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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    I bought some bran cracker bread but I haven't received that order yet. It was something like $1.89 for a package so if I don't like it I didn't waste much money.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    These are not cheap! The boxes of crackers are small however, each serving is about 3 crackers (more than enough if used w/tuna, etc) and there are probably 6 servings in a box. They are small boxes. So they are expensive. If you are good at cooking I'd just get a couple of the flavors and see if you can make them at home. Some of the ladies on the cooking forum have a recipe for them. I tried it but I am a really bad cook. It's easier just to buy them.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Try this: http://www17.netrition.com/ktb_wafer_crisps.html I agree, their layout is not great. If you know the name of the manufacturer it is much easier. I didn't think of that.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    The great PROTEIN DEBATE...

    I've never done that. I'm not sure what "pure protein" was back then. It's not like we had New Whey or Matrix! LOL I can see high protein foods to rebuild muscle mass but I have no idea what pure protein would have been. Things like Ensure we gave, but it was high calorie/high protein.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    what is your daily caloric goal?

    Try this: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=31389&highlight=calories
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    New with questions...repost

    This is GOOD! Especially if your insurance co requires a six month medically supervised diet. You need to be very sure that you cover all your bases with your ins co and know EVERYTHING they require. What do they require?
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    To "shake" or not to "shake"....

    I've tried eating the right way before running and I don't see a difference. I've tried eating Kashi's an hour before I run and I don't see a difference vs. Protein shakes. My big issue is water!!! Jacqui, maybe you have some suggestions. When I run I get sooooooooo tight! I can't even get Water down. Even if I drink a couple of bottles of water before I run when I'm done I am so thirsty and I can't drink. Have you ever experienced this before?
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    BTW, I use Matrix 5.0. It's the only one I like and I like chocolate but most others like Cookies & Cream. The cheapest place I have found it is here: http://www.allstarhealth.com/f/syntrax-matrix_50_sustained_release_protein.htm Another reason I like the above link is that if you don't like their products just return them and you'll get your money back. I didn't like the Cookies & Cream but I just gave it to a friend who does like it and sent the rest to someone from here. The above link is cheaper than the manufacturer!! Don't go to the manufacturer for this product, it is double the price. However the manufacturer will send free samples where the above link won't.
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Well, mine isn't the healthiest way of doing things. I do it because of my problems. So you need to know that. I eat a combo of tuna/mayo (on the parmesan crackers, it's the only kind of cracker I can keep down and they are filling), Matrix Protein shakes mixed with Water (I don't like the aftertaste when mixed w/milk), fruit smoothies with low cal/low fat yogurt and frozen fruit, nothing else, veggie crackers. I don't know the name of them, a friend got some and I like them. They are like potato chips only made of veggies. No flour. Sometimes a handfull of Kashi's Cereal. I don't like milk so I eat it like popcorn. I cut out ALL sugar, flour, and other assorted white carbs. I also stick to about 600 calories a day but I couldn't do that without Protein Shakes. If your calories are under 1000 and you are doing an hour of serious cardio daily, I'm wondering if something else isn't wrong. Have you had labs done lately? Like a Chem Panel and CBC? Have you had a full thyroid panel done in the last year? If not, perhaps you should.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters in april

    I'm finding new foods to eat. Veggie crackers, parmesan crackers, fruit shakes, fruit smoothies, etc. With the meds I'm on now for stomach spasms things are slowly changing. I broke the plateau with an extra mile of running daily. I'm still waiting for that euphoric high some get when running or working out really hard. All I do is sweat and watch the treadmill numbers go by.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters in april

    I've been reading and rereading this thread to see if others have similar "issues" to my own. My brain is soooo confused right now. On an intellectual level I know I am losing weight and I am happy with the results thus far. My fat bubble butt fits in places it didn't used to fit. My clothes .... oh, my clothes. My friends tell me to quit wearing baggy clothes. Well, whatever I am wearing wasn't baggy three weeks ago. I was looking at my ticker today and for the first time this is all totally something I can manage. Reaching the half way point was not good, it didn't feel like I had done anything. Being in onederland...blahhh. Being 189... (sigh). But suddenly 187 ... that number looks different to me. Suddenly I feel there really is a light at the end of the tunnel. While the numbers look good, I look at my body and no matter how much weight I lose I look and I can find at least another 100lbs to lose. I know that isn't realistic, I get that. But it is still what I see. My BMI is 31.2. I should be happy, it used to be 41. But I'm not happy, not at all. My doc told me that when considering a goal weight to keep in mind that some fat will likely be removed during a tummy tuck. Okay, with lipo and flab removal, let's say 10lbs. My goal is 150, remove 10lbs w/surgery for 140, and I still think I'm going to be fat at 5' 5". I really do. I can't honestly wrap my brain around the scenario of ever being normal sized. My sis and I are about the same height and bone structure. She said she weighs 140. Okay, so that *really* means she weighs 145. I can see where she could lose 5lbs or so. I compare myself to her, I should look similar. But I won't. I have wayyyyyy too much fat. Would you guys do me a favor? Would a couple of you try something and see if you have the same weight loss weird stuff I do? Sit on the edge of a chair. Sit so that the fat on your thighs hangs freely. Do you have dents where fat used to be? I'm talking BIG dents. I have one huge dent on the inside of each thigh closer to my knees. I could almost put my fist in there. Gahhh Does anyone else? Did anyone else and it all evened out one day?
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters in april

