOT GOOD! The orange is good, it tastes like a Vit C tablet. Not my favorite but certainly workable.
  23. WASaBubbleButt


    The most common sense advice I have seen regarding fiber is that typically it is nice to get about 4gms of fiber per 100 calories consumed. To say that we all need 40gms of fiber daily... OMG! I don't think we consume enough food to get that much fiber in! But 4gms per 100 calories is pretty good.
  24. WASaBubbleButt


    I've only tried the orange. That's why I was thrilled that next time I can try berry. LOL Some like Flinstones but you have to take two daily and that can get more expensive than necessary. But it's personal choice. Some like Centrum Silver for old folks. I'm just guessing that they have more zinc than regular Centrum but that's just a guess. I haven't looked. Zinc is not always great for men. Ummm... how do I say this in polite company, zinc can make men want to see more of women. Is that a nice way to say it?
  25. WASaBubbleButt


    Please, don't even try liquid Vitamins. They are seriously disgusting. They even stink. You might be able to do it for a short time but long term? I don't know anyone that has. You might be able to find a very small multivitamin tablet and instead of crushing it you could break it in small pieces. That would be doable. My thinking is that I don't want to see you get so grossed out over a Vitamin that you get to the point that you don't want to take one ever again or you are disgusted with the thought of a vitamin. You really should take a quality multivitamin. We don't need what bypass patients require such as a fistfull of pills daily. But a simple (yet quality) vitamin really is a good idea. What does your pre-op diet consist of?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
