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Everything posted by WASaBubbleButt

  1. WASaBubbleButt

    I apologize

    I'm glad that was removed. I assumed they were just fixing another bug and it would be back. I believe I received one bad one, another nurse felt I shouldn't disagree with the opinion of another. I'm thinking she didn't think that one through first. Lauren, you are great. Everyone loves you and if they don't, well they are just stupid.
  2. WASaBubbleButt

    Vitamins?? What do you take??

    My pony tail is about half as thick as it used to be. There is so much of my hair on the floors that it clogs the vacuum cleaner. My dogs poop out my hair. I really do think this is from the anesthesia. Maybe from fast weight loss. Okay, I'm not sure.
  3. WASaBubbleButt

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    Your God requires a human that never met the person to baptize them (assuming they were never baptized) before he will let them enter heaven? Not much of a God in my book. If I were to create a God I have to admit, I'd do a better job. :cry I think just the fact that you don't see the sheer insanity of performing this disgusting practice speaks a great deal. It reminds me of how brain washed I was during my Catholic days. I know I should change my wording but honestly, that is how I feel. I'm really not slamming you, but I do relate to you.
  4. WASaBubbleButt

    PBS special "The Mormons" made me furious!

    Actually, it's typically the believers that think it's great. I recall a group of believers that thought their leader was great too, you know... the folks found dead with quarters in their pockets. The Mormon church is not great. The believers feel that way, but it doesn't make it true. It means it is right for them, not the rest of the world.
  5. WASaBubbleButt

    I am very offended by the B**love post

    I don't know, Carlene. I see his point. He has the right to feel as he does, just as you have the right to feel as you do. You can't really argue how a person feels. However, I don't think he meant his comment in a literal way and I think you know that. It tooks years of work to undo the damage done to me by xtianity. But my case is nothing in comparison to others. Do you think stripping a child nude, laying them on the alter of a church, being restrained by a bunch of nutty adults, holding a knife up and getting ready to stab the demons out of a child because they stutter (and we ALL know someone who stutters is the product of possession) in an effort to "scare" the demons out of them is not bad? How about doing this or something like it day after day after day while the child is screaming bloody murder while believing she will be killed by the nice church people? These are the kinds of people that want prayer in schools, the total whackjobs. I guess I am looking at the fact that I don't believe Marjon meant the comment in a literal sense and I think we have to look at the entire picture.
  6. WASaBubbleButt

    What Do You Call This?

    Wow... sounds *really* early to be eating turkey. You likely still have swelling. Be sure to go back to liquids for a day or two to relieve the additional swelling.
  7. WASaBubbleButt

    on regular food...question..

    It can easily take 2 weeks for you to feel the full effects of your fill. Just take it easy and be careful until you know what will come of this fill.
  8. WASaBubbleButt

    My port is flipped already!!

    Any of your incisions can be really sensitive for a bit. My port incision felt like a burn for a couple of months or so. It's just nerves healing from surgery. But the little bump... scar tissue??
  9. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Wild Oats has them, but I can't find the name of them. I have been looking everywhere I can find and only know about the chips my friend got the other day.
  10. WASaBubbleButt

    Vitamins?? What do you take??

    I am trying something new. My hair is falling out and I know it isn't Protein so it is either quick weight loss, anesthesia, or vitamins/minerals. So I take Centrum Adult Chewables twice daily, Flinstones childrens chewables 3 times daily (with Iron as even mild anemia can cause this), Chewable Calcium (the chocolate kind) twice daily, and Vit E however I don't recall how many IUs. However, I suspect this is from the anesthesia.
  11. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Oh my... I forgot I ordered other stuff! My bottle of Cinnamon syrup is here too! And other stuff. But the parmesan crackers... OMG!
  12. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    OMG! I'm in heaven! My order just got here. I about grabbed it out of the UPS guy's hands! I am sitting here eating Garlic Parmesan crackers. Actually, so are my dogs. They like them as much as I do. We might just open the Onion/Poppy as well. Of course, with 17 boxes of the stuff I don't really have to worry about running out anytime soon! LOL
  13. WASaBubbleButt

    Band is Coming Out

    Hi Mary... I know the struggles you have had. I'm so sorry the band wasn't right for you. You have to do what is right for you and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Good luck to you!
  14. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Supplements: GNC 54 gm Powder

    There is sooooo much information to know, it hard to keep up with it all. We all learn more and more on a daily basis.
  15. WASaBubbleButt

    need a talipia recipe

    <p>Does this fish shrink a lot like Orange Roughy? How much does one buy for 2 people?</p> <p> </p> <p>Thx!</p>
  16. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Supplements: GNC 54 gm Powder

    Please be sure to divide that in half. Your body can only absorb 25gms of protein (or so) at a time. The rest you will have to burn or it turns to fat.
  17. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Supplements: GNC 54 gm Powder

    I don't know for sure, I haven't researched it yet. I asked him if it had to do with the chain and he couldn't recall specifics. There is a chain of amino acids and a full chain makes a Protein. I need to see why this is such a low quality protein. I assume it has to do with the chain? Not sure.
  18. WASaBubbleButt

    Protein Supplements: GNC 54 gm Powder

    Hey, you know what I just learned today? I still have to research the heck out of it but I discovered today that the test tube crap you buy? It's just that, crap. The quality of the protein is quite low. You know the texture of that stuff? Know where it comes from? Jello. Apparently the quality is low, the cost of the products is dirt cheap (cow gristle) and the price is quite high considering the quality is so poor. I was told to search collegen (sp? Sorry, too lazy to look up spelling) protein. He said that would be an eye opener.
  19. WASaBubbleButt

    Cheaper than Bariatriceating.com

    Depends on which shipping method you chose. The cheapest one is $4.95 and it takes five full business days. Mine is coming tomorrow. Neener neener!
  20. WASaBubbleButt

    Everyday is a winding road...

    That is really fantastic, Faith! Congrats to you!!!! Damn girl, do you realize you have already lost over 10% of your total body weight and you aren't even banded yet??? That's great!
  21. Obesity reduces the number of bile salts in the bile, this causes more cholesterol. Obesity also prohibits the way the gallbladder empties. When someone loses weight quickly such as an all protein/no fat diet the gallbladder doesn't function much. Think about it this way, when you eat fats and you have gallbladder problems, about an hour or so after eating you get gallbladder pain. It is the gallbladder trying to do its job. When someone is on a low fat/no fat/high Protein diet the gallbladder never has a reason to function properly and the cholesterol that is in there doesn't empty, it forms stones. When the person loses weight the gallbladder can empty more normally and many times people discover they have gallstones.
  22. WASaBubbleButt

    How Many Calories A Day??

    Sometimes I would eat breakfast, sometimes not. I always ate lunch. Personally I think it is the Protein doing it for me. I drink a shake in the am and noon, it's liquid. It goes right through my band. I eat NO carbs until evening and then I limit them. Otherwise in an hour I am really hungry.
  23. WASaBubbleButt

    How Many Calories A Day??

    I was never hungry before surgery. I ate before I ever experienced that sensation.
  24. WASaBubbleButt

    Barium issues

    With my doc's office Sergio the RN is in with my doc while he's doing the test. Sergio tried telling me he flavored it especially for me, as though it would be good. HA! I explained to him that if it didn't taste as good as he was making it sound, he'd be wearing it. He came clean, it's absolutely horrible. Sometimes it just takes a teeny tiny little threat and the BS comes to an end. HA!
  25. WASaBubbleButt

    How Many Calories A Day??

    Nope, not really sweet spot. I just drink Protein shakes for Breakfast and lunch and I'm not hungry until evening.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