    An absolute minimum of an hour daily on my treadmill. Once I get a mile of jogging and a mile of power walking I take the rest of the hour and do whatever I feel like. Incline, slower walking, more jogging, whatever I want.
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    December Bandsters in april

    A big ditto here. It doesn't feel better until my pouch is empty.
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    How do you know when it is tight enough

    Tracy's website is just fantastic. I don't usually write anything when I post one of her links because there is simply nothing more to add. She says it all and much better than I would.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    To "shake" or not to "shake"....

    I usually start getting hungry about 2 hours after I wake up. I drink a protein shake and if I ignore head hunger (hard, admittedly) and wait until I actually have stomach hunger... I don't eat again for 4-5 hours.
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    To "shake" or not to "shake"....

    I wait until I start feeling hungry (vs. head hunger) and when I do it is a protein shake. That keeps hunger away for several hours.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    confused about restriction

  18. WASaBubbleButt

    lap band and hiatal hernia

    Something I have noticed and it is true 100% of the time for me. If I am TRYING to speak Spanish, I have yet to have a native Spanish speaker be annoyed or frustrated with what I just said. They are ALWAYS willing to help me and I take full advantage by asking for a word I don't know. I have learned enough Spanish that I can work my way through Mexico, I can speak medical Spanish to my patients, and I can muddle through a simple conversation. I have learned everything I do know from on line sources, my patients, and asking native Spanish speakers for help here and there. It's coming easier and easier. Usually they will find a hiatal hernia during banding surgery and most docs will fix it right then and there. Obesity can cause such a hernia so many of us have/had them. If an unfill fixed your problems, sounds like it isn't likely a hernia causing the problems.
  19. You really can't stretch your band, but you can stretch your pouch or esophagus. A friend of mine got a fill and had great restriction. Soon he realized he could eat anything he wanted, this was within days of having great restriction. He thought he needed another fill and went for one, this time under fluoro. Turns out, he didn't need a fill. He thought food was passing through his stoma and it wasn't, he was using his esophagus as an extended stomach. It was huge, it looked like an engorged colon. It was kinda gross looking and no fine contours. He went on liquids and all is well once again, he has great restriction and no further fill.
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    How do you know when it is tight enough

  21. WASaBubbleButt

    Trouble with editing

    Ohhhh, I have it figured out! Click on "edit" in the post you want to fix. You'll see smiley faces everywhere. Click on "Advanced" and edit your typo. Edit to add: I just did an edit!
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    Telling Friends After-the-Fact

    It is a personal decision. You are not personally obligated to tell anyone about your band just like you don't go around announcing your last pap. It's personal. You tell those you want to and nobody else.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    HELP!!! 6 month supervised diet

    Not sure how these prices compare to retail for the book: http://used.addall.com/SuperRare/RefineRare.fcgi?start=0&id=070429092535976187&dispCurr=USD&inTitle=Eating+for+Life&inAuthor=Phillips&inDesc=&exTitle=&exAuthor=&exDesc=&match=Y&&order=PRICE&ordering=ASC
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    lap band and hiatal hernia

    Hey, I speak Spanglish too! I once had a patient that would be getting IV fluids at home. I called him to tell him (in Spanglish) that his nurse would be there at 6PM to teach him how to use the equipment. Well, that is what I meant to tell him. Apparently what I actually said was a bit different. I told him his breastfeeder would be out at 6PM to teach him how to use the equipment. THAT was kind of embarrassing. Hiatal Hernia: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/hiatal-hernia/DS00099
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    Belly rash after a year and a half? Worry?

    Doesn't sound band related to me. Are you using a new soap? Laundry soap? Anything?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
