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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I'm a bad man...

    Good luck to you! Just please, follow instructions from here on out. We only care about your success. Some of us were kinda mean, but if we didn't care we wouldn't care what you did to yourself. We are all in this together and sometimes we ALL need a swift kick. There was a thread on OH a long time ago about how other bandsters are to be supportive only. If someone just ate 3 bags of Easter candy and 3 bags of Doritos, nobody should say anything except for... get back to work tomorrow. Tomorrow my ASS! Do it NOW! I know I need a dose of reality sometimes, we all do. I'm all for being supportive but I am one that believes we need a swift kick every now and again. But that is my opinion, others will disagree.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Losing weight

    How much are you exercising?
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Question for the female banders

    Yes and no.
  4. If you were not nervous about surgery you would either be seriously uninformed or just plain nutty. We are supposed to be nervous because we know there are certain risks with ANY surgical procedure. Just know that the risk of surgery for banding is farrrrrrrr less than the risk of obesity.
  5. What is your BMI? http://www.barixclinics.com/surgery/bmi_calculator.jsp
  6. Just try to keep the calories down. Some shakes have 170 calories or more and the Protein is less than 20. Ideally, no more than 150 calories per serving and at LEAST 20gms protein and not more than 30. You can only absorb around 25gms of protein at a time and the rest will have to be burned or it turns to fat. I prefer Matrix 5.0 on full liquids. I didn't do protein during clears but I didn't know about unjury.com at the time, either.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    Oh my... Insurance submitted!!

    Ohhh, that's fantastic! You will love the effects of being banded!!!
  8. Are you referring to when they inject a drug into your IV to produce the effects of lots of exercise? If so, can you redo the test and request that you run your heart out on a treadmill instead? That can make somewhat of a difference. It's better than a cardiac cath.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    HELP!!! 6 month supervised diet

    Cut out ALL white carbs. That's all, just cut out white carbs. Sugar, flour, white rice (brown is cool), etc. The difference is freak'en amazing!
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    My port is flipped already!!

    How in the world would it cost $1800 to go from WI to Denver? Are you not in WI any longer?
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    The great PROTEIN DEBATE...

    I disagree with your doc, honestly I do. If you talk to nutrition experts they say body builder types NEED the protein, we do not. Also, unjury used to (but I haven't checked recently) used to base protein requirements on total body weight. It should be based on lean body weight. Remember, Unjury... while a great product, they are still trying to sell their products. And lots of them. If you aren't working out 20 out of 24 hours a day you don't need excess protein. It's not your liver that is at issue as much as your renal system. Besides, you can only absorb so much protein. What you don't absorb you either need to burn off or it is stored as fat.
  12. WASaBubbleButt


    I think I understand because I am going through something similar. I have lost 60lbs and while I know I fit in seats better, my clothes haven't fit in ages and I have purchased several different sizes since I started losing, people notice I have lot weight... I'm not seeing it. I look at myself and see every single bit of my original 252lbs. I don't see how I possibly have anything less than 100 pounds to lose from this point. My head tells me that is not right, my eyes tell me something completely different.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Newbie here and sad

    Why is your doctor not supporting your decision? Is there some reason you should not have surgery? At my highest I was 102 lbs overweight. My insurance would have paid for surgery if I agreed to jump through hoops but honestly, I just wasn't willing to do that and the surgeon I choose was a better doc with a better track record so instead of waiting six months for a surgeon I didn't want, I went to Mexico and paid cash for the surgeon I did want. My point is that I do understand how you feel, I was so anxious to have it done I refused to wait. So the first thing to do is ask why your doc does not support this. Is it because of surgical risk? Is it because he doesn't know anything about lap bands and is speaking from ignorance? Is he one of those that just says to stop eating and exercise a lot?
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Who should I tell?????

    Keep in mind that we have a really hard time taking a compliment. People have their own bizarre ways of showing support when someone is trying hard to reach a goal. Skinny people just don't get it. They think that when we are morbidly obese we appreciate being told we are wasting away after 10 lbs. Intention... I always strive to remember intentions are good and really, that is what matters to me. I'd rather they tell me I am wasting away than to tell me I'm so fat it doesn't matter. I'm beyond hope! LOL I have decided to take their compliments and support and run with them! I'm keeping the good stuff. As for skinny people not understanding the HUGE and MASSIVE differences between bypass and banding, it's a topic they wouldn't know. Just like I don't know the advantages of bigger hips/better curves in a size 2 vs. a size 4. Heck, I'm trying to get rid of my current curves.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    Less complications with RNY than with the band???

    Honestly, you can't go by what that doc says. I started to watch the video until I saw who the doc was and then I didn't waste my time. That doc is selling his new MGB procedure and he will down anything unless it is what he is selling. I'll bet you a dollar that was a pre-planned script and I'll further bet you that the girl was either paid or given a deal on her MGB for doing the clip. Hopefully that doc is verrrry old and he'll retire and go away soon. He doesn't do the weight loss community any favors with his nonsense.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Banded but not losing weight

    YEA about the 8lbs!!!! And do tell, for we desert dwellers, what the heck is snow? My Daddy always taught me that the only white stuff that falls from the sky is bird pooh.
  17. But the OP tried it and it didn't work. :cry
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Big Time Help Needed

    I have come to learn that when someone wants the band badly enough, they will do whatever it takes to get it.
  19. Fish isn't really considered a soft food. Soft foods would be things like pudding, mashed potatoes, jello, thick soups, things like that. Fish is for your solid stage.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Softball and the lap band

    You probably won't want to play the sport right away but give it a few weeks and you will be good to go. The port is under a fat pad and over a muscle. So for a bit you'll have some padding there. But with time the padding will go away and honestly, you'll forget it's there for the most part.
  21. WASaBubbleButt

    READ THIS B4 BEING BANDED...My Experience

    You and UniqueOne are very kind. And yes, there is always lots of room! ((HUGS))
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Vacation & Fills

    Heh... Might want to plan on a little more time than that. These habits of ours and ways of thinking didn't happen in a month and what I am learning is that it takes a lot longer than you might think to change how you think of the band. Everyone is different, of course. Maybe you'll have an easier time than me. I even went through a period of time where I resented the band. I felt like it was in control of my life, my whole life! Yeah, I was going through a drama stage for sure. My doc had a heart to heart with me and made me realize it is merely to help me stay strong. When I'm not strong, the band is. It isn't controlling me, it's a tool I choose to have. You know, some people name their band and for a long time I thought that was kinda weird. One day after my first slime I named mine "Spawn of Satan." Again, that was during my drama stage. LOL One issue I do want to give you a head's up on is that the first month or so after being banded you'll go through allllll kinds of emotions. When you realize that there are some areas that you no longer have a choice (such as bingeing on lots of pizza, etc.) you will have mixed feelings. One day you'll be thrilled to death that you are finally banded and the very next day you will think, "OMG! What did I do? Am I NUTS??" It's all good. It's normal, it's the way it is supposed to be. So just be prepared for lots of ups and downs the first month or so. It will all be worth it when you begin to feel like a great big chocolate bar melting in the desert sun!
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    Banded but not losing weight

    Hey Lizrbit... Just wondering how you are doing with the allergies and 8lb? Are things getting better?
  24. WASaBubbleButt


    Ebay them. Great way to get rid of stuff.
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Jumped the Gun..?

    Yep, what Jack wrote.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
