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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Slow loser needs advice from good losers

    Would you provide a daily (typical) menu that you might consume? Brands, portion sizes, and include all sauces. Everything that goes in your mouth for a typical day.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    why not go for "slim"?

    Most people can depend on a BMI for a realistic weight but not all. I was just reading an article the other day about BMIs and professional body builders. They have a LOT of muscle mass, certainly not the norm. They are not going to fall into a BMI that appears healthy. They are going to be considered over weight even though they aren't. But that isn't the norm.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    1 week post op. starving.

    Cut out ALL sugar. Every bit of it and bump up protein. If you are on clear liquids there is Isopure (gahhhh) or unjury for a couple of examples. Get at least 30gms of protein and hopefully 60gms daily. Sugar will make you want to eat your right arm off. Protein will kill hunger.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    Slow loser needs advice from good losers

    Very true!!!!!!!! As for a fill: http://www.tracyslapband.com/fill.htm
  5. I'm having a hard time coming up with a goal weight. I've lost 60 pounds and I have another 42 to go but as I look at my fat legs and my fat stomach I can't believe the extra fat is only 42lbs. I'm thinking more like 72lbs or more. I was talking to a banded friend today and she was laughing at me saying it's a body image problem, that she believes anything more than 42lbs and I'll be too thin. I honestly can't see that. I look at allllll the fat and I am thinking a LOT more than 42lbs will be necessary. My sis and I are both 5' 5" and she weighs 140 but she's really small boned, I'm medium boned. My goal is 150. I'm at 192 now. She looks great, just perfect. Well, maybe she could lose 5lbs or so. I don't remember what I weighed when I looked good, I never worried about it and I didn't even own a scale at the time. I was talking to a plastic surgeon today and while I can have a boob job after 42 more pounds I can't have a tummy tuck for another year. That depresses me. I was looking forward to having it done as SOON as I reached goal. How have you determined your goal weight?
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    How do you know a goal weight?

    A plastic surgeon I have been talking to a great deal explained that cardio and weights are important now, as well as at goal. He said I will like the results a great deal better if I start doing weights now. I really really hate weights. Damn! They are SO heavy! Don't worry about the scale not moving, I find that one week I lose pounds and the next week I lose inches. It all works.
  7. But he DOES like me!!!! That is why he spent so much time with me! LOL I agree, American docs don't compare to Mexican docs. I am looking for a plastic surgeon and I have it narrowed to three docs but I haven't done all my research yet. Dr. Sobranes in Tijuana, Dr. Bello in Mexicali, or Dr. Crespo in Tijuana. Dr. Aceves suggests Sobranes for body lifts and Bello for everything else. But I've been in communication with Crespo and I have to say, I absolutely adore him. I'll copy/paste some emails between us and PM you. I think you'll see why I'm so impressed. But again, I haven't researched any of them well yet.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    I never went to a seminar. I didn't want a doc telling me how wonderful he is and talking me into anything one way or another. Some docs do that, some don't. The only real problem I have with seminars is the more personable the doc, the more a patient is to swear how "good" he is. Really nice and a skilled surgeon are two very different things. One person was talking about how her surgeon is superior to other surgeons because he takes the time to "sew the band to the stomach." YIKES! They ALL do that! But he made it sound as though his technique is better because he takes the time to do that. One would hope he takes the time to add a few sutures. Or if the doc has written a book that somehow makes him a leading surgeon in bariatrics. ??? What the heck does writing a book have to do with being a leading surgeon in bariatrics? I call that advertising, not everyone would agree.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Lower Left abdominal pain

    Most times the films can be scanned and emailed from the doc who ordered them to your surgeon. Fill doc is good too assuming he places bands. There are docs who do fills but they don't do the surgical procedure to place the band. Just my opinion but I really think the more eyes looking at this the better. See if you can get both your surgeon and your fill doc to see the films.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    talking to my young children

