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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    hair loss

    LOL! Ohhhhh! Did I forget to mention the word bald? Heh... Some people do lose some hair. It gets thin. Some claim it is a lack of Protein in the diet, some claim it is a lack of fat, others claim it is from fast and massive weight loss. That is why thinning is MUCH more common in bypass patients vs. banded. Comb-over.... it's not bad. Ask balding men. :eek:
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    I need some good thoughts

    I am one with lots of complications and I couldn't BE more pro-band. Look at it this way. The odds of your having serious complications with a band are low, the odds of your dying of complications due to obesity are quite high. You can sit and worry about the low odds of complications while you continue to gain weight. Does that really make sense?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    weightloss pills

    Which drug?
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Lower Left abdominal pain

    Can you show the films to your surgeon and get his opinion?
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    Numbness after Banding? Severed Nerves??

    Mine went from numb to feeling like a nasty burn. It goes away after a few weeks.
  6. WASaBubbleButt


    I swear I will never poop again. Fiber, no fiber, makes no difference. Next time someone tells me I am FOS, they will be correct! :eek:
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    i have been crushed!!!!

    Congrats to you! You must have done better during the interview than you thought! Good job!
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    Nobody here has suggested as you claimed in a previous post. Actually, every post from every nurse here has been NOT to do fills/unfills. The dangers have been explained. I was the first one to point out the dangers of this practice and suggested someone has to be out of their mind to do such a practice. I was merely asking you to defend your claim, nothing more. And you did make a specific claim. You said you could not believe what you were reading. I am merely asking which post you read that led you to this claim.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    The FDA approved some of these drugs because not everyone needs to go to a doc for acid indigestion. Also, if you will reread the post you refer to I did not suggest the poster take a bloody thing. I was explaining how the drugs are typically prescribed. Usually if one doesn't work a doc will try a different one. Protonix works for some, not others. Prilosec works for some, not others. The poster did not realize the drugs are all the same type. That is what was being pointed out. It is similar to saying one is taking Toradol and Motrin. They are both NSAIDs. That was the point.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Be Honest....

    Whoaaaa... wait a minute! Who suggested anyone unfill themselves? Can you point to a specific post?
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    Some of the meds used are OTC. Do you contact your doc before you take an aspirin? :eek:
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    My Doctor Really Pushed for RNY

    Do you have one of the procedures?
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    Loser!!! :hurt Only two of three? Guess I can't talk, I have one of three.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    My Doctor Really Pushed for RNY

    In all fairness there reaches a point where one requires discipline in order for bypass to work. It's not a cure all/fix all. When they don't have the discipline required for bypass they get revision to banding.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Going No Where

    You know, it seems like there are quite a few people in the same boat here. What if... What if Papa Alex starts a section for people who are really struggling. The reason I suggest that is because it would be easy to find and when someone is struggling so much we need to make things as easy and obvious as possible. Instead of wading through a lot of other things they could go right to the source. Everyone could join in and offer specific help and suggestions. Push them to post daily, each person could have their own thread, those who are making progress could specifically help those struggling the most with tips and tricks. Exercise challenges, food challenges (calorie), etc., for those that need the most help. It would also help to show that there is a community of folks that struggle and that's okay, it's still totally workable. Anything can be done with the right support system and information. Accountability seems to be a motivator for some. Post daily what food intake and exercise. We can provide the info, support, and bear hugs. The rest is up to the person. But if they have a specific place to post their struggles and frustrations, they might find more value. Not sure, thoughts anyone?
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Low Fat Low Carb

    Protein shakes, tuna, salmon, (most any fish), turkey, ground turkey, salads with select veggies, select fruits, crackers made of low fat cheese, egg whites, asparagus, seafood, venison, lots of things. Try doing a google search for "low fat low carb" and see what you get.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience

    No, not at all. If you want to make it extra healthy then substitute the ground beef for ground turkey. It makes for a verrrry low fat, high Protein, decent calorie meal.
  18. No, not true. I also wrote the following: As you can see, I assumed no such thing. Good luck to you, I wish you the very best.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    talking to my young children

    I fully agree.
  20. WASaBubbleButt


    It usually isn't a matter of calories, for newbies it is a matter of blood sugar. I realize this is late but Gatorade is great for this. juice has a bit too much sugar. Yes, protein too!
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    going crazy pre op?

    This is actually one one of the hardest parts of getting used to being banded. Undoing all the crazy thinking we used to have. I HAVE to eat (and a lot) every single day to be healthy. Fact: We aren't going to die if we go a few days without food. Do we want to do that all the time? Of course not. But the reality is that if we go for a few days without food we WILL survive. I HAVE to eat because I'm sick. Fact: No we don't. Why do we need to eat if we are sick? We have stores of Vitamins, Proteins, etc. We need to DRINK when we are sick with a fever, etc. I HAVE to have 1200 - 1500 calories a day or I will be too tired to function. Fact: Fat is stored energy. I eat 600 calories a day and do just fine. Many bariatric docs suggest 800 calories daily. After you get your BASIC nutrition in, the rest of the calories are to maintain chubby fat cells. And the list goes on...
  22. HEY! WE AGREE!!! Even the best of docs are going to have complications w/their patients. It is a lie to say otherwise. People react to drugs, they mistakenly infect their own wounds since they might not know how to take care of a wound, docs DO screw up, even the best docs. Sometimes it is the doc's fault, sometimes it is the patient's fault, and sometimes crap just happens. The real key is if the doc picks up on the problem and how he takes care of it.
  23. Tijuana (as many other towns) are full of "pseudo-surgeons", as plastic surgery is a growing business many people practicing it without the proper training and certification, for any surgeon you might visit, please ask for the following: -University Diploma in Plastic Surgery. -Board Certification (this is a diploma and/or ID card that reads "Consejo Mexicano de Cirugia Plastica Estetica y Reconstructiva") -Government registration (Cedula profesional de especialidad, this is a small ID card or government stamped letter which states that the doctor has been properly registered to practice the specialty). Please referr to http://www.cirugiaplastica.org.mx/ and/or http://www.isaps.org/ for a comprehensive list of certified surgeons. Your doc, sadly, has one of the worst reputations in Mexico. I don't know if he has the proper certifications and education for plastics or not, no clue. You may like him, you may have had great success with him. But he has the rep he does for a reason. The better quality surgeons don't EVER go work for Betancourt. Not ever. I doubt you will follow through with all the above but all we can do is warn people of the bad surgeons. The rest is up to the person.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    Protonix, Nexium, and Prilosec are all the same kind of drug. If protonix isn't doing the job you'd want to switch to one of the others, not take two at the same time.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Ap Bandsters

    Johnson & Johnson (as in baby shampoo?) will be getting their band FDA approved in about six months. Hopefully the price will come down with Inamed not being the only band in the US.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