    I try to change it often but it's hard trying to decide WHICH one to use! :confused: There are soooo many Bushisms available. HA!
  11. Sounds like you feel a little like a part of a herd of cattle being shoved through the OR doors. Herd 'em in, herd 'em out. I'd talk to your doc and let him know how you feel. My doc did go over all the lectures with me, three times. The day before surgery, the morning of surgery, and while I was in the hospital again the next day. He explained how much food to eat, how to chew, when to eat, what to expect, the works. By the third time he went over it I had it memorized. :phanvan I could say it with him. I'm pretty lucky, I live in Arizona and my doc is 3.5 hours away from me. I'm going there this weekend, as a matter of fact, for a fill. There are horror stories from folks that went to Mexico and the US. Just like the US - one has to research the heck out of what they are doing. They have to research WHERE they will have surgery. Is it a doc's clinic or is it an actual hospital. Is the doc Inamed certified? Do they do a follow up barium swallow before releasing the patient to ensure band placement and stoma size? What pre-op diagnostics will they do, what is their reputation, do they have a follow up care program, there is much to research REGARDLESS of country the procedure is done. I knew everything I needed before I made my decision on Dr. Aceves. If I had it to do over again I would do the very same thing. Does your doc have an egroup? A place where he lists all needed info such as post op diet, example menus, things that can happen? Maybe the reason he doesn't list all the info is because he has it available on line?? Just a thought. Mine does and he has a yahoo group for patients to communicate with one another.
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    What is erosion?

    Erosion happens in farrrr less than 1% of banded people. Slips happen about 3% of the time nationally. Much of it depends on your doc and you following bandster rules.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Vegetarian Diet

    I agree with Jack. A vegan and vegetarian are not the same thing.
  14. BTW... my doc is Alberto Aceves in Mexicali, Mexico. Who is your doc?
  15. My doc requires 1 night and requests 2 nights in the hospital. He came to see me in recovery as did the anesthesiologist. The asst. surgeon stayed with me until I was awake along with the recovery room nurse. Then my doc came to see me three times daily while I was in the hospital, he gave me his cell phone number that he keeps with him 24/7 in case I had questions or problems after I was discharged. Medical care is MUCH different in Mexico. The way we used to treat people in the 40s and 50s is how they still do it. It's like night and day from the US. I'm looking for a plastic surgeon now and Mexico is the ONLY place I will go. The US isn't even an option and I am FROM the US and I am in medicine.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    one more question

    Having tons of food there isn't such a bad thing. The more food they have the more choices you will likely find. Anything that you can mush on the roof of your mouth with your tongue is great. As long as you don't HAVE to chew you should be good to go.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Is the lap band healthy?

    Keep in mind one issue. When people have problems they seek out sites like this to look for thoughts and opinions. Those not having any problems and have lost their weight often times have moved on with their life. You are going to see more negatives here for a reason. Consider the section of this forum you are posting in? :confused: The other common complaint is that people aren't losing weight fast enough. Have YOU ever lost weight FAST enough? LOL! I know I haven't. We want what we want and we want it now. Right? Banded life is pretty darn good 99 times out of 100. But living the fat life is good 1 time out of 100.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Band removal while pregnant???

    Whoops... I mean the port and tubing.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Band removal while pregnant???

    Dr. C... Is it possible to remove the band and tubing under a local? Could this potentially prevent general anesthesia?
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Waiting for Under 200....

    Might want to think of a non food reward for when you hit onederland. Mine was a perm, cut, and going from brown hair to blonde. I haven't made the time to get it done, but as soon as I do that is my reward.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Can't take it anymore!

    Still trying various drugs. I'll be starting a new one when I go to Mexico tomorrow. Hopefully, one will work.
  22. Don't let a plateau go on that long. Get tough on fat! LOL Seriously, do what you have to go get things going again. Change things around, exercise more, change your exercise habits. What are you doing for exercise and what is a typical daily food intake?
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Tighter when stressed?

    Stress is a big big big factor in how tight you are. I know someone that can't possibly eat meals with her young sons because she closes up tight. She has to eat in another room. (Making the little darlings behave might resolve the problem) For me if I am tight in the AM and I'm thirsty and can't drink Water I run on my treadmill for 10 minutes. Same thing when I'm stressed. For some reason it works for me. My original thinking was that if we are tight in the AMs after laying still and sleeping all night, maybe exercise would help. It does, for me anyway.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Another "Old Timer" With Issues

    Pretend like you are a newbie doing the post op diet. :eek: All kidding aside, you can do this! Come here and scream, yell at folks, TYPE IN ALL CAPS! We'll help you through this!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    I need some good thoughts

    Krystal... I'm less than that (now) and I could have never come as far as I have or finish without my band. If you have food issues, what is the reason for letting it get worse before getting banded? Honestly, if someone has food issues, battles weight constantly, I'm not opposed to banding at a BMI of 30.

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